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PECC IX: Ninth PECC General Meeting

From September 23, 1992 08:00 until September 25, 1992 08:00
Posted by Ms Nor Irdawaty Jibani
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 2212

The Ninth PECC General Meeting

Open Regionalism

September 23 - 25, 1992

San Francisco, USA

Wednesday, September 23


Session I: Opening of PECC IX

Opening Remarks

  • Ambassador Richard Fairbanks, Chair, PECC Standing Committee and Chairman, PECC IX, U.S.A.


  • HE Fidel V. Ramos, President of the Philippines, read by Senator Leticia Ramos – Shahani



  • Hon. George Bush, President of the United States of America (pre-recorded)



  • Hon. Pete Wilson, Governor, State of California, U.S.A.


Statement from the past Chair

  • Hon. Ker Sin Tze, Minister of State (Education, Information and Arts), Singapore



  • Mr. Kenneth T. Derr, CEO & Chairman of the Board, Chevron Corporation and Chairman, PECC IX San Francisco Host Committee



Session II: Global Cooperation in the Pacific

Chair: Ambassador Li Luye, Chair, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


APEC Greeting

  • Ambassador Vitthya Vejjajiva, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand


Address:  Ambassador Michael Moskow, Deputy United States Trade Representative


 PECC and APEC Cooperation

  • Ambassador Richard Fairbanks, Chair, PECC Standing Committee and Chairman, PECC IX, U.S.A.

Plenary Luncheon

Chair: Dr. Raymond K.F. Ch’ien, Chair, Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Introducer: Mr. Jose Leviste, Chair, Philippine Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee

Address: Hon. Rizalino Navarro, Secretary of the Department of Trade and Industry, The Philippines


Session III: Part I: Emerging Economic Areas: Building Blocks for Regional and Global Cooperation?

Chair:  Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Chair, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


Address: ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)

  • HE Hartarto, Minister of Industry and Trade, Indonesia


Address: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

  • Dr. John Curtis, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Multilateral Trade Negotiations, External Affairs and International Trade, Canada


Address: European Community ‘92

  • Mr. Simon Broadbent, Chief Economic Advisor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom

Session III: Part II: Emerging Economic Areas: Building Blocks for Regional and Global Cooperation? (cont.)

Chair: Ms. Kerrin Vautier, Chair, New Zealand Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Floor Questions and Discussions

Session IV: Pacific Economic Outlook for 1993 and Structural Issues

Chair: Dr. Jeffrey Koo, Acting Chair, Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee


Address: Summary and Significance of the PECC 1992-1993 Pacific Economic Outlook

  • Dr. Lawrence Krause, Coordinator, Pacific Economic Outlook Project, U.S.A.


Address: Structural Issues and Foreign Direct Investment

  • Dr. Yasukichi Yasuba, Coordinator, Pacific Economic Outlook Project, Japan


Floor Questions and Discussion


Thursday, September 24


Session V: Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent Session: Capital Flows, Investment and Growth

Opening Remarks of Concurrent Session Co-Chairs:

  • Mr. Peter McPherson, Group Executive Vice President, Bank of America, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Jose Fernandez, Former Governor, Central Bank of the Philippines, Philippines


Session I: Changing Patterns of Pacific Capital Flows and Investment

A U.S. Perspective

  • Hon. Olin Wethington, Assistant for International Affairs, Department of the Treasury, U.S.A.

A Japanese Perspective

  • Mr. Yuchiro Nagatomi, Chairman, Board of Executive Governors, Foundation for Advanced Information and Research, and former President, Institute of Fiscal and Monetary Policy, Japan


  • Mr. J. K. Loh, Chair, Dah An Commercial Bank, Chinese Taipei

Session II: Financial Needs and Growth

The Case of the Newly Industralized Economies

  • Dr. Young Chul Park, President, Korea Institute of Finance and former Secretary to the President for Economic Affairs


  • Dr. Mohammad Sadli, Professor of Economics, Emeritus, University of Indonesia and former Chair of the Board of Investments, Indonesia
  • Mr. Fernan Ibanez, Executive Vice President, Foreign Investment Commission, Chile

Session III: A Perspective on the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong

