From December 04, 2012 until December 05, 2012
At Auckland
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 705
A PECC International Project
Sustainable Management of Marine Resources 2011-2012
Concluding Seminar
The Management of Deep Sea Marine Resources and
Oceans as a Means of Communication
December 4 -5, 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
Co-hosted and organized by NZPECC, FPTPEC, and the University of Auckland
Tuesday, December 4 |
0900 - 0915 |
Registration |
0915 - 0930 |
Opening Remarks
0930-1200 |
Session I: Identification and exploration of deep sea mineral and energy resources Chair:
0930-0955 |
The man at sea: Conquering the ‘blue continent’
0955-1020 |
An update on deep seabed minerals activities in the Pacific Islands region: Status, challenges and opportunities
1020-1040 |
Coffee Break |
1040-1130 |
Managing New Zealand's offshore mineral resources – striking a balance between economic development and environmental protection
1105 - 1130 |
Enabling management of offshore mining through improved understanding of environmental impacts – a New Zealand perspective
1130 - 1200 |
Discussion |
1200-1400 |
Lunch |
1400-1630 |
Session 2: Surveillance of oceans Chair:
1400-1415 |
Maritime surveillance – Cooperation among Australia, France and New Zealand to protect and oversee activities in the Pacific Ocean
1415-1425 |
Integrated Management of New Caledonia’s maritime area: The Coral Sea MPA Project
1425-1450 |
Scientific cooperation in the Pacific Ocean
1450-1505 |
Coffee Break |
1505-1530 |
The air and sea surveillance in the Pacific
1530 - 1555 |
International cooperation for the surveillance of marine debris
1555 - 1630 |
Discussion |
1830 |
Dinner (hosted by NZPECC) |
Wednesday, December 5 |
Session 3: How to maintain the level and quality of existing resources and the protection of exclusive zones Chair:
0930- 0955
Deep sea mud in the Pacific Ocean as a new mineral resource for rare earth elements (REEs)
0955-1020 |
From exploration to extraction of marine mineral resources: Knowledge, potential and challenges
1020-1035 |
Coffee Break |
1035 -1100 |
Mineral resources of the deep ocean: characteristics of the major deposit types and advances in exploration technology
1100 –1125 |
Transfer and financing of technology and innovation in the framework of PPPs to better protect the oceans and the coastal zones
1125 – 1200 |
Environmental regulation on the outer continental shelf
1200-1400 |
Lunch |
1400-1530 |
Session 4: Oceans as a means of communication and development Chair:
1400-1425 |
Servicing the broad footprint of customers in the Pacific, an operator perspective
1425-1450 |
The Pacific market for submarine cable systems: Opportunities and challenges
1450-1515 |
Trade and investment impacts of submarine cable disruption
1515-1530 |
Coffee break |
1530-1630 |
Session 5: Conclusion and recommendations Roundtable discussions: Presentation of the recommendations by sessions chairs Closing remarks
1800 |
Cocktail (hosted by FPTPEC) |