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PECC XII: Twelfth General Meeting

From September 30, 1997 until October 02, 1997
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 1861

The Twelfth PECC General Meeting
Transpacific Partnership: Implementing Trade & Investment Opportunity
September 30 - October 2, 1997
Santiago, Chile


Tuesday, September 30

0800 - 0900

Arrival and Registration of Participants

0900 - 1000

Opening Remarks

  • Mr. Edgardo Boeninger, Chairman, PECC Standing Committee and Chilean Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - CHILPEC

Statement from the Previous Host Committee

  • Ambassador Yang Chengxu, Chairman, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - CNCPEC

Keynote Address

  • H.E. Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, President of the Republic of Chile


Introductory Speech : Transpacific Partnership : Latin America's Role


  • Mr. Enrique Iglesias, President, Inter-American Development Bank




Ministerial Panel : "Asia Pacific Towards 2010 / 2020"
The Ministerial Panel, a well established forum for high level discussion in PECC XII General Meetings, will address the Bogor Declaration goals of free trade and investment by years 2010 / 2020.


  • Ambassador Nobuo Matsunaga, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - JANCPEC

Panel Speakers:

  • Mr José Miguel Insulza, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
  • Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz, Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia
  • Mr Lim Chang-Yuel, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea
  • Mr Kazuo Ogura, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan
  • Mrs Charlene Barshevsky, United States Trade Representative

1300 - 1500

Luncheon Addresses

Keynote Speaker:

(before lunch)

  • Mr Renato Ruggiero, Director-General, World Trade Organization

(after lunch)

  • Mr Arthur Eggleton, Minister of International Trade of Canada


Plenary Session I - Asia Pacific's Contribution to Global Prosperity : Achievements and Challenges

The dynamic development of the Asia Pacific economies is making a decisive contribution to the growth of the world economy, leading many analysts to see the 21th century as the "Pacific Century". In this panel, leading authorities on the subject will examine the record of Asia Pacific's development and the agenda of challenges facing economies in the region.


  • Ambassador Fidel Duque, Director-General, Colombia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - COLPECC

Panel Speakers:

  • Professor Tommy Koh, Director, Institute of Policy Studies of Singapore
  • Professor Ross Garnaut, Professor, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
  • Dato' Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Chairman, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - MANCPEC
  • Professor Lawrence Krause, Coordinator of the PECC Pacific Economic Outlook, Professor of Economics, University of California, San Diego
  • Mr Philip Burdon, Chairman, Asia 2000 Foundation of New Zealand




Plenary Session II - Corporate Strategies and Investment Opportunities in the Region

The private sector is the leading force behind the remarkable achievements of the Pacific economies. The leading businessmen on this panel will explore the prospects for strategic alliances to promote further growth in the Pacific, emphasizing the perspective of the "Transpacific Partnership" between East Asia, Australasia, and the Americas.

Session Chair:

  • Dr Kerrin Vautier, Chair, New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council - NZPECC

Panel Speakers:

  • Mr Minoru Murofushi, President and CEO, ITOCHU Corporation, Japan
  • Mr Yao Jinrong, Executive Director and Group Vice President of China International Trust and Investment Corporation - CITIC
  • Mr Gordon Wu, Managing Director, Hopewell Holdings Limited, Hong Kong
  • Mr Abdul Rachman Ramly, Chairman, PT ASTRA International, Indonesia
  • Mr Lawrence Clarkson, President, Boeing Enterprises

Special Dinner Address followed by Gala Dinner

Keynote Speaker :

  • Hon. Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia

Wednesday, October 1


Concurrent Sessions:


Trade Policy Symposium - Regionalism & Multilateralism: Bridges for Transpacific Partnership

This concurrent session will address questions such as: what is the relationship between the objectives sought by APEC and the FTAA and the multilateral trading system? Are these compatible with the existing rules? What is the relationship between the subregional trading arrangements in each region and the overall integration of two broad regional integration processes? Is there any possibility of convergence between the objectives and the goals of APEC and FTAA processes?


Minerals Forum

The PECC economies include most of the major world players in the production and trade of mineral products. The PECC Minerals Forum (formerly Minerals and Energy Forum) has developed an active program of research and discussion of the minerals economy in the Pacific. For this session, the legal, environmental, and financial dimensions have been selected for discussion in the perspective of the development of sectoral Transpacific Partnership.


Financial Markets Development

The PECC Financial Markets Development project addresses the issues of the liberalization of financial relations of the Pacific Basin economies and the challenges of developing capital markets to suit the growing needy of the emerging economies in the region, The FMD project is reporting on its work to the PAEC Finance Ministers as well as working with APEC Busines Forum (ABF). In this session, distinguished bankers, financial regulators, academics and other specialists will discuss the prospects of the Pacific Basin banking industry, capital markets, and financial reporting standards.


