CNCPEC International Symposium: Connecting the Connectivities in Asia-Pacific and the Next Generation Program

From September 27, 2016 until September 28, 2016 12:10

At China, Yangzhou

Categories: PECC Events

Hits: 3082

International Symposium on

"Connecting the Connectivities in Asia-Pacific"

Yangzhou City, China
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Organized by: China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC)

Assisted by: Government of Yangzhou City, APEC Study Center, Nankai University

Supported by: World Canal Cities Organization (WCCO)


0800 - 0840


0840 - 0850

Welcoming Remarks

  • Tang Guoqiang, Co-Chair, PECC; Chair, CNCPEC
  • Wang Zhijian, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou

0850 - 1010

Keynote Address


  • Donald Campbell, Co-Chair, PECC; Chair, CANCPEC; Distinguishd Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Senior Strategy Advisor, DLA Piper LLP

Keynote Speakers:

  • Huang Mengfu, Former Vice Chairman, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; Honorary Chair of CNCPEC ( pdf download (264 KB) )
  • Tan Jian, China APEC-Senior Official

1010 - 1020

Group Photo

1020 - 1135

Session 1: The inner links between the regional and sub-regional connectivity initiatives and the opportunities and challenges for connecting these initiatives


  • Djisman Simandjuntak, Chair, INCPEC; Chairman of the Executive Board of Prasetiya Mulya Foundation; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center for Strategic and International Studies Foundation, Jakarta


Open Discussion

1135 - 1145

Coffee Break

1145 - 1300

Session 2: Physical connectivity: sharing experiences and exploring the practicable ways of interconnecting various initiatives


  • Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair, TNCPEC; Chairman, Khon Kaen University Council; Former Minister of Energy and of Commerce, Thailand


  • Djisman Simandjuntak, Chair, INCPEC; Chairman of the Executive Board of Prasetiya Mulya Foundation; Chairman of the Board of Directors of Center for Strategic and International Studies Foundation, Jakarta ( pdf download (349 KB) )
  • Hugh Stephens, Vice-Chair, CANCPEC; Principal, Trans-Pacific Connections, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada ( pdf download (1.14 MB) )
  • Odonjil Banzragh, Ambassador in charge of Mongolia-China-Russia Economic Corridor program, People's Republic of Mongolia ( pdf download 1 (707 KB) ) ( pdf download 2 (2.56 MB) )
  • Cao Honghui, Vice President, Research Institute of China Development Bank
  • Zhou Qiangwu, Director General, International Economics and Finance Institute (IEFI), Ministry of Finance, PRC ( pdf download (920 KB) )

Open Discussion

1300 - 1400


1400 - 1500

Session 3: Institutional connectivity: sharing experiences and exploring the practicable ways of interconnecting various initiatives


  • Denis McNamara, Chair, NZPECC; Consultant, Lowndes


  • Lee Kwok On Matthew, Chair, HKCPEC; Vice-President (Development & External Relations); Chair Professor of Information Systems and Electronic Commerce, City University of Hong Kong
  • Chul Chung, Vice-Chair, KOPEC; Vice-President, Department of International Trade, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP); Director, Korea National Center for APEC Studies and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) ( pdf download (440 KB) )
  • Pierre Chartier, Chief, Transport Infrastructure Section, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
  • Andrew Elek, Research Associate at the Crawford school of public policy, Australia National University ( pdf download (455 KB) )
  • Chen Bo, Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SHUFE) ( pdf download (937 KB) )

Open Discusssion

1500 - 1515

Coffee Break

1515 - 1615

Session 4: People-to-people connectivity: sharing experiences and exploring the practicable ways of interconnecting various initiatives


  • Loreto Leyton, Chair, CHILPEC; Executive Director, Chile Pacific Foundation


  • Loreto Leyton, Chair, CHILPEC; Executive Director, Chile Pacific Foundation ( pdf download (159 KB) )
  • Charles E. Morrison, President, East-West Center, Former Co-Chair, PECC ( pdf download (934 KB) )
  • Rastam Mohd Isa, Chair, MANCPEC; Chairman and Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia ( pdf download (1.37 MB) )
  • Antonio I. Basilio; Chair, PPECC; President, Philippine Foundation for Global Concerns, Inc ( pdf download (961 KB) )
  • Chien-Fu Lin; Chair, CTPECC; President, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, Chinese Taipei ( pdf download (779 KB) )
  • Karina Morales Herrera, Consul General of the Republic of Ecuador in Shanghai, China ( pdf download (267 KB) )

