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PECC XIII: Thirteenth General Meeting

From October 21, 1999 until October 23, 1999
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2275

 Thirteenth PECC General Meeting
"The Pacific E-conomy in the 21st Century"

Manila, Philippines
21 to 23 October 1999
Makati Shangri-La Hotel


Thursday, October 21

0830 - 0900

Welcome Remarks

  • Mr. Roberto R. Romulo, Chairman, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council; Chairman, Philippine Foundation for Global Concerns, Inc.

Statement from the Previous Host Committee

  • Senator Edgardo Boeninger, Chile

Opening Remarks

  • Hon. Domingo L. Siazon, Jr., Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Philippines


Plenary Session I: Managing the New Global Economy

Globalization and technology have brought closer the reality of borderless economies. But the existing global economic architecture is no longer adequate in smoothing the transition toward greater global economic integration. Significant barriers still exist particularly inside borders. On the other hand, greater mobility of goods and resources across borders has led to unintended adverse consequences. The three panels in this plenary session discuss the parameters in designing new governance mechanisms that would ensure the free flow of goods, services and capital while minimizing their potentially distruptive effects.

1030 -1100

Managing the New Global Economy
Issues related to the need for coherence in global economic governance, given the interrelatedness of trade in goods and services, and investment and financial flows.

Session Chair:

  • Ambassador Nobuo Matsunaga, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs


  • Hon. Seiji Shimpo, Vice-Minister for International Economic Affairs, Economic Planning Agency, Japan
  • Dr. Joseph E. Stiglitz, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, World Bank
  • Mr. Seiichi Kondo, Deputy Secretary-General, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Dr. Kim Kihwan, Chairman, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Media Valley, Korea
  • Dr. Peter A. Petri, Dean, Graduate School of International Economics and Finance, Brandeis University, U.S.A

1015 -1030

Coffee/Tea Break

1030 - 1145

Current Trade Realities and the WTO: A need for New Rules?
Issues related to WTO 2000. Specifically, as the world trading system draws closer to the reality of borderless economies, what new rules and disciplines are required to ensure that this is not negated by new restricitions or weak internal market mechanisms? What role can the WTO play in helping enable developing economies to benefit from this development?

Session Chair:

  • Ms. Kerrin M. Vautier, CMG, Chair, New Zealand Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Consulting Research Economist, Director of Fletcher Challenge Ltd., New Zealand


  • H.E. Prof. Rahadi Ramela*, Minister of Industry and Trade, Indonesia
  • Hon. Zhou Keren, Vice Minister, Moftec, China
  • Hon. Dr. Wang Chih-Kang, Minister of Economic Affairs, Chinese-Taipei
  • Hon. Lilia R. Bautista, Undersecretary of Trade and Industry, Philippines
  • Dr. Mari Pangestu, Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia


  • Mr. Donald M. Phillips, Assistant Trade Representative for Asia Pacific & APEC, U.S.A
  • Professor Shujiro Urata, Professor of Economics, School of Social Sciences, Waseeda University
  • Dr Ludolf-Georg von Wartenberg, Director General, Bundesverband der Deustchen Industrie e.V., Germany


Keynote Address: Asia Pacific in a New Century: A Philippine View

  • H.E. Joseph E. Estrada, President, Republic of the Philippines


Lunch Break


New Financial Architechture
What is the scope for global and regional initiatives to achieve the goal of promoting the international flow of capital while minimizing their destabilizing effects?

Session Chair:

  • Dr. Jesus P. Estanislao, University Professor, University of Asia and the Pacific


  • Hon. Rafael Buenaventura, Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, Philippines
  • Prof. Huang Weiping, Professor, Dean, School of Economics, Renmin University of China
  • Mr. Hisaya Nara, Chairman, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc., Japan


  • Dr. Jorge Marshall, Vice President of the Board of Governor, Central Bank of Chile
  • Prof. Akira Kohsaka, Coordinator, Pacific Economic Outlook Structure Project

Coffee/Tea Break


Plenary Session II: Building Blocs of the New Global Economy

What is the link between the different regional structures and how can they complement the fast-evolving global market system? Current formal arrangements - APEC, ASEM, EU, cross-Atlantic alliances, and inter-American partnerships-which are based on geographic, economic, and political parameters, must be supplemented by partnerships across regions and continents. The search for a new global architecture in trade and finance requires closer exchange and understanding through new modes of interregional cooperation.


