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Over the last 20 years, economic crises have hit the region almost every ten years. There is a need to consider not only the short-term economic rescue policy, but also the resilient infrastructure against frequent economic crisis in the long term. This two-year (2010-2011) project is led by JANCPEC.

What are some of the infrastructures or systems that could be set up in the region's economies to buffer against economic crises in the future? The PECC international project on social resilience addresses three key areas (pension, health care, and unemployment insurance) and offer a macro analysis.

Macro Analysis

  • The adequacy of social safety nets in the Asia-Pacific region

  • Do social safety nets alleviate the anxiety for the future?

  • Does the sufficiency of social safety net increase the domestic demand and consumption?

  • What are the main factors that stimulate private consumption? e.g. levels of income, sense of safety for the future, economic growth rate, etc.

  • The influence on global imbalance : i.e. high dependency on exports / low private demand → global imbalance

  • Making the society more resilient against economic crises and working towards more demand-led, sustainable growth

Micro Analyses

1) Pension

2) Health care (including medical care)

3) Unemployment insurance (plus re-employment training and aging trend)

  • Previous studies done by other organizations: e.g. OECD, UNESCAP, JICA, ADB, World Bank

  • Sharing of good practices and bad practices in the Asia-Pacific region



[An Assessment of Singapore's Ageing Policies for Achieving Greater Social Resilience]

  • Dr. Mukul G. ASHER (Professorial Fellow, National University of Singapore)

[Transformation of Social Security System in Indonesia: Aiming for Coverage for All]

  • Ms. NURINA Merdikawati (PhD Candidate, The Australian National University)

      Download the 2015-2017 report







[Inclusive Growth and Social Security]

  • Dr. Nobuhide HATASA (Associate Professor, Nagoya University of Economics)

[Migrant Workers and Social Protection: The Philippine Experience]

  • Dr. Aniceto C. ORBETA, Jr. (Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies)

[Thailand: Social Resilience in a Divided Society]

  • Dr Yasuhito ASAMI (Professor, Department of Global Politics, Faculty of Law, Hosei University)

[Social Protection and the Informal Economy in Malaysia]

  • Ms. Jun-E TAN (Former Senior Analyst, ISIS Malaysia)

[Social Security System: The Korean Case]

  • Dr. Sook Hee CHOI (Professor, Department of Economics & Finance, Hanyang Cyber University)
  • Dr. Mikyung YUN (Professor, School of International Studies, The Catholic University of Korea)

[Challenges and Reforms of Social Security System due to Ageing Population in Chinese Taipei]

  • Dr. Ke-Jeng LAN (Associate Professor, Department of Labor Relations, National Chung Cheng University)

        Download the 2014-2015 report







[Social Safety Nets and Inclusive Growth in Mongolia]

  • Dr. Sonintamir NERGUI (Professor, Vice Dean, Business School, National University of Mongolia)
  • Mr. Myagmarsuren SANAAKHOROL (Economist, Bank of Mongolia)

[Social Safety Nets in Chile]

  • Mr. German A. KING (Consultant, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC))
  • Mr. Felipe ALLARD

[Social Protection as an Entry Point to Inclusive Growth in Myanmar]

  • Dr. Khine TUN (Researcher/Consultant, Department for International Development (DFID), Myanmar)

[Social Protection in Cambodia]

  • Dr. Vannarith CHHEANG (Senior Fellow, Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace)

[Reflection on the Housing Security Program in China]

  • Dr. WANG Jing (Assistant Professor, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

[Social Security in Colombia]

  • Dr. Miguel URRUTIA Montoya (Former Professor, Universidad Nacional Bogota, Colombia)

        Download the 2012-2014 report







[Macro Analysis]


  • Dr. Charles Yuji HORIOKA (Professor, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University)

Team members:

  • Dr. Wataru SUZUKI (Professor, Gakushuin University)
  • Dr. ZHOU Yanfei (Research Fellow, Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training)

[Pension System]


  • Dr. Noriyuki TAKAYAMA

Team members:

  • Prof. Mukul ASHER (Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)

[Health Care System]


