On November 13, 2024
At French Polynesia, Tahiti
Categories: PECC Events, FPTPEC
Hits: 154
“The digital twins of the Pacific Ocean”
Wednesday, 13 November 2024, Tahiti, French Polynesia
Co-organized by the France Pacific Territories National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (FPTPEC), in association with the Center for Tourism Studies in Oceania and in the Pacific (CETOP)., and the Maritime Cluster of French Polynesia (CMPF).
(Time Reference: Tahiti Time, TAHT = UTC-10)
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Wednesday, 13 November 2024 |
8:00am | Welcome and opening remarks
8:20am 09:20am |
Europe's digital ocean twin The ocean's digital twin, Mission Starfish, and the Third United Ocean Conference (UNOC3)
Towards a European ocean pact: origin, objectives and link with the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference
Europe's digital ocean twin
The Pacific digital twin and its derivatives in French Polynesia The Tahiti Geodesic Observatory (OGT): its applications and evolution
Very high-resolution climate simulations to help local populations develop adaptation strategies adapted to the cultural and geographical specificities of French Polynesia: the CLIPSSA project and its successor CLIPSSA+ focused on the Pacific Ocean
The Island Digital Ecosystem Avatar (IDEA) Consortium
The Tetiaroa Environmental Observatory and the monitoring of this atoll using geomatic techniques
Digital twin of the ocean and data on plastic pollution
11:00am | The Pacific digital twin and its derivatives in New Caledonia
A harmonious trio for a future digital twin of the Pacific Ocean
11:30am | Conclusions and end of seminar |