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Globalization and economic integration are changing the face of tertiary education in the world today. Students are now exploring an ever increasing range of options for university degrees -both in where and how they study.

Traditional hubs like the United States (565,000 foreign students), the United Kingdom (270,000) and Austrlaia (280,000) are vying with emerging centers like China (140,000), Japan (100,000), Singapore (50,000) and Malaysia (45,000).

The project will examine developments in the education sector and the opportunities and challenges they present for regional economic integration and community building in the Asia Pacific.

The project team will examine trends in the various modes of supply of education services across international borders and identify impediments to efficient international cooperation in this sector.

Getting policy right in this sector is matter of significant concern for all economies in the region, to remove constraints to growth and to promote structural change.

The results of the research are now available as a book published by World Scientific.

Project Team

The project is a collaborative effort between the Pacific Economic Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU)

Project Coordinator for PECC
Prof Christopher Findlay, Vice-Chair, AUSPECC and the University of Adelaide

Project Coordinators for APRU
Prof William Tierney, Wilbur-Kieffer Professor of Higher Education, Director, Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis, University of Southern California
Prof Lloyd Armstrong, Provost Emeritus and Professor of Education, University of Southern California

The project team's recommendations will be based on reseach papers commissioned by PECC and APRU.

  • The regional education market and modes of supply
    Lead Author: Dr Young-Chul Kim, Korean Educational Development Institute
  • Policy reform
    Lead Author: Prof Philippa Dee, The Australian National University
  • Quality and recognition
    Lead Author: Dr Jane Knight, Fulbright New Century Scholar Program
  • Demography and migration
    Lead author: Lesleyanne Hawthorne, University of Melbourne and OECD
  • Business Models
    Lead Author: Federico Macaranas, Asian Institute of Management, Philippines
  • Links to research
    Lead Author: Morshidi Sirat, National Higher Education Research Institute, Malaysia

"Workshop: The Asia Pacific Education Market"

Date and time
8.30am - 5pm, Saturday 8th December 2007

The Sheraton on the Park Hotel,
161 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Tel: 61 2 9286 6896.