Realities That Will Shape the 21st Century: The View from Europe
Responding to the challenges of the 21st Century from a Europe Perspective

Session Chair:

  • Sir Derek Hornby, Co-Chairman Philippine-British Business Council, United Kingdom

Keynote Speaker:

  • Hon. Michel Rocard, Former Prime Minister, France; Honorary Chairman, France (Pacific Territories) National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


Cooperation Among Regions: Asia, Europe and the Americas
Given their increasing profileration and importance, how can regional economic groupings complement and support the new global economic architecture? And considering the differences in their composition and structures what new modes of cooperation between these groupings would best serve this purpose?

Session Chair:

  • Mr Jusuf Wanandi, Chairman, Indonesia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, Supervisory Board, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia


  • Hon. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Vice President, Republic of the Philippines
  • Dr. Jeffrey Len-Song Koo, Chairman, Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee; Chairman & CEO, Chinatrust Commercial Bank, Chinese-Taipei
  • Hon. Carlos Mladinic, Secretary General, Government of Chile
  • Dr. Eckhard Cordes, Member of the Board of Management, Daimler-Chrysler
  • Mr. Toru Kusukawa, Chairman of the Board of Counselors, Fuji Research Institute Corp.; Member, ABAC Japan
  • Panelists:
  • Mr. Minoru Murofushi, Chairman, Itochu Corporation
  • Mr Clyde V. Prestowitz, Jr., Founder and President, Economic Strategy Institute, U.S.A.


Welcome Reception

Friday, October 22


Plenary Session III: The Digital Economy in the 21st Century

As the information revolution takes hold of the world, it is important to begin imagining the shape and contours of the digital economy, wherein IT boosts productivity, lowers transaction costs, and provides small and medium enterprises with efficient access to information and markets. How do we make such an economy a reality?

Session Chair:

  • Ambassador Yang Chengxu, Chairman, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; President, China Institute of International Studies

Keynote Speakers:

  • Hon. K.C. Kwong, Secretary for IT and Broadcasting, Hong Kong SAR
  • Dr. Friedrich Froeschl, President and CEO, Siemens Business Services, GmbH&CO. OHG
  • Mr. Sayling Wen, Group Vice Chairman, Inventec Group, Chinese-Taipei

0930-1200; 1400-1730 (Break-out Rooms)

Concurrent Conferences and Workshops
Three concurrent conferences (Sustainable Cities, Towards the Asia Pacific Information Society and Energy and the Environment) and two by-invitation-only concurrent workshops (on open regionalism and university students and strategic management and governance issues in the Asia Pacific)


Concurrent Conference I: Sustainable Cities
Sixty-seven cities in Asia Pacific have populations of over one million people, not including city-states and megalopolises. Urban growth rates in the region have reached world-record levels, ranging from 2 to 5% per annum. Recent environmental pressures are now forcing changes in the way governments manage urbanization, as are people's expectations for a better quality life. How should the effects of rapid urbanization be managed in order to deliver and sustain adequate living conditions for city dwellers.

Conference Chair:

  • Hon. Joselito Atienza, Mayor, City of Manila, Republic of the Philippines

Conference Coordinator:

  • Dr. Jacques Gravereau, President, HEC Eurasia Institute; Chairman, France (Pacific Territories) PEC

Affordable Services
Water supply and treatment, community mass-transportation systems, social housing, multi-utilities, social infrastructure.

Session Chair:

  • Hon. Joselito Atienza, Mayor, City of Manila, Republic of the Philippines


  • Mr. Jean Louis Diefenbacher, Chairman and CEO, Vivendi Asia Pacific
  • Mr. Alain Fabry, Senior Vice President for International Affairs, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux
  • Mr. Jose Gabriel D. Olives, President, Maynilad Water Services, Inc.


Clear Cities
The role of the private car in the city, waste management, and clean energy.

