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\PECC V: Fifth PECC General Meeting

From November 16, 1986 until November 19, 1986
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 1829

The Fifth PECC General Meeting

November 16 - November 19, 1986

Vancouver, Canada


Sunday, November 16


0900 - 1200

Coordinating Group Meeting

Chair:  H.E. Ted English, Chairman, PECC Coordination Group; Department of Economics, Carleton University


1230 -1400

Luncheon for PECC Standing Committee and Coordinating Group

Chair:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee


1430 - 1700

Standing Committee Meeting

Chair:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee


1800   - 1900

Reception Host: Government of Canada



Dinner Host: Government of Canada

Chair:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee

Speaker:  The Rt. Hon. Joe Clark, Secretary of State for External Affairs, Canada


Monday, November  17



0800 - 0830

Briefing for Media


0830 - 0940

Opening Session

Chair:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee

Rapporteur:  H.E. Ted English, Chairman, PECC Coordination Group; Department of Economics, Carleton University


Words of Welcome from British Columbia


Report on the PECC between Conferences

  • Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee


Report on Pacific Region Developments Since PECC IV

  • Dr. Nam Duck Woo, Chairman, Korea Committee for Pacific Cooperation




0940 - 0955

Coffee Break


1000 - 1230

Second Session - Trade Policy

Chair:  Prof. Lim Chong Yah, Head, Department of Economics and Statistics, National University of Singapore

Rapporteur:  Dr. Hank Lim, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics, National University of Singapore

IntