From September 10, 2014 until September 11, 2014
At China, Beijing
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 5267
Economic Cooperation in Asia Pacific: 2014 and Beyond
10-11 September 2014, Beijing
This year marks the 25th anniversary of APEC and the 20th anniversary of the Bogor Goals. China is a significant partner to regional economic development and cooperation. As host of APEC meetings for 2014, China is committed to “Shaping the Future through Asia Pacific Partnership”, which will be promoted through work under three priorities “ Advancing Regional Economic Integration,” “Promoting Innovative Development, Economic Reform and Growth” and “Strengthening Comprehensive Connectivity and Infrastructure Development.”
As a champion of regional economic cooperation and a founding partner, PECC has an important role to play in helping the APEC policy making process by providing intellectual support. PECC has been not only working on the agenda items of regional economic cooperation for 2014 but also thinking big of the future of regional economic cooperation and integration, on the basis of profound understanding of the mandate of APEC and that of PECC per se.
The PECC 22nd General Meeting will be held about two months prior to the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting. This will provide a unique opportunity for PECC members to provide intellectual input into this year’s APEC process and beyond. It is also a good opportunity to look at China’s economic development and its economic policy orientation.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 |
0900-0910 |
Welcome Remarks |
0910-0930 |
Opening Speech |
0930-1030 |
Keynote Speeches: China’s Development Agenda and its Engagement with Asia Pacific |
1030-1045 |
Coffee Break |
1045-1230 |
Session I - The New Normal: Economic Restructuring in the Asia-Pacific The Asia Pacific economies are entering a “new normal” featuring moderate growth, in-depth economic restructuring in both developed and developing economies, and regional economic integration-cum-fragmentation. There is an urgent need for enhanced policy coordination in the implementation of reform policies. The original vision of a deeply integrated Asia-Pacific offers the best pathway to continued economic prosperity. We will discuss:
Keynote Speeches Q&A Session |
1230-1430 |
Lunch Address : China's Economic Reform and Its Implications for Regional Economic Cooperation With the ever rising position of China's economy in the world, especially in the region, its role of No. 1 trade partner to a considerable number of regional economies, and its ever increasing pile of both inbound and outbound direct investment, China's economic development and reform agenda has long become the focus of attention in the region. With all the difficulties and challenges, the Chinese Government goes headway with the grand reform agenda. What are the implications for regional economic cooperation. Q&A Session |
1430-1610 |
Session II - Exploring the New Drivers and New Ways for Economic Growth While the global economy is showing some signs of recovery, the risks and uncertainties still exist and the steps toward revival are weak. As the locomotive of the global economy, the Asia Pacific region should put innovative development, economic reform and growth high on the agenda of regional economic cooperation. We will discuss:
Keynote Speech Q&A Session |
1610-1630 |
Coffee Break |
1630-1810 |
Concurrent Sessions |
Concurrent Session I - Urbanization and Sustainable Development of Cities : A Ready Engine to Promote Economic Growth and Cooperation Urbanization has been a key driver of growth. Both developed and developing economies are faced with the challenge of developing their cities in a sustainable way. At the same time many cities in the region remain unconnected to the regional and global economies. The challenge is three-fold to promote cities as centers of growth; avoid the chokepoints that will hold back further development; and connect the region’s cities. We will discuss:
Keynote Speech Q&A Session |
Concurrent Session II - The Energy Challenge of Sustainable Development and Energy Security The Asia Pacific region as the fastest developing region area in the world is keen to advance energy security, improve energy efficiency and increase the clean energy supply. The manifold rationale includes boosting economic growth, mitigating the effects of climate change, saving energy, and protecting environment. We will discuss:
Keynote Speech Q&A Session |
Concurrent Session III - Global Value Chains (GVCs) : A New Perspective on Trade and Investment Global Value Chains (GVCs) has important implications for trade and investment patterns and policies and offers new prospects for growth, development and jobs. The trade and investment liberalization and facilitation process in the Asia Pacific region can be better appreciated and promoted from the perspective of GVCs. We will discuss:
Keynote Speech Q&A Session |
Concurrent Session IV - Chinese Entrepreneurs Participating in Regional Economic Cooperation In recent years, the Chinese Entrepreneurs have been going abroad for investment. They have experienced successes and failures. With the ever deepening economic integration, it is even more important to promote exchange of information, experience sharing, and mutual understanding between the Chinese investors and their counterparts.