Session Chair:

  • Mr. Stephen Brandon, Executive Director, Corporate Development, BG plc


  • Ms. Adrienne Keane, Program Director, Clean up Australia & Clean Up the World
  • Mr. Michael Kesztenbaum, New Ventures Director, BG plc
  • Mr. Edwin Khew Teck Fook, Chairman, Singapore Association for Environment Companies


Efficient Urban Management
Balanced development of cities; public/private decision-making and partnerships for the financing and management of urban development.

Session Chair:

  • Dr. Jacques Gravereau, President, HEC Eurasia Institute; Chair, FPT PECC


  • Professor Chris Kissling, Professor of Transport Studies, Division of Environmental Management and Design, Lincoln University, New Zealand
  • Dr. Kusbiantoro, Director, Urban Regional Development Institute of Indonesia
  • Mr. Lee Changwoo, Director, Department of Urban Environment, Seoul Development Institute
  • Ms. Matha Nino Sulkowska, Director, Ministry for Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries, Mexico


Cities in Progress
New technologies for the 21st century, heritage and the management of cultural assets, cooperation between cities and the information age.

Session Chair:

  • Hon. Michel Rocard, Former Prime Minister, Republic of France


  • Mr. Joselito Atienza, Mayor, City of Manila, Philippines
  • Mr. Hajimu Fujii, Mayor, Sendai, Japan
  • Mr. Jiang Jin, Mayor, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China
  • Mr. Roger Wilkins, Director General, Cabinet Office of New South Wales, Australia
  • Mr. Zhang Haosheng, Senior Advisor of Tianjin Municipality Government, Former Vice Mayor, Tianjin


Concurrent Conference II: Towards the Asia-Pacific Information Society
Few Asia-Pacific economies are prepared for the information revolution, and the region's current state of information technology (IT) development, in terms of infrastructure and actual deployment, has not yet reached optiomum levels. Computer literacy rates remain low, and governments have been slow to incorporate IT into their daily operations.

Conference Chair:

  • Dr. Mark Borthwick, Executive Director, United States National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Conference Coordinator:

  • Dr. Emmanuel C. Lallana, Director of Programs, Carlos P. Romulo Foundation


Developing Asia-Pacific Networked Economies
Can the region's enterprises harness the potentials of digital commerce? What does the Asia-Pacific region gain from increased electronic cross-border transactions, regional interconnection, etc.? What legal and policy reforms are required to create networked economies?

Session Chair:

  • Mr. Keith Chang, Director, Business Development Division, Information and Communications Branch, Industry Canada


  • Ms. Mary Clare Fitzgerald, Executive Director, EconForum; Counsel, Troutman Sanders LLP, Washington, U.S.A.
  • Ms. Laina Raveendran Greene, Member, International Advisory Group (Singapore). PECC Telecom and Infocommunications Forum; Chief Executive Officer, Getlt Pte. Ltd.
  • Mr. Gil V. Guanio, President and Chief Executive Officer, Software Ventures International Corporation, Philippines
  • Mr. Todd Ramsey*, General Manager for Global Government Industry, IBM, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Dinesh Senan, Chairman, Infotel, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman & CEO, Connect! Pte. Ltd., Singapore


Building the Asia-Pacific Information Infrastructure
Physical infrastructure requirements for the APII, its costs, benefits, and time considerations; a roadmap for the ASEAN Information Infrastructure.

Session Chair:

  • Ms. Janet Pearce-Stenzel, Executive Director, PECC Tel


  • Hon. Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Singapore
  • Datuk Wira Mohd Said bin Mohd Ali, Chief Executive, Telekom Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Mr. John J. Legere*, President, Dell Corporation Asia Pacific and Dell Corporation Europe, Midde East and Africa
  • Dr. Shyue-Ching Lu*, President & Chief Executive Officer, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Chinese-Taipei
  • Mr. Masanobu Suzuki, President, NTT Communications Corp., Japan
  • Mr. Peter Yip*, Vice Chairman, China Internet Communication, Hong Kong
  • Mr. Zhang Jianbin, Deputy Director, Office of General Affairs, China Telecom


Developing Human Resources
Issues in education, research and development, and human capital development for network economies.

