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Past Projects


Led by the Chinese Taipei PECC committee, the 26th Pacific Economic Community seminar focused on "Examining the Mid and Long-Term Structural Unemployment Issues in the Asia Pacific," hosted by CTPECC took place in Taipei during the fourth quarter of 2011. (see more)

Food and Agriculture

The Pacific Food System Outlook represents the first regionwide coordinated effort to provide the outlook for the Pacific food system. (see more)

Labor Mobility

With intensifying globalization, reinforced by demographic changes, international labor mobility has been on the rise in recent decades in the Asia Pacific region. In fact, labor flows have played a pivotal role in the economic transformation of East Asia. here, however, is as of yet no international policy regime on labor mobility in the Asia Pacific region although international organizations, such as the World Bank, IOM (International Organization for Migration), ILO (International Labor Organisation), and OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) have been conducting studies and seminars as well as establishing principles and norms at the global level. The output from this project  consisted of economic case studies, sub-regional synthesis reports on Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Australasia, and the (Pacific) Americas, as well as a synthesis report. Project Team The project is a joint effort between the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) and the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). Project Coordinator Dr Soogil Young, Chair, KOPEC and President, National Strategy Institute, Korea. (see more)

Energy Transition

Led by FPTPEC, the key objective of the two-year project was to design the framework for new economic models that will make way for smooth energy transition by bringing together bother energy-exporting and importing economies, energy producers or distributors as well as energy-related policy-makers. It put into perspective new initiatives and strategies designed to facilitate energy transition that will be critical to achieving sustainable living conditions. It also addressed some of the progress made in areas of advanced technology and innovative policies that contribute towards more integrated urban services and efficient energy mix. (see more)

Education Market

Globalization and economic integration are changing the face of tertiary education in the world today. Students are now exploring an ever increasing range of options for university degrees -both in where and how they study. The project will examined developments in the education sector and the opportunities and challenges they present for regional economic integration and community building in the Asia Pacific. The project team will examine trends in the various modes of supply of education services across international borders and identify impediments to efficient international cooperation in this sector. The project wass a collaborative effort between the Pacific Economic Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). (see more)

Economic Crisis

This project assessed the region’s progress in response to the Global Financial Crisis and managing the transition to a new, sustained growth path. It anticipated the critical policy changes that are required in the Asia Pacific to move from crisis management to stable growth, and explore important potential growth engines—ranging from regional integration to social policies and the environment—that can drive the region’s future development. The research builds on data and forecasts developed by several institutions and focuses on analysis and synthesis rather than primary data collection. The study was released at the time of APEC Summit in Singapore in the fall of 2009 with sections addressing: (a) new, sustainable growth models for the Asia Pacific, (b) progress by individual economies toward those models, and (c) the role of regional economic relations during the crisis and in facilitating recovery. The full report entitled, "Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia-Pacific" was published in partnership with the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore) in May 2010. (see more)

Sustainable Management of Marine Rersources

Led by the France Pacific Territories committee working in partnership with other member committees, this PECC international project entitled  was implemented during 2011-2012. (see more)


PECC has been addressing infrastructure development issues in the Asia-Pacific since 1989 with the establishment of the  Triple-T Task Force on Transportation, Telecommunications and Tourism. Since then multiple task forces and project groups have looked at different aspects of the development of infrastructure in the region with a special focus on policy aspects. PECC General Meetings in 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2009 have included plenary sessions on infrastructure. (see more)