From April 29, 1985 until May 01, 1985
At Republic of Korea, Seoul
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 1961
The Fourth PECC General Meeting
April 29 - May 1, 1985
Seoul, Korea
Monday, April 29 |
0930 - 1030 |
Opening Session Chair: Dr. Thanat Khoman , Chairman, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand Opening Address: Dr. Nam Duck-Woo, Chairman, PECC Standing Committee; Chairman, Korean Traders Association, Korea Congratulatory Address: Hon. Lho Shinyong, Prime Minister, Republic of Korea |
1030 - 1130 |
Preliminary Session: Prospect of the Pacific Economies Chair: Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Director-General, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia Presentation: Dr. Saburo Okita, Chairman of the Institute for Domestic and International Policy Studies, Japan Discussion |
1130- 1210 |
Overview Session: Report by the Standing Committee on the Activities of the PECC since Bali Chair: Dr Noordin Sopiee, Director-General, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia Presentation: Dr. Nam Duck-Woo, Chairman, PECC Standing Committee; Chairman, Korean Traders Association, Korea Discussion |
1420 - 1540 |
Plenary Session I: Trade Policy and Trade Negotiations Chair: Prof. Lim Chong-Yah, Head, Department of Economics and Statistics, National University of Singapore Summary: Dr. Soogil Young, Coordinator of the Task Force on Trade Negotiations; Senior Fellow, Korea Development Institute, Korea. Discussion |
1600 - 1720 |
Plenary Session II: Trade Policy and Trade Negotiations (Continued) Chair: Prof. Peter Drysdale, Director, Australia-Japan Research Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Australia Discussion |
Tuesday, April 30 |
0900 -1030 |
Plenary Session III: Fisheries Development and Management Chair: Mr. David SyCip, Senior Advisor, PCI Management Consultants, Inc. Philippines Summary: Prof. Gordon Munro, Coordinator of the Task Force on Agriculture and Renewable Resources Discussion |
1045 – 1215 |
Concurrent Session A: Minerals and Energy Consultation Chair: Dr. Saburo Okita, Chairman of the Institute for Domestic and International Policy Studies, Japan Summary: Mr. Ben Smith, Coordinator of the Task Force on Minerals and Energy Discussion |
Concurrent Session B: Foreign Investment, Technology Transfer, and Capital Flows Chair: Dr. Lawrence Krause of the United States Summary:
1420 - 1540 |
Plenary Session IV: Review of the Concurrent Sessions Chair: Rt. Hon. Brian Talboys of New Zealand Summary of the Concurrent Sessions: Chairmen of the Concurrent Sessions |
1600 - 1730 |
Plenary Session V: General Discussion Chair: Mr. Eric Trigg, Senior Vice President, Alcan Aluminium Ltd., Canada |
Wednesday, May 1 |
0930 - 1100 |
Concluding Session: Summary of the Conference Chair: Dr. Nam Duck-Woo, Chairman, PECC Standing Committee; Chairman, Korean Traders Association, Korea Presentation of the Draft Summary: Mr. Eric Trigg, Senior Vice President, Alcan Aluminium Ltd., Canada Closing Statement: Chairman |