Session Chair:

  • Dr. Paul Mu, Chairman, PECC HRD Task Force


  • Mr. Richard Drobnick, Vice Provost for International Affairs, University of Southern California, U.S.A.; Secretary, APRU, and Vice Chairman, United States National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • Mr Augusto C. Lagman, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Systems Standards Inc.
  • Mr. Rahul Patwardhan, President, Asia Pacific NIIT Ltd
  • Mr. Darren Rushworth, Director for Academin Initiative, Oracle Corporation Asia Pacific Division, Singapore

Concurrent Conference III: Emergy in Asia: Clearing Bottlenecks to Future Growth
In the coming century, when Asia's economies return to levels of higher growth and as populations expand, energy shortages will likely occur. Such a scenario requires a serious examination of prospects for advancing an energy agenda. Some areas concerning Asia's energy future are particularly salient: the outlook for supply and demand in the region; the prospects for tapping clean natural gas, which is abundant in Asia; and energy services liberalization.

Conference Chair

  • Hon. Mario Tiaoqui, Secretary of Energy, Republic of the Philippines

Conference Coordinator

  • Mr Stephen Burns, Coordinator, PECC Energy Forum


Asian Energy Overview
Supply and demand projections: Will projected energy shortfalls slow the region's economic recovery? Fuel choice, environmental considerations, and the Kyoto Protocol: effects of growth and social impacts.

Session Chair:

  • Senator J. Bennett Johnston, Chairman, United States National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation; President, Johnston & Associates, LLC


  • Mr. Jiao Yi'an, COO, State Power Corporation of China
  • Mr. Yoshihiko Sumi, Sector Manager, Energy and Mining Sector, East Asia and Pacific Region, The World Bank
  • Mr. Agoes Triboesono, Team Leader, Asia Pacific Energy Reseatch Centre (APERC), Japan


Energy Services Liberalization: The Future for Energy Industries?
What are energy services and how do they affect domestic industries and growth? Energy and the WTO GATS: Should energy be "open to negotiation"?

Session Chair:


  • Dr. Dennis J. O'Brien, Director, Energy Economics and Policy, Sarkeys Energy Center, University of Oklahoma, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Katsuhiko Suetsugu, Secretary General, Asia Pacific Energy Forum, Japan
  • Ms. Edith Terry, Manager, Global Affairs, ENRON International Corporation, U.S.A.


National Gas in Asia: Building Networks and Creating Markets
Gas supplies, markets, and infrastructure: Why is gas in Asia underdeveloped? What can be done?

Session Chair:

  • Mr. Antonio V. del Rosario, President and CEO, Trans-Asia Oil & Energy Development Corporation, Philippines


  • Mr. Thomas Fisher, Executive Vice President, Unocal Corporation
  • Mr. David Greer, Managing Director, Shell Philippines Exploration
  • Mr. Kiyoshi Sawamura, Chief Operating Officer, LNG Business Division, Mitsubishi Corporation
  • Mr. Maurice Tallantyre, Technical Director, BG Technology


Minister-Business Dialogue: Southeast Asian Gas Grid
A public-private sector dialogue on the issues surrounding the development of the Southeast Asian Gas Grid.

Session Chair:

  • Hon. Mario V. Tiaoqui, Secretary of Energy, Philippines

ASEAN Representatives:

  • H.E. Dato' Paduka Haji Abu Hanafiah*, Permanent Secretaty, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Brunei Darussalam
  • H.E. Sok An, Senior Minister and Chairman, Cambodian National Petroleum Authority, Cambodia
  • H.E. Soulivong Daravong*, Minister of Industry and Handicrafts, Laos
  • H.E. BG (NS) George Yeo*, Minister for Trade and Industry, Singapore
  • Dr. Vichit Yamboonruang, Executive Director, E&P and Gas Sector Group, Petroleum Authority of Thailand
  • Mr. Ngo Thuong San, President, PETRO Viet Nam

Private Sector Panel:


  • Mr. Roger C. Beach, Chairman of the Board & CEO, Unocal Corporation, U.S.A


  • Ybhg Dato' Hamzah, Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning & Development Division, PETRONAS, Malaysia
  • Mr. David Natusch, Managing Director, Resource Development Ltd., New Zealand
  • Mr. J. Kenneth Thompson, Senior Vice President, Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), U.S.A.
  • Dato' Hamdillah H.A. Wahab, Executive Director, Brunei LNG Senirian Berhad, Brunei Darussalam


Concurrent Workshop A: Open Regionalism: Implications for University Students
In building an Asia-Pacific community commited to free and open trade, liberalization and market discipline have been stressed. But would open economies demand more open societies? Would open societies, in turn, demand more open networks through which universities and students can interact more freely and cooperate more productively? How can university students take advantageof the changes that inevitably arise in more open societies?


