PECC VI: Sixth PECC General Meeting

From May 17, 1988 until May 20, 1988

At Japan, Osaka

Categories: PECC Events

Hits: 1669

The Sixth PECC General Meeting

The PECC : Present and Future

May 17-20 , 1988

Osaka, Japan




 Reception and Welcome Dinner

  • Dr Saburo Okita, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman of PECC VI
  • H.E. Takujiro Hamada, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan


Congratulatory Address:

  • H.E. Mr Masayoshi Ito, Chairman of the General Council of the Liberal Democratic Party, Japan
  • Dr. Nobuaki Kumagai, President of Osaka University


Guest Speaker:

  • Hon. Yasuhiro Nakasone, Former Prime Minister of Japan


Opening Session


  • Dr Saburo Okita, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman of PECC VI


Congratulatory Address:

  • Hon. Sosuke Uno, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan
  • Mr Osamu Uno, Chairman of Kansai Economic Federation, Japan


Report on the PECC between the Conferences

  • Dr Saburo Okita, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman of PECC VI


Keynote Address

  • Mr Eric A Trigg, Former Chairman of the Standing Committee; Corporate Director, Henson Investments, Canada


Session I - Pacific Economic Outlook - Dynamism and Adjustment


  • Dr Thanat Khoman, Chairman, Thailand National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


  • Prof. Masahiro Sakamoto, Coordinator of the Working Group on Pacific Economic Outlook; Professor, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan


  • Prof. Lawrence B. Krause, Professor of International Relations & Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego, USA
  • Prof. Juanjai Ajanant, Associate Professor, Economics Department, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


Luncheon Address:

  • Mr. Yohei Mimura, Chairman of Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc.

Guest Speaker:

  • Mr. Yeo Cheow Tong, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Acting Minister for Health, Singapore



Session 2: Trade Policy


  • Dr Lim Chong Yah, Chairman of Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Statistics, National University of Singapore


  • Prof. H. Edward English, Coordinator of Trade Policy Forum; Professor of Economics, Carleton University, Canada


  • Mr Wilhelm G. Ortaliz, Vice Chairman, PPEC; Executive Director, Philippine Council for Foreign Relations Inc.
  • Amb. Tomohiko Kobayashi, Ambassador, Special Economic Adviser to the Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.


Session 3: Investment


  • Dr Nam Duck-Woo, Chairman, Korean National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, Korean Foreign Trade Association



  • Dr Narongchai Akrasanee, Coordinator of the Working Group on Investment, TNCPEC; Executive Vice President, Thailand Development Research Institute


  • Prof. Ta-Ho Lin, Professor and Chairman, Department and Graduate Institute of Economics, Taiwan University
  • Mr Masaya Miyoshi, Senior Managing Director, Japan Federation of Economic Organizations



  • Mr. Huan Xiang, Chairman of China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Centre of International Studies of the State Council


Session 4: Minerals and Energy


  • Amb Richard Fairbanks, III, President of U.S. National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Partner, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker


  • Mr Ben Smith, Coordinator of the Minerals and Energy Forum; Professor, Australian National University


  • Mr I-Ling Cheng, Vice President, Technology Division, China Steel Corporation
  • Dr. Rozali bin Mohamed Ali, Visiting Fellow, ISIS


Session 5: Fisheries


  • Mr Cesar Virata, Former Prime Minister of Philippines; Principal Consultant, C. Virata & Associates


  • Dr Gordon R Munro, Coordinator of the Task Force on Fisheries; Professor, University of British Colombia, Canada

Special Speaker:

  • Hon. Carlos Dominguez, Secretary of Agriculture, the Philippines


  • Dr David Doulman, Deputy Director, South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), Pacific Island Nations


Session 6: Livestock and Grains


  • Dr William Saywell, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; President, Simon Fraser University


  • Prof. Allan Rae, Coordinator of the Working Group on Livestock and Grains; Director, Centre for Agricultural Policy Studies, Massey University, New Zealand


  • Dr Shin Haeng Huh, Research Director, Korea Rural Economic Institute


Session 7


  • Mr Jusuf Wanandi, Chairman, Indonesia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)


(1) Review on Pacific Economic Council


  • Prof. Ippei Yamazawa, Coordinator of the Review on Pacific Economic Cooperation Activities; Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Japan


(2) Future PECC Activities and New Initiatives


  • Prof. Seizaburo Sato, Coordinator, JANCPEC; Professor of Political Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Dr. Mark Borthwick (U.S.A)
  • Prof. Edward English, Coordinator of Trade Policy Forum; Professor of Economics, Carleton University


(3) PECC Central Fund


  • Mr Kumao Kaneko, Secretary-General of PECC VI


Dinner Addresses:

  • Mr. Keizo Saji, President of the Osaki Chamber of Commerce
  • Mr. Minoru Yamada, Chairman of Steering Committee of PECC VI


Session 8: Special Osaka Project


  • Dr Noordin Sopiee, Chairman, Malaysian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Director- General, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS)


  • Mr Osamu Uno, Chairman of Kansai Economic Federation, Japan


Final Session: Summary Statement & Closing of PECC VI


  • Dr Saburo Okita, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman of PECC VI
  • Rt. Hon. Brian E. Talboys, Chairman, New Zealand National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, Indosuez N.Z. Ltd



  • H.E. Eng. Luis Sanchez Bazalar, Vice Minister of Mines of Peru
  • H.E. Luis Bravo Aguilera, Under Secretary for International Trade and Leader of the Mexican Representation
  • H.E. Mr Philippe Baude, Minister Plenipotentiary, First Delegate of France to the South Pacific Commission
  • H.E. Mr F.A. Engering, Director-General for Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
  • H.E. Oscar Maurtua, Ambassador of Peru to Canada
  • Mr Yevgeni Primakov, Chairman of the Soviet National Committee for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • Ambassador Patricio Rodriguez, President, Chilean Committee for Pacific Affair; Coordinator, Pacific Basin Matters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile
  • H.E. Mr Nelson Thurdekoos, Ambassador of Ecuador to Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand; Representative of the South Pacific Permanent Commission (CPPS) on behalf of Colombia, Chile, Ecuador and Peru


Farewell Luncheon

  • Mr Chen-Fu Koo, Chairman of Chinese Taipei Member Committee