From May 20, 1991 until May 22, 1991
At Singapore
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2173
The Eighth PECC General Meeting
“Pacific Response to Global Challenges”
May 20 - May 22, 1991
Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore
Monday, May 20
0800-0900 |
Registration |
0900 -0920 |
Welcoming of New Members Presenter:
0930-1000 |
Opening and Keynote Address Chair:
1000-1030 |
Reception |
1030-1100 |
Session I: The Chairmen’s Presentations
1100-1215 |
Session II: The Pacific and the International Trading System The Pacific encompasses four continents and has the largest volume of world trade. The same breadth of expanse and activity, however, is no less reflected in its sheer diversity on all levels. The issue of how to accommodate different trading interests, given the varying levels of economic development and social and political systems, is an important one that requires much discussion. Specifically, how the region responds to the recent stalemate in the GATT Uruguay Rounds and the emergence of regional and bilateral economic arrangements will have substantial impact on the direction of the international trading system. |
0830 - 0940 |
General Discussion |
1215 - 1345 |
Luncheon hosted by the Singapore Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (SFCCI) |
1345 - 1515 |
Session III: The Pacific Economic Outlook
The economic outlook for the Asia-Pacific region will be discussed in the light of the major political and economic events occurring in the world. Critical estimates in the forecast growth in the region. The major threats to the forecast will also be addressed.
General Discussion |
1515 - 1530 |
Tea |
1530 - 1700 |
Session IV: Pacific Growth and Energy Security in the 1990s The growth in Pacific energy demand in the 1990’s supplies from the rest of the world. The dilemma will stimulate interest in switching to regional sources of oil, in switching to other local energy sources like gas or coal, and in re-examining fuels such as nuclear power previously given a lower priority. At the same time, concerns about the regional and global environment impacts of growth will complicate design of fuel switching strategies. These developments pose big challenges for government and business in the Pacific. They highlight issues concerning the funding of the investment required in refinery capacity, power generation and other infrastructure, the role of the private sector in contributing that investment, the consequent importance of market-led pricing policies, the contradiction between environmental objectives and supply security interests in the region, the importance of the design of sufficient exploration required and the encouragement to new suppliers, such as the economies of IndoChina or the Soviet Far East.
General Discussion |
1930 |
Dinner hosted by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Community Development and Mrs Wong Kan Seng |
Tuesday, May 21 |
0845 - 0930 |
Session V: Statements by the New Members Chair:
0930 - 1030 |
Session VI: Pacific Growth and the Global Capital Market
Economic growth in the Pacific Basin is becoming increasingly driven by capital movements, both Long- and short-term. While US investments have always been substantial, the increase in capital outflows from Japan and the Asian NIEs are a major factor in the export boom of the ASEAN countries. At the same time, volatility in the stock market, bank closures, debt and other problems have spill-over effects on company performance and the business in general. These will be some of the issues discussed in this session.
General Discussion |
1030- 1100 |
Tea |
1100 - 1230 |
Session VII: The Telecommunications Revolution in the Pacific
Strong, sustainable economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region will depend on a modern, well-integrated telecommunications infrastructure. The competitive advantages of such an infrastructure are becoming evident in Western Europe, but the Asia-Pacific area has yet to undertake a comprehensive review of its telecommunications development. Amid a worldwide information revolution, what factors need to be addressed to enhance telecommunications cooperation in the Pacific region and what specific strategies might usefully pursued?
General Discussion |
1230 - 1400 |
Luncheon hosted by the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) |
1400 - 1530 |
Session VIII: Challenges to Pacific Economic Cooperation: A Panel Discussion
This session will discuss the work of all PECC task forces, fora and working groups, and will examine their recommendations for promoting cooperation in the various fields. The Coordinators of the PECC task forces, fora and working groups will act as a resource panel for this discussion. Chair:
1530 - 1600 |
1600 - 1700
Session VIII: Challenges to Pacific Economic Cooperation (cont’d) : A Panel Discussion Chair:
General Discussion
Wednesday, May 22
0930- 1000 |
Reception |
1000 - 1045
Session IX: Report on the PECC Charter
1045 – 1130
Session X: Other Issues: A General Discussion Chair:
1130 - 1215 |
Session XI: Closing Statements
Statements by Guests
1215 – 1230 |
Session XII: Handing Over Ceremony
Outgoing PECC Chair:
Incoming PECC Chair:
1230 – 1400 |
Farewell Luncheon hosted by the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) |