  • Dr. Antonio N. Torralba, Dean, School of Education, University of Asia and the Pacific

Concurrent Workshop B: Networking for Strategic Management and Governance in the AP Region
APEC has a vision that it seeks to realise within a specified timetable.It has Action Programs, which detail the steps to be taken in the foreseeable future, leading up to 2010 and 2020. Both the vision and Action Programs should now begin influencing the strategic management decisions of corporations and institutions as they position themselves for the future. Schools of Management are expected to take the lead in helping corporations and institutions strategize in the more open, liberalized environment of the Asia-Pacific region. They should be in the forefront of research that can guide businesses, governments and social organizations in preparation for the inevitable changes of a more open, interdependent future.


  • Dr. Jose Rene Gayo, Dean, School of Management, University of Asia and the Pacific


  • Mr. Nelson Chang, President, Chia Hsi Cement; Member, APEC Business Advisory Council, Chinese Taipei


Luncheon Keynote: Energy: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century

Keynote Speaker:

  • H.E. Hugo Chavez Frias, President, Republic of Venezuela


Gala Dinner

Saturday, 23 October


PECC Task Force Presentations

  • Pacific Economic Outlook
  • PEO Structures
  • Science and Technology
  • Fisheries

Plenary Session IV: APEC in the 21st Century

While governments respond to the challenges of the next century, what new roles should regional organizations like APEC take on? What makes APEC unique among organizations of its kind is its avowed goal of fully engaging the business and private sector in its work program. How far has APEC gone in achieving this goal? As APEC gears itself to face the challenge of the 21st century, it becomes even more critical that this process of engagement be made more effective to ensure that it does not lose its relevance.


Settling the New Regional Agenda
As the only official, non-government observer to APEC, PECC has a special responsiblity of bringing forth the views of its tripartite membership of government, business and academe. How can this process be enhanced and what role can PECC play?

Session Chair:

  • Dr.Christopher Findlay, Chairman, Coordinating Group, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council

Lead Presenter: "PECC in APEC: Pushing in the Regional Cooperation Envelope"

  • Mr. Roberto Romulo, Chairman, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council


  • H.E. Rodolfo Severino, Secretary General, Association of Southeast Asian Nations Secretariat
  • Pehin Dato' Lim Jock Seng*, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brunei Darussalam
  • Mr. Timothy Ong Teck Mong, Chairman, APEC Business Advisory Council


APEC's Second Wave
APEC has been pivotal in moving trade and investment liveralization and facilitation forward during the region's period of prosperity. The Asian financial crisis, however, has brought APEC into uncharted waters and its response has so far given rise to a perception of its being adrift. How can APEC be re-energized? What can APEC contribute to global efforts to address the financial crisis? How can APEC be made into a more effective organization, cpable of responding to present and future regional crises?

Session Chair:

Distinguished Speakers:

  • Hon. Robert J. L. Hawke, Former Prime Minister, Australia
  • Hon. Ryutaro Hashimoto, Former Prime Minister, Government of Japan
  • H.E. James Bolger, Former Prime Minister, New Zealand; Ambassador to the U.S.A
  • Hon. Fidel V. Ramos, Former President, Republic of the Philippines


  • Ambassador Richard Boucher, U.S. Coordinator for APEC, Department of State, U.S.A.
  • Professor Ross Garnaut, Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management, Australia National University
  • Dr. Charles E. Morrison*, President, East-West Center
  • Mr. Timothy Ong Teck Mong, Chairman, APEC Business Advisory Council
  • Prof. Xiang-Mei Xiong, Professor of Economics, Nankai University, People's Republic of China


Luncheon - Closing Ceremonies
*  To be confirmed