Speaker: Dr. Fanzhang Huang, Professor and Deputy Director of the Economic Research Center, People’s Republic of China


  • Mr. Mark Earle, Jr., Asia-Pacific Affairs, U.S.A
  • Dr. Stephen Guisinger, Professor of International Management, University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A


Corporate Host: Bank of America

Chair: Mr. Jose Fernandez

Speaker: Mr. Lewis Coleman, Vice Chairman, Bank of America


Concurrent Session: Trade and Investment in Minerals and Energy: Where Open Regionalism Works

Opening Remarks of Concurrent Session Co-Chairs

  • Dr. Dennis O’ Brien, Chief Economist, Caltex Corporation and U.S. Coordinator, PECC Minerals and Energy Forum, U.S.A.
  • Dr. Christopher Findlay, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Adelaide, Coordinator, PECC Minerals and Energy Forum, Australia


Keynote Topic: Global Energy and Open Regionalism

Chair: Dr. Mitsuru Miyata, Senior Managing Director, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan

Speaker: Hon. Jaime Yoshiyama, Special Assistant to the President for the Privatization of Public Enterprises and former Minister of State for Energy and Mines, Peru


Session I: Open Regionalism and Energy Issues

Chair: Dr. Feridun Fesharaki, Director, Resources Programs, East-West Center, U.S.A.


  • Dr. Chin-Lung Yeh, Vice President, Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Chinese Taipei
  • Dr. Pavel Minakir, First Deputy Head of Administration, Khabarovsk Region, Russia
  • Dr. J. Aung Khin, AP Energy Publications, Singapore 

Session II: The PECC Minerals and Energy Forum and Global Activities

Chair: Dr. James Brooks, President, Institute for Earth & Man, Southern Methodist University, U.S.A.

Speaker: Dr. Christopher Findlay, Australia


  • Mr. Haroen al Rasjid, President and Chairman of the Managing Board, P.T. Caltex Pacifica, Indonesia
  • Mr. Pedro Haas, Director General, P.M.I. Commercio International, S.A. de C.V., Mexico
  • Mr. Robert Price, Coordinator, APEC Energy Issues, Department of Energy, U.S.A.

Rapporteur: Dr. J. Aung Khin


Corporate Hosts: Chevron Corporation and Caltex Petroleum Cooperation


  • Mr. J. Dennis Bonney, Vice Chairman, Chevron Corporation
  • Mr. Patrick Ward, Chairman, Caltex Petroleum Corporation, U.S.A

Speaker: Mr. Peter Schwartz, President, Global Business Network, U.S.A.


Concurrent Session: Food Market in the Pacific: the Challenge of Growth

Opening Remarks of Concurrent Session Co-Chairs:

  • Ms. Carol Brookins, President and CEO, World Perspectives, Inc., and Coordinator, PECC Task Force on Food and Agriculture, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Harbrinderjit Singh Dillon, Assistant to the Minister for Commodity Trade and Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia


Keynote Topic: Evolving Pacific Food Markets


  • Hon. Ann Veneman, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, U.S.A.
  • Hon. Luis Tellez, Under Secretary of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Mexico

Session I: A Roundtable Discussion – Balancing Consumer Demands with Agriculture and Aquatic Policies

Moderator: Mr. Harbrinderjit Singh Dillon

Speaker: Hon. Joemari Gerochi, Under Secretary of Agriculture, The Philippines


  • Dr. Marshall J. Moffat, Principal Consultant, Agrodev Canada, Inc., Canada
  • Mr. Royce Elliot, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, New Zealand


Session II: A Roundtable Discussion – Impediments to Trade and Investment in Pacific Food Markets

Moderator: Ms. Carol Brookins

Speaker: Hon. Maximiliano Cox Balmaceda, Vice Minister of Agriculture, Chile


  • Dr. Brian Fisher, Executive Director, Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics, Australia
  • Dato’ Mohamed bin Sulaiman, Director, Sime Darby Plantations Division, Malaysia


  • Dr. Gordon Munro, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia & PECC Coordinator, Task Force on Fisheries, Canada
  • Mr. Robert Scollay, Lecturer, Economics Department, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Luncheon: Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Chair, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