  • Dr. Masako II (Professor, School of International and Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University)

Team members:

  • Dr. Miho SEKIMOTO (Researcher, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo)
  • Ms. Hiroko UCHIMURA (Research Fellow, IDE-JETRO)
  • Mr. Yuji YAMAMOTO (Fellow, Center for Research and Development Strategy)
  • Mr. Haruhisa FUKUDA (Research Fellow, Institute for Health Economics and Policy)

[Unemployment Insurance]


Team members:

  • Dr. Yasuhiro KAMIMURA (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University)
  • Prof. Yukari SAWADA (Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
  • Dr. Giang Thanh LONG (Vice Dean, School of Public Policy and Management, Vietnam National Economics University)
  • Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan THUY (Fellow, Vietnam Development Forum)


  • Dr. Takashi OMORI (Chair, Economic Committee, APEC)
  • Dr. Masahiro KAWAI (Dean, ADBI)
  • Prof. Akira KOHSAKA (Professor, School of International Public Policy, Osaka University)
  • Dr. Tatsuo HATTA (President, GRIPS)
  • Dr. Hiroshi YOSHIKAWA (Professor, University of Tokyo)
  • Dr. Masaaki HOMMA (Director, KISER)
  • Dr. Yoshio HIGUCHI (Dean, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University)


Mid-term Presentation Workshop, July 2011 (Tokyo, Japan)

Presentation at 20th PECC General Meeting, September 2011 (Washington, D.C., USA)

Download the 2011 report from JIIA:




Working Group 1: Pension System in the Asia-Pacific


  • Dr. Noriyuki TAKAYAMA (Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University)

Team Members

  • Dr. Mukul ASHER (Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore)
  • Dr. John PIGGOTT (Director, Australian Institute for Population Ageing Research, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales)
  • Dr. Hyungpyo MOON (Senior Fellow, Department of Public Economics and Social Development, Korean Development Institute)

Working Group 2: Health Care System in the Asia-Pacific


  • Dr. Masako II (Professor, School of International Public Policy, Hitotsubashi University)

Team members

  • Ms. Miho SEKIMOTO (Lecturer, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University)
  • Ms. Hiroko UCHIMURA (Research Fellow, IDE-JETRO)
  • Dr. Etsuji OKAMOTO (Chief of Business Administration, National Institute of Public Health, Japan)
  • Dr. Yasuo UCHIDA (Professor Emeritus of Kobe University/ Dean, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University)
  • Mr. Shiko MARUYAMA (Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia)
  • Dr. Rouselle Lavado(Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies)
  • Mr. Hitoshi SHIGEOKA (Graduate Student, Columbia University)

Working Group 3: Unemployment Insurance System in the Asia-Pacific


  • Dr. Naoki MITANI (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University)

Team Members:

  • Dr. Yasuhito ASAMI  (Professor, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University)
  • Dr. Wen-Chi Grace CHOU (Associate Professor, Department of Labor Relations and the Institute of Labor Studies, National Chung-Cheng University, Chinese Taipei)
  • Dr. Yasuhiro KAMIMURA (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University)
  • Dr. Myoung-Jung KIM  (Research Fellow, NLI Research Institute, Japan)
  • Dr. Ke-Jeng LAN  (Associate Professor, Department of Labor Relations and the Institute of Labor Studies, National Chung-Cheng University, Chinese Taipei) 

Working Group 4: Macro Analysis: “Saving Propensity and Consumption toward a Demand-Led and Sustainable Economic Growth - Japan, USA and China”

  • Dr. Charles Yuji HORIOKA (Professor, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University) 
  • Dr. Wataru SUZUKI (Professor, Gakushuin University)


1st International Workshop, 3-5 March 2010 (Tokyo, Japan)

3rd National Meeting on Social Resilience, June 2010 (Tokyo, Japan)

19th PECC General Meeting and 2nd International Workshop on Social Resilience, October 2010 (Tokyo, Japan)

Download the entire 2010 report,"Towards a More Resilient Society: Lessons from Economic Crises""Towards a More Resilient Society: Lessons from Economic Crises" (4.91MB)