Open Discussion

1615 - 1745

Session 5: Recommendations for connecting the connectivity-related initiatives within the Asia-Pacific region


  • Andrew Elek, Research Associate at the Crawford school of public policy, Australia National University


  • Lim Jock Hoi, Chair, BDCPEC; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Brunei Darussalam ( pdf download (1.13 MB) )
  • Donald Campbell, Co-Chair, PECC; Chair, CANCPEC; Distinguished Fellow, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; Senior Strategy Advisor, DLA Piper LLP
  • Zosimo Morillo, Consul General of Peru in Shanghai, China
  • Vo Tri Thanh, Chair, VNCPEC; Senior Expert, Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM)
  • Liu Chenyang, Director, APEC Study Center, Nankai University ( pdf download (402 KB) )

Open Discussion

1745 - 1800

Concluding Remarks

  • Tang Guoqiang, Co-Chair, PECC; Chair, CNCPEC

1900 - 2100

Dinner to be hosted by People's Government of Yangzhou



 2016 PECC Next Generation Program

Yangzhou City, China
Tuesday, 26 - 28 September 2016



The 2016 PECC Next Generation Program will be held over the same period of PECC Standing Committee meetings of 2016 and CNCPEC Symposium on Connecting the Connectivities in Asia-Pacific. The program will bring together 30 promising young scholars from PECC member economies for a 3-day event in Yangzhou, China to further involve in the cooperating process of the Asia-Pacific region.

The young delegates will attend the symposium, and from their perspective, discuss the possible cooperation that will enhance connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region, and give a short presentation at the PECC Standing Committee Meeting. They will also attend other related events.


  • To promote exchange of opinions on regional economic cooperation, and enhance intercultural dialogue;
  • Developing awareness of Asia-Pacific cooperation among young leaders and creating a new generation of PECC leaders
  • To understand and participate in a track two process.
  • To train next generation leaders to be able to make meaningful contribution in track two discussions.



25 September 2016, Sunday


Arrival and Registration

26 September 2016, Monday

0930 - 1130

Site Visit - Relics Park of Yangzhou in Tang Dynasty, Heyuan Garden

1200 - 1330


1400 - 1745



Experts will deliver presentations to better prepare young delegates of the three areas of improving connectivity:
  • Physical connectivity
  • Institutional connectivity
  • People-to-people connectivity


  • Akhmad Bayhaqi, Senior Analyst, Policy Support Unit
  • Pierre Chartier, Chief, Transport Infrastructure Section, Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

The delegates will discuss the cooperating possibilities of improving connectivity over the three areas.

 1900 - 2100

Welcoming Reception by CNCPEC

27 September 2016, Tuesday

 0840 - 1010

International Symposium on "Connecting the Connectivities in Asia-Pacific"

  • Welcoming Remarks and Keynote Address
  • Group Photo
  • Session I: The inner links between the regional and sub-regional connectivity initiatives and the opportunities and challenges for connecting these initiatives
  • Session II: Physical connectivity: sharing experiences and exploring the practicable ways of interconnecting various initiatives

 1300 - 1400


 1400 - 1800

International Symposium on "Connecting the Connectivities in Asia-Pacific"

  • Session III: Institutional connectivity: sharing experiences and exploring the practicable ways of interconnecting various initiatives
  • Session IV: People-to-people connectivity: sharing experiences and exploring the practicable ways of interconnecting various initiatives
  • Session V: Recommendations for connecting the connectivity-related initiatives within the Asia-Pacific region
  • Concluding Remarks

 1900 - 2100

 Dinner to be hosted by People's Government of Yangzhou

28 September 2016, Wednesday

0900 - 1130


1130 - 1200

Attend Standing Committee Meeting

The representative will give a presentation on connectivity at the PECC Standing Committee Meeting.

Prize awarding ceremony of last year’s essay competition winners

1400 - 1800

Site Visit of Yangzhou City