PECC-ADBI: Services Trade: New Approaches for the 21st Century

From June 01, 2011 until June 03, 2011

At Hong Kong

Categories: PECC Events

Hits: 2180

Pacific Economic Cooperation Council and the Asian Development Bank Institute
Inaugural Conference

in conjunction with the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce


“Services Trade: New Approaches for the 21st Century”


Hosted by the Global Institute for Economics and Finance
the Economic Research Centre of the Institute for Asia Pacific Studies
on the occasion of its 20th anniversary


Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong

1-3 June 2011
Cho Yiu Hall
G/F University Administration Building, Central Campus


Day 1 Wednesday 1 June


Registration for Welcoming Reception


Welcoming Remarks

  • Anthony J.L. Nightingale, Managing Director, Jardine Matheson Ltd;
    Chair of APEC Business Advisory Council Action Plan and Advocacy Working Group


1840 Moderator:
  • Alex Fong, CEO, HKGCC

  • Hamid Mamdouh, Director, Trade in Services Division, WTO Secretariat
  • Kaaren Koomen, Government Relations, IBM Australia and President, Australian Services Roundtable
  • Tan Tai Hiong, Services and Investment Division, ASEAN Secretariat
  • Dale Andrew, Head of Trade Policy Linkages and Services Division, OECD Secretariat
  • Stewart Forbes, Executive Director, Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Coalition of Services Industries
  • Ta-Chung (Jack) Chia, Secretary-General, Taiwan Coalition of Service Industries


1945 Vote of thanks and Commencement of Reception
  • Bernard Pouliot, Chairman and CEO Quam Ltd; Director, Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC)


Day 2 Thursday 2 June




Official Opening


  • Sung Yun-wing, Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, CUHK; and Chair, Hong Kong PECC


Opening Address:

  • Sir James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Distinguished Professor-at-Large and Master, Morningside College, CUHK (youtube video)
  • Charles E. Morrison, President, East-West Center and International Co-Chair, PECC (youtube video)
  • Masahiro Kawai, Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute (youtube video)
  • Maria Kwan, Director-General, Hong Kong Trade and Industry Department (youtube video) / (paper)



Session 1: Theme 1: Behind the Border: Enhancing the Competitiveness of Services


  • Masahiro Kawai, Asian Development Bank Institute  

An Explanatory Framework for Measuring Services Value-added
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Andreas Maurer, World Trade Organization 
  • Ted Tschang, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University


  • Julian Arkell, International Trade and Services Policy (paper)


 Determinants of Competitiveness and Factors affecting Productivity in Services
(paper) / default (presentation) (665 KB)

  • Andrew McCredie, Australian Services Roundtable
  • Christopher Findlay, University of Adelaide


 Benchmarking Competitiveness in Services
(paper) / (presentation) - revised 22 June 2011

  • Sebastien Saez, World Bank


  • Jane Drake-Brockman, Australian Services Roundtable and Hong Kong Coalition of Services Industries



Tea Break



Session 2: Theme 1: Behind the Border; Enhancing the Competitiveness of Services (continued)


  • Charles E Morrison, East-West Center and PECC

 Policy and Regulatory Priorities for Developing Efficient Services Industries
(presentation) (revised on 16 June 2011)

  • Soonhwa Yi, World Bank


  • Bapak Bachrul Chairi, Ministry of Trade, Indonesia


China’s Services Policy Reform: Pre and Post Global Financial Crisis
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Yin Fang, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing




Luncheon: LuMing Room, Benjamin Franklin Building

Tool kits for Promoting Services Exports

  • Fred Lam, Hong Kong Trade Development Council



Session 3: Theme 2: At the Border; Realizing the Benefits from Services Liberalization


  • Sung Yun-wing: Hong Kong Institute of Asia Pacific Studies, CUHK and Hong Kong PECC

The OECD Services Trade Restrictiveness Index: Progress on the Regulatory Database

  • Dale Andrews, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Massimo Geloso-Grosso, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


  • Christopher Findlay, University of Adelaide


 Overview of Policy Planning Techniques, Data Constraints and Results to Examine the Benefits of Services Trade and Investment Liberalization
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Joe Francois, University of Vienna



 Dissecting the Gains from Services Liberalization for Developing APEC Economies
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Raymond Atje, Centre for Strategic and International Studies




Tea Break



Session 4: Theme 2 At the Border; Realizing the Benefits from Services Liberalization (continued)


  • Ted Tschang, Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University

Employment and People-Movement Impacts of Services Trade Liberalization

  • Gloria Pasadilla Asian Development Bank Institute
  • Rupa Chanda, Indian Institute of Management


  • Deunden Nikomborirak, Thailand Development Research Institute


Assessing the International Regulatory Framework applicable to Capital Movement and the Link between Capital Movement and Trade in Services
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Federico Lupo Pasini, CUTS International


  • Bryan Mercurio, Faculty of Law, CUHK
  • David A. Katz, VISA Worldwide Pte Ltd (presentation)


Mapping the Universe of Services Disciplines in PTAs: The Indian Contribution
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Biswajit Nag, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade




Conference Dinner, Meraviglia, No. 10 Science Park West Avenue, Phase 2

Guest Speakers: 

  • William Fung, Deputy Chair, Li and Fung Ltd
  • Nicholas Brooks, Chairman, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation



  • Bob Vastine, CEO US Coalition of Service Industries


Day 3  Friday 3 June


Session 5: Theme 3: Improving the Governance of Services”


  • Jesus Seade, Lingnan University

What is the WTO Delivering for Services

  • Hamid Mamdouh, World Trade Organization


  • Bob Vastine, US Coalition of Service Industries


Developing More Effective Negotiating Modalities and Narrowing the Governance Gap for Services at the WTO

  • Jane Drake-Brockman, Australia Services Roundtable and Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries


  • Sergio Marchi, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development



Tea Break



Session 6: Theme 3 Improving the Governance of Services” (continued)


  • Chin Leng Lim, Faculty of Law, Hong Kong University

Evaluating the Contributions of RTAs to Governance of Services Trade
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Maryse Robert,   Organization of American States
  • Sherry Stephenson, Organization of American States


  • Shujiro Urata, Waseda University


The Services Components of TPP and a Possible FTAAP




Session 7: Theme 3 “Improving the Governance of Services” (continued)


  • Terence Chong, The Institute of Global Economics and Finance, CUHK


Challenges in Building an EU Single Market for Services

  • Julian Arkell, International Trade and Services Policy (paper)


  • Pascal Kerneis, European Services Forum


Challenges in Building the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services 
(paper) / (presentation)

  • Tan Tai Hong, ASEAN Secretariat




Luncheon Discussion: Chung Chi College Staff Centre


Policy Seminar (Chung Chi College Staff Centre):

How Services can promote integration in the Asia-Pacific


  • Anthony Nightingale, Jardine Matheson Ltd, APEC Business Advisory Council Action Plan and Advocacy Working Group

Keynote Address:

  • Paul Tighe, Australian's APEC Senior Official


  • Jesus Seade, Lingnan University
  • Pascal Kerneis, European Services Forum
  • Stewart Forbes, International Chamber of Commerce, Malaysia
  • Matt J. Matthews, US Deputy Consul, Hong Kong
  • Jack Chia, Taipei Coalition of Services Industries  
  • Kaaren Koomen, IBM Australia/New Zealand
  • Carlos Kuriyama, APEC Policy Support Unit



Wrap Up and Closing Ceremony

1900 Global Services Coalition working Dinner (members only)