Q&A Session |
1830-2030 |
Welcome dinner: Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank : A Strong Support to Regional Connectivity
Thursday, 11 September 2014 |
0900-1030 |
Session III - Financial Cooperation in Asia Pacific: Status Quo and Prospects The financial cooperation in the Asia Pacific region lags way behind cooperation in other economic domains. In the economic new normal of the Asia Pacific region, financial cooperation has an important role to play to promote economic growth. We will discuss:
Keynote Speech Q&A Session |
1030-1045 |
Coffee Break |
1045-1215 |
Session IV - Regional Economic Integration: Principles, Pathways, and Vision The economic integration of Asia-Pacific region has stepped into a critical stage. Economic integration and fragmentation in the Asia Pacific region are the major concern for the region. The region can wait no longer to work on the principles and pathways of regional economic integration. A long term vision is in urgent need with the 2020 deadline of Bogor Goals drawing near and the mega-regional free trade arrangements taking shape. At the same time, the leaders in the Asia Pacific region should be always reminded of their role to contribute to the multilateral trading system.
Keynote Speech Q&A Session |
1215-1230 |
Concluding Session Closing Remarks |
1230-1400 |
Lunch Address: APEC on its Way Forward Q&A Session |
Next Generation Program
9-11 September 2014, Beijing
Project Summary and Significance
The 2014 PECC Next Generation Program will bring together 50 promising young leaders from PECC member economies for a 3 day conference in Beijing including Participating in the PECC General Meeting and Standing Committee Meeting. The program will give young scholars from diverse backgrounds a platform to express their views about the future of the economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014 |
0900-0910 |
Welcome Remarks
0910-0930 |
Opening Speech
0930-1030 |
Session I - How to Develop Policy Support Papers As a conventional activity, the youth delegates will be given a lecture on how to develop policy support papers at the beginning of the youth program. The methods and skills will then be applied to assignments in the following sessions. Moderator:
Discussion |
1030-1045 |
Coffee Break |
1045-1215 |
Session II - People to People Connectivity - Young Scholars as Key Stakeholders in Cross-border Education As one of the priorities of APEC 2014, connectivity includes physical connectivity, institutional connectivity and people to people connectivity. The youth delegates are keen on the people to people connectivity as they are key stakeholders in cross-border education. Their voices for the facilitation of cross-border education will serve as direct reference of policy making. The session is designed to collect the concerns, views, and policy advice of young scholars. With the writing skills they have just learned, the participants are instructed to develop a policy paper on the basis of a lecture and discussion. Moderator:
Discussion |
1215-1330 |
Lunch |
1330-1530 |
Session III - Attending PECC Standing Committee Meeting |
1530-1545 |
Coffee Break |
1545-1730 |
Session IV - Role of Young Scholars in Promoting Innovative Green Economy The young scholars represent a major force in innovation and green economy at present and in future. They shall define their role in promoting innovative green economy in the Asia Pacific region. Moderator:
Discussion |
1900-2100 |
Theme Buffet: Cross-Border Eduation Beijing Jiaotong University Guest of Honor:
Wednesday, 10 September 2014 |
0900-2030 |
Attending PECC General Meeting |
Thursday, 11 September 2014 |
0900-1230 |
Attending PECC General Meeting |
1330-1600 |
Presentation and Submission of report and summaries PECC GM XXII:Student Delegate Presentation on Liberalization of Cross Border Education Sharing views on the PECC Next Generation Program Certificates Presentation |
1800-2200 |
Dinner for all student delegates |