From September 12, 2015 until September 12, 2015
At Philippines, Manila
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 8012
Friday, 11 September 2015 | |
0900-1000 |
Opening Session Welcoming Remarks
Keynote Speaker:
1000-1030 |
Coffee Break |
1030-1200 |
Plenary Session I: Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Asia-Pacific Century The 21st century was touted as the Asia-Pacific century, 15 years on with the fallout from the Global Financial Crisis still bearing over the world economy, what will the drivers of growth be in the coming 5-10 years? The structural changes taking place in major economies such as China, Japan and the United States, the growing constraints on the supply of resources and environmental concerns will have a profound impact on prospects for growth for the entire region. On the other hand, the broader adoption of new technology and new ways of conducting business may provide solutions and opportunities for growth. What role for policy reform and regional cooperation to facilitate new growth engines? Moderator:
Keynote Speaker:
Open discussion |
1200-1400 |
Lunch ASEAN Economic Community ASEAN agreed to realize, by the end of 2015, the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and implement initiatives to achieve a single market and production base, allowing the free flow of goods, services, investments, and skilled labor, and the freer movement of capital across the region. What are the prospects for achieving the AEC by the end of this year? What are the potential benefts and challenges and what should be the next steps? Panel Discussion: Moderator:
1400-1530 |
Plenary Session II: Challenges of Promoting Inclusive Growth Over the past 35 years the world has witnessed an almost unprecendented increase in the creation of wealth and a reduction in global income inequality. Since 1970, the share of global income of the richest countries has gone down from 87 percent to 74 percent and the average global income has doubled from around US$4,000 to close to US$8,000. However income inequality has also been on the rise. What can be done to ensure that the next phase of growth is more inclusive? Moderator:
Keynote Speaker:
Open Discussion |
1530-1645 |
Plenary Session III: Mega-Regionals and the Future of the Trade System When the Philippines last hosted APEC in 1996 there were relatively few preferential trade deals among regional economies. Since then, driven by the stalling of the WTO Doha Round and impatience from the business community the trend has been towards bilateral and regional trade deals. Some of these are being consolidated in the form of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Is it now time to work towards the convergence of these agreements as suggested by a panel of experts convened by former WTO Director General Pascal Lamy "We recommend that WTO members engage explicitly in an exploration of ways in which preferential trade agreements and the principles underlying them could increasingly converge with the multilateral system." Moderator:
Keynote Speaker:
Open Discussion |
1645-1715 |
Coffee Break |
1715-1830 |
Concurrent Sessions:
1900-2100 |
Gala Dinner Moderators:
Conversation with Roberto R. Romulo, Past PECC Chair & Honorary PPECC Chair |
Saturday, 12 September 2015 |
0830-1000 |
Plenary Session IV: The Role of Regional Financial Cooperation in Promoting Economic Growth While the Asia-Pacific region and especially East Asia have become increasingly integrated through trade, intra-regional financial flows are more limited. What steps can be taken to promote the efficient recycling of capital through the system to promote innovative and inclusive and balanced growth in regional economies? Will we see increased use of local currencies in settlement of trade and financial transactions? Moderator:
Keynote Speaker:
Open Discussion |
1000-1030 |
Coffee Break |
1030-1200 |
Plenary Session V: Connectivity: Challenges for Global Value Chains While regional policy-makers remain broadly supportive of free trade and global value chains offer a quick way for economies to enter the trading system, international trade remains limited to the region's cities and large companies. What are the priority issues that need to be addressed to ensure that more of the region's small and medium enterprises can engage in international commerce? How can we strengthen the services sector to promote greater participation in global value chains? What strategies can second and third tier cities pursue to benefit from globalization and integration? Moderator:
Keynote Speaker:
Open Discussion |
1200-1230 |
Closing session Summary and Wrap:
Closing Remarks:
1230-1400 |
Lunch ASEAN and APEC Convergence The end of 2015 will mark a critical milestone in regional economic integration with the ASEAN Economic Community. At the same time, APEC is just five years away from the Bogor Goals. When APEC was formed in 1989, all then ASEAN members were founding members. ASEAN's agreement to forming APEC was in 1989 a key diplomatic hurdle. Since then, only one of the new ASEAN members have joined APEC. This divergence in membership has meant that the broader Asia-Pacific institution has evolved without all of ASEAN's members part of the process who are seen as 'central' to the regional process. Has this weakened regional cooperation efforts? Should and how can ASEAN and APEC work more together to promote deeper regional economic integration and cooperation? Panel Discussion: Moderator:
Open Discussion
Thursday, 10 September 2015 | |
Plenary: The Youth's Role in Fostering People Connectivity in Building Inclusive Economies | |
0830-0900 |
Registration |
0900-1030 |
Opening Session Master of Ceremonies:
Welcoming Remarks
Keynote Speaker:
Open Forum Facilitator:
1030-1100 |
Coffee / Tea Break |
1100-1230 |
Inspirational Message
Panel Moderator:
1200-1330 |
Lunch Plenary: Networking |
1400-1730 |
Workshops Facilitator:
1730-1800 |
Draft Resolutions |
1800-2100 |
Dinner Plenary: Networking / Socials Closing Session |