Food & Agriculture

Most of the largest agricultural producers and importers of foodstuffs in the world are Pacific Basin economies. The PECC Food & Agriculture Forum (FAF) deals with the structure and development of the "Pacific food system". This concurrent session is organized around product categories, which will be discussed considering progresses and challenges of trade liberalization and faxilitation in areas such as tariffs, quotas, non-tariff barriers, and subsidies.


Business Opportunities in Latin America

These sessions will include a business-oriented vision of trade and investment opportunities in six Latin American countries. Panels will include an overview of the rules and regulations as well as detailed opportunities in two or three different sectors of each economy.

1030 - 1100


1100 - 1300

Concurrent Sessions

1300 -1500

Luncheon Addresses

Keynote Speakers:

(before lunch)

  • Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Minister of Commerce of Thailand

(after lunch)

  • Mr. Guido Di Tella, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina

1500 -1830

Concurrent Sessions


Dinner Address followed by Gala Dinner

Keynote Address :

  • H.E. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Thursday, October 2


Plenary Session III - Concerted Unilateral Liberalization: A Vehicle for a Contemporary Approach to Free Trade in the Region?"

A key difference between the APEC and the conventional approaches to trade liberalization is APEC's avoidance of treaty-based, negotiated regional trade preferences. Instead, APEC is planning to achieve free trade on the basis of concerted steps of unilateral liberalization. As APEC enters the phase of implementing the 1994 Bogor goals, an in-depth examination of the proposed mechanism of concerted action is of key importance to the progress of Pacific trade liberalization.


  • Dr. Lee Lai To, Chairman, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - SINCPEC

Panel Speakers:

  • Dr. Victor Fung, Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
  • Mr. Ernesto Rubio del Cueto, Director, CEMEX, Mexico
  • Mr Timothy Ong, Managing Director, National Insurance Company Berhad of Berhad
  • Mr Stuart Eizenstat, Undersecretary of Commerce of the USA
  • Mr Soogil Young, President, Korea Transport Institute




Plenary Session IV - Latin America: is it ready for Transpacific Partnership

Latin America has recovered from the deep economic crisis of the 1980s. In the changing economic environment of the 1990s, the region is redefining its international orientations, and is rapidly increasing its ties with the Asia Pacific region. This panel will compare Latin American and East Asian views on the development of Transpacific Partnership between the two regions.

Session Chair:

  • Dr. Abraham Lowenthal, Director, Center for International Studies, University of Southern California, USA

Panel Speakers:

  • Dr. Jusuf Wanandi, Chairman, Indonesia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - INCPEC
  • Dr. Carlos Bolona, President, San Ignacio de Loyola University, Peru
  • Dr Kim Kihwan, Chairman, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - KOPEC
  • Dr Akio Hosono, Professor of Economics, the University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Mr Michael Reid, South America Correspondent, The Economist


Luncheon Addresses

Keynote speakers :

(before lunch)

  • Mr Tungky Ariwibowo, Minister of Industry and Trade of Indonesia

(after lunch)

  • Mr Shinji Sato, Minister of Trade and Industry of Japan


Special Panel: "Hong Kong: Three Months After Reunification"

Only three months after Hong Kong's reversion to China, local business people will address issues that Hong Kong and international companies have been facing since this historical event.


  • Mr. Peter Jollie, Chairman, Australian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee - AUSPECC

Panel Speakers:

  • Mr. Victor Lo, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries
  • Mr. Gordon Wu, Managing Director, Hopewell Holdings Ltd.
  • Dr. Victor Fung, Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
  • Mr. William Fung, Group Managing Director, Li and Fung Ltd. and Chairman, Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - HKCPEC
  • Mr Ronnie Chan, Chairman, Hang Lung Development Co. Ltd.


Ministerial Panel: Overview of Latin America

The purpose of this panel is to provide a general framework and analysis from the governments' points of view of six Latin American economies that have increasing relations with the Asia Pacific region.


  • Dr William Saywell, Chairman, Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - CANCPEC

Panel Speakers:

  • Mr. Alvaro García, Minister of Trade of Chile
  • Mr Morris Harf, Minister of Trade of Colombia
  • Mr Gustavo Caillaux, Minister of Industry of Peru
  • Mr Herminio Blanco, Minister of Trade of Mexico
  • Mr Francisco Dornelles, Minister of Trade of Brazil
  • Mr Alieto Guadagni, Minister of Trade of Argentina


Concluding Session

Address by:

  • Mr. Juan Villarzú, Minister Secretary General of the Presidency, Chile

Closing Remarks:

 Session Chair:

  • Mr. Edgardo Boeninger, Chairman, PECC Standing Committee and Chilean Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation - CHILPEC


Farewell Reception