Concurrent Session: Science and Technology-Based Economic Growth

Opening Remarks of Concurrent Session Co-Chairs:

  • Mr. Alain Bickell, Vice President, Hewlett-Packard Company, Co-Coordinator, PECC Science & Technology Task Force, People’s Republic of China
  • Mr. Wu Yikang, Co-Coordinator, PECC Science & Technology Task Force, People’s Republic of China

Session I: U.S. Science and Technology Policy in the 1990s

  • Dr. D. Allan Bromley, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, U.S.A


Session II: Japanese Industrial Science and Technology Policy

  • Hon. Noboru Hatakeyama, Vice Minister, International Affair, MITI, Japan


Session III: The PRC’s Eighth Five-Year Plan – Science and Technology Initiatives

  • Dr. Zhu Lilan, Senior Representative for Science and Technology, People’s Republic of China


Session IV: Transition to a Technology-Driven Economy – A Mexican Perspective

  • Dr. Fernando Sanchez Ugarte, Under Secretary for Industry and Foreign Investment, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Mexico


Panel Discussion

  • Dr. David Gardner, President, University of California, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Lam Chuan Leong, Chairman, National Science and Technology Board, Singapore
  • Dr. Raymond Ch’ien, Group Managing Director, Lam Soon Hong Kong Group, Hong Kong



  • Dr. Denis Simon, Associate Professor of International Business and Technology, Fletcher School of Law
  • Dr. John Langford, Professor of Public Administration, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  • Mr. Wayne Robertson, Head, International Science, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Zealand



Corporate Host: Hewlett-Packard Company

Speaker: Mr. John A. Young, President and CEO, Hewlett-Packard Company, U.S.A.


Concurrent Session: Telecommunications: A Key to Dynamic Pacific Growth and Effective Global Integration

Opening Remarks Concurrent Session Co-Chair:

  • Mr. John Whiteside, Vice-President of Corporate Development, MCI Communications Corporation, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Yasuo Koseki, Managing Director , KDD Co. Ltd., and President, Pacific Telecommunications Council, Japan


Opening Statement: Telecommunications Issues and the PECC: the Task at Hand

  • Dr. Ralph J. Thompson, President and CEO, International Business Catalysts, U.S.A.


Keynote Address: Telecommunications in the Pacific Rim – Learning from Each Other’s Experiences and Building Upon Each Other’s Strengths

  • Mr. Safwan Natanagara, Executive Vice President for Corporate and Development, PT INDOSAT, Indonesia


Session I: Assessing What Consumers and Suppliers are Looking For: Perspectives on Appropriate Technologies, Investments , and Strategic Alliances

Chair: Mr. John Whiteside

Speaker: Dr. Philip Burgess, President and Senior Fellow, Center for the New West, U.S.A.


  • Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Director, Thailand Development Research Institute, Thailand
  • Mr. Hu Diagang, Executive Office, China NATIONAL Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, People’s Republic of China
  • Mr. John A. Spence, Former Director, Coopers & Lybrand W.D. Scott, Australia


Session II: What is Offered: New Opportunities for Cooperative Development and Regional Expansion via Public and Private Initiatives and Policy Coordination

Chair: Mr. Yasuo Koseki


  • Mr. C.B. Shiue, Senior Representative, Telecommunications, Chinese Taipei
  • Mr. Bruno Ramos, Chef de Cabinet of the Vice Minister of Communications and Transportation, Mexico
  • Dr. William Lo, Manager, Hong Kong Telecommunications Limited, Hong Kong

Rapporteur: Ms. Janet Pearce, Deputy Director, U.S. National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, U.S.A.



Corporate Host: Pacific Telesis Corporation

Speaker: Mr. Sa, Ginn, Chairman and CEO, Pacific Telesis Corporation, U.S.A.


Concurrent Session: Pacific Air Transportation in the 1990s

Opening Remarks of Concurrent Session Co-Chairs

  • Mr. Richard James, Vice President of Marketing, The Boeing Commercial Airplane Group, U.S.A.
  • Dr. Djunaedi Hadisumarto, Director, Center for Policy and Implementation Studies, Indonesia


Keynote Topic: the Future Potential of Air Transportation in the Asia-Pacific Region

  • Mr. Joseph E. Franct, Jr., Senior Vice President of Finance & Treasurer, Northwest Airlines, U.S.A.


Session I: Meeting the Challenge of Growth: Factors for Success

Speaker: Mr. Tung Hsiao-I, Senior Representative, Transportation and Communications, Chinese Taipei


  • Mr. Roger Griffin, Senior Vice President, Operations and Planning, Pacific Air Travel Association, U.S.A.
  • Mr. John Meredith, Executive Director, Air Transport Action Group


Session II: Air Transportation and Tourism: Coordinating Development and Operation

Speaker: Mr. Tony Thirwell, Director of Marketing Services, Qantas Airlines, Australia


Session III: Airport Operations in the Pacific Basin

Speaker: Mr. Gerry Bruno, Managing Director, Marketing, Vancouver International Airport Authority, Canada

Discussant: Mr. Vitaly Muha, Governor, Novisibirsk Region, Russia


  • Dr. Mark Borthwick, Executive Director, U.S. National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, U.S.A.
  • Mr. Tim Meskill, Manager, Industry Communications, Boeing Commercial   Airplane Group, U.S.A.



Corporate Host: Bechtel Group, Inc

Speaker: Mr. Omran Assa, Project Manager, Bechtel Aviation Services


Session VI: The Evolution and Essence of Pacific Economic Cooperation Elements

Chair: Mr. Jusuf Wanandi, Chair, Indonesian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


Address: Pacific Economic Cooperation: Elements and Causal Influences in the 1980s

  • Mr. Richard Woolcott, former Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia.


Session VII: PECC in the 1990s: Challenges and Opportunites

Chair: Mr. Russell Fynmore, Chair, Australian Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee


Address: Pacific Economic Cooperation: Outlook for the 1990s

  • Dr. Kim Kihwan, former Secretary General of the International Policy Council, Korea


Floor Questions and Discussion

Session VII: Widening the Pacific Rim Circle

Chair:  Dr. William Saywell, Chair Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation



  • Dr. Alexandre Granberg, Chair, Russian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, Russian Federation
  • Ambassador Carlos Portales, Director General, Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile


Dinner In Honor of Arthur Dunkel, Director General of GATT

Chair: Ambassador Nobuo Matsunaga, Chair, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Introduction: Hon. George Shultz, former Secretary of State, U.S.A.

Speaker: Mr. Arthur Dunkel, Director General, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade


Friday, September 25

Session IX: PECC IX Reports

Chair: Ambassador Richard Fairbanks

Director-General’s Report: Pacific Economic Development Report

  • Dr. Hank Lim, Director-General, PECC Secretariat


Chairman’s Report: Concurrent Sessions Overview and PECC Task Force Priorities for 1993

  • Ambassador Richard Fairbanks

Floor Questions and Discussion


Session X: Open Regionalism and the San Francisco Declaration

Chair: Hon. Duck-Woo Nam, Chair, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Address: Open Regionalism

  • Hon. Koji Kakizawa, Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan

Evolution of the San Francisco Declaration

  • Dean Earl F. Cheit, University of California at Berkeley


Presentation of the San Francisco Declaration

  • Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Chair, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation


Responses to the San Francisco Declaration

Asia: Hon. See Chak Mun, Deputy Secretary (International), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore

Western Hemisphere: H.E. Patricio Silva, Ambassador to the U.S., Chile

Europe: Hon. Frits H. Von Meijenfeldt, Director, Trade Policy, Economic Ministry, The Netherlands


Session XI: The San Francisco Declaration Signing Ceremony

Chair: Ambassador Richard Fairbanks

Signers: PECC Standing Committee Members


Concluding Luncheon

Chair: Dr. William Saywell, Chair, Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Introducer: Mr. Javier Barros, Chair, Mexico National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation

Speaker: Hon. Fernando Solana, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mexico


PECC IX Closing Ceremonies

Chair: Dr. Thanat Khoman, Chair, Thailand National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.


Turning Over the Chair of the Standing Committee:

  • Ambassador Richard Fairbanks


Closing Remarks:

  • Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Incoming Chair, PECC Standing Committee and PECC X