FPTPEC (PECC) Webinar: "The digital twins of the Pacific Ocean"

On November 13, 2024

At French Polynesia, Tahiti

Categories: PECC Events, FPTPEC

Hits: 154

2024 FPTPEC Webinar 13112024



“The digital twins of the Pacific Ocean”

Wednesday, 13 November 2024, Tahiti, French Polynesia

Co-organized by the France Pacific Territories National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (FPTPEC), in association with the Center for Tourism Studies in Oceania and in the Pacific (CETOP)., and the Maritime Cluster of French Polynesia (CMPF).


(Time Reference: 
Tahiti Time, TAHT = UTC-10)


Click here to view the recording 

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

8:00am  Welcome and opening remarks
  • Nabila Gaertner-Mazouni, Vice-President of the Research Commission at the University of French Polynesia (UPF)

  • Pascal Lamy, Chairman of the France Pacific Territories National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (FPTPEC)

  • Oliver Poivre D' Arvor, French Ambassador for Polar and Maritime Affairs, Special Envoy of the President of the French Republic for the Third United Nations Ocean Conference (UNO3) in Nice (2025)

Europe's digital ocean twin

The ocean's digital twin, Mission Starfish, and the Third United Ocean Conference (UNOC3)
  • Pascal Lamy, Chairman of the France Pacific Territories National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (FPTPEC), Chairman of the European Starfish 2030 Mission Board, Coordinator of the Jacques Delors Institute (Paris, Berlin, Brussels)

Towards a European ocean pact: origin, objectives and link with the 3rd United Nations Ocean Conference

  • Geneviève Pons, Managing Director and Vice-Chairwoman of Europe - Jacques Delors, Co-Chairwoman of Ifremer's Stakeholder Committee

Europe's digital ocean twin

  • Pierre Bahurel, Founder and Managing Director, Mercator Ocean International

The Pacific digital twin and its derivatives in French Polynesia

The Tahiti Geodesic Observatory (OGT): its applications and evolution

  • Marania Hopuare-Klouman, Assistant Professor in Oceanography, Deputy Director of OGT, GEPASUD, UPF

Very high-resolution climate simulations to help local populations develop adaptation strategies adapted to the cultural and geographical specificities of French Polynesia: the CLIPSSA project and its successor CLIPSSA+ focused on the Pacific Ocean

  • Victoire Laurent, Meteorologist and head of the research and climatology office since 2001 at Météo-France in French Polynesia

The Island Digital Ecosystem Avatar (IDEA) Consortium

  • Neil Davies, Director, Gump Station (UCB), Moorea

The Tetiaroa Environmental Observatory and the monitoring of this atoll using geomatic techniques

  • Benoit Stoll, Assistant Professor in Remote Sensing and Computer Science, SECOPOL, UPF

Digital twin of the ocean and data on plastic pollution

  • François Galgani, Oceanographer specializing in environmental sciences (senior scientist at IFREMER)
 11:00am The Pacific digital twin and its derivatives in New Caledonia

A harmonious trio for a future digital twin of the Pacific Ocean

  • Lionel Loubersac, Vice-Chairman and founding member of the Maritime Cluster of New Caledonia, member of the New Caledonia FPTPEC committee, partner and Pacific manager of ABYSSA
11:30am Conclusions and end of seminar