First Public Private Dialogue on Services

On February 03, 2015

At Clark

Categories: APEC Events

Hits: 2837

 APEC 2015
First  Public Private  Dialogue  on Services

In partnership with

the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) of the Philippines and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)

03 February 2015
Clark Freeport Zone, Pampanga, Philippines

The First Public Private Dialogue on Services in 2015 (PPD 2015) is the first of a series of dialogues that will be held on services envisioned to guide APEC’s public and private stakeholders in:

a.    Examining developments, challenges, and opportunities for the services sectors;
b.    Identifying new strategies for building the full potential of the services sector;
c.    Generating policy options towards removing barriers to services trade;
d.    Developing an innovative approach in pursuing the services agenda of APEC;
e.    Fostering collaboration and best practice exchanges to promote services growth.

The first PPD will cover Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM), Creative Industries, and  Research and Development Services.  The second PPD will  focus on services relevant to the goods sector (e.g. manufacturing-related services).

The two PPDs, which will be held at the margins of the First and Second Senior Officials’ Meetings, respectively, will lead up to the first  Regional Conference of Services Coalitions and Services Industries at the margins of the Third Senior Officials’ Meeting.



A Public Private Dialogue on
Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM),
Creative Industries, and Research and Development Services


Opening Session


Welcome Remarks

  • Doris Magsaysay Ho, ABAC 2015 Chair


Opening Statement

  • Hon. Laura Q. Del Rosario, APEC 2015 SOM Chair


Session 1: Trends in Services Trade and Investment
This session will introduce the overarching objective of the Dialogue Series to guide APEC’s public and private stakeholders in steering an APEC agenda that will promote and advance services in the Asia-Pacific region. This session will provide an overview of the latest trends and developments in services, including on sector development and reform. The session will also discuss the current services regimes in APEC, and begin the discussion on how the APEC platform, whether through private and/or public streams, or through top-down or bottom-up approaches – can yield practical and results-oriented policies and programs that champion services as drivers of economic growth.


  • Amb. Antonio I. Basilio, Chairman, PECC Philippine National Committee (PPECC)


The New Trade-Investment-Services-Know-How Nexus and Implications for Services Sector Development and Reform

  • Jane Drake-Brockman, Senior Service Advisor, International Trade Centre (ITC)


 Overview of Services Regimes in APEC

  • Gloria O. Pasadilla, Senior Analyst, APEC Policy Support Unit


Open Forum / Q&A


Coffee Break


Session 2: Creating Globally Competitive IT-BPM, Creative Industries, and R&D Services - Sharing of Economy Experiences
Recognizing that collaboration and the exchange of best practices are crucial in building the full potential of the services sectors, this session will highlight how economies and industries were able to create globally competitive services sector notwithstanding the challenges presented by 21st century trade and investment realities. Speakers will share lessons learned and experiences in navigating the region’s economic environment, as well as identify the critical success factors including the necessary workforce skills for global competitiveness in the 21st century.


  • Amb. Roberto R. Romulo, Honorary Chair of the Philippines PECC Committee, Former Chair e-ASEAN Task Force, and ABAC Founding Chair (1996)



  • Genny Inocencio Marcial, Executive Director for External Affairs and Membership, Information Technology and Business Process Association
    of the Philippines (IBPAP)


  • Hong Xue, Founding Director, Institute for Internet Policy and Law,
    Beijing Normal University


  • Rajesh Aggarwal, Chief, Trade Facilitation and Policy for Business Section, International Trade Centre (ITC)


  • Shanti Jagannathan, Senior Education Specialist, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Open Forum / Q&A




Session 3: Global Value Chains (GVCs) in IT-BPM, Creative Industries, and R&D Services – Opportunities and Challenges in GVC Participation
Trade in services has a critical role in GVCs. The APEC Strategic Blueprint for Promoting Global Value Chains Development and Cooperation defines APEC’s commitment to promote open, efficient, and internationally-competitive service sectors, and maximize the contribution that services can make to strong, resilient and reliable supply chains in this region. This session tackles the different opportunities and challenges in GVC participation. Speakers will also share their experiences and insights on an enabling trade and investment environment for GVC growth from the view of an industry or a small company. The constraints that need to be addressed for firms to join and move up the value chain will be identified. Suggestions on how regional cooperation can enhance GVC participation of SMEs will also be explored.


  • Amb. Antonio I. Basilio, Chairman, PECC Philippine National Committee (PPECC)



  • Giorel Q. Del Rosario, MIS Head, Philippine Animators Group, Inc.


  • Jenny Wong, Executive Director, Asia-Pacific Public Policy, Time Warner



  • Vivianne Arnold, CEO, Franklin Phillips Vice President, Australian Services Roundtable


Open Forum / Q & A


Coffee Break


Session 4: Opportunities and Barriers
This session will discuss the evolving services landscapes brought about by new technologies such as in digital trade and the “Dawn of Big Data”. The session will consider how the speed and complexity of innovation in the 21st century presents opportunities to harness services as an engine for growth. The discussion further tackles possible responses that will facilitate trade and investment given new challenges.


  • Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)


Barriers to Digital Trade and Investment

  • Susan Stone, Senior Trade Policy Analyst of Development Division, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


Opportunities in Digital Trade

  • William Fitzgerald, Policy Manager, Public Policy and Government Affairs, Google


  • Peter Lovelock, Director, Telecommunications Research Project Corporate (TRPC)


  • Kai Elmer Sotto, Former Head for Asia Pacific, Mobile and Growth, Facebook


  • Sassoon Grigorian, Director of Public Policy, eBay Inc., Asia Pacific


  • Kimberley Claman, Director, Global Government Affairs, Citigroup Inc.


Open Forum / Q&A


Session 5: Brainstorming on the way forward for APEC
Tying all the insights, suggestions and ideas offered by the previous sessions, this session will be an open forum or a collective brainstorming on how APEC can push the services agenda forward. Representatives from industries can share their insights on key challenges that need to be addressed in the services sector.
The session may also want to consider the work being done in the various APEC fora to promote the services agenda. Practical action points and approaches to maximize the benefits of GVC participation by the services sector may be shared.


  • Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)

Report on the Outcomes of the APEC Symposium on ‘Good Policy and Regulatory Practices for Facilitating Trade and Investment in Telecommunications and ICT Services,’ 09-10 December 2014

  • Deciana Speckmann, Policy Officer, APEC Branch Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

Report on the Outcomes of the Joint APEC Economic Committee (EC)- Group on Services (GOS)- PECC Meeting, 01 February 2015

  • Rory McLeod, Policy Director, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand and Chair, APEC Economic Committee


Open Forum / Q&A


Closing Remarks