From July 08, 2003 08:00 until July 09, 2003 08:00
At Hua Hin
Posted by Mr Eduardo Pedrosa
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2616
Finance Forum
Second Annual Conference
Issues and Challenges for Regional Financial Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific
8-9 July 2003
Hua Hin, Thailand
Monday 7 July |
1230 |
Preparatory Meeting of the ad hoc Coordinating Group of the Forum |
1900 |
Welcoming Reception and Dinner
Tuesday 8 July |
0845-0900 |
Opening Session Opening Remarks
Welcoming Remarks
Congratulatory Remarks
0900-1120 |
Session I: The Outlook for Financial and Monetary Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region: Risks and Challenges Chair: Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Vice-Chairman, TNCPEC |
0900-0945 |
Presentations The Outlook of Financial and Monetary Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region
Implications of the Security Agenda for Financial Flows and Integration in the Region
Globalization, Disease and Its Financial Impact: the Case of SARS
0945-1015 |
Comments Discussant 1: Dr. Ifzal Ali, Chief Economist, ADB |
1015-1030 |
Coffee Break |
1030-1120 |
Discussion |
1120-1500 |
Session II: Financial and Monetary Cooperation in East Asia at a Crossroads Chair: Prof. Wendy Dobson, University of Toronto |
1120-1205 |
Presentations Financial, Monetary and Economic Cooperation in East Asia: Where We Are, Where We Want to Be, and How We Get There from Here
1205-1245 |
1250-1400 |
Luncheon hosted by Mr. Chartsiri Soponpanich, President of Thai Bankers' Association, represented by Mr. Twatchai Yongkittikul, Secretary General |
1400-1500 |
Discussion |
1500-1820 |
Session III: Developing Regional Bond Markets in East Asia: Issues and Proposals Chair: Prof. Yung-Chul Park, Korea University |
1500-1600 |
Presentations Creating Regional Bond Markets in East Asia: Rationale and Strategy
The ABC of Asian Bonds
1600-1620 |
Tea Break |
1620-1650 |
1650-1820 |
Discussion |
1900 |
Reception and Dinner hosted by Dr. Soogil Young, Vice-Chairman of Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC) |
Wednesday 9 July |
0900-1045 |
Session IV: Financing SMEs: Issues and Options from the Ecotech Perspective Chair: Dr. Jesus Estanislao, Institute of Directors and Corporate Governance Business Sector Advisory Groups |
0900-0945 |
Presentations Financing Challenges of SMEs from the Policy Perspective
0945-1015 |
1015-1045 |
Discussion |
1045-1100 |
Coffee Break |
1100-1240 |
Session V: Risk Management in the Banking Sector of APEC Economies: Current Practices and Capacity Building Challenges Chair: Mr. Ken Waller, APEC Business Advisory Council |
1100-1130 |
Presentations Regulatory and Business Environment for Risk Management in the Banking Sectors: Report of a Survey of the APEC Economies
The Role of Bank Supervisory Authorities under the New Basel Accord: Challenges for Asia
1130-1200 |
1200-1240 |
Discussion |
1250-1400 |
Luncheon hosted by Dr. Jeffrey Koo, Chairman of Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC) represented by Dr. David Hong, CTPECC Finance Forum |
1400-1550 |
Session VI: The Impact of RTAs and GATS on Financial Services Liberalization in the APEC Region Chair: Prof. Robert Scollay, Coordinator, PECC Trade Forum |
1400-1430 |
Presentation Impacts of NAFTA-type RTAs
Singapore's RTAs on Services Liberalization: A Comparative Study
1430-1500 |
1500-1550 |
Discussion |
1550-1610 |
Tea Break |
1610-1750 |
Summing-up Session: Key Findings, Issues and Recommendations Chair: Dr. Soogil Young, Forum Coordinator |
1610-1720 |
Review of Discussion by Session |
1720-1750 |
Review of Policy Messages |
1750-1800 |
Concluding Remarks
1900 |
Post-Conference Review Meeting of the ad hoc Coordinating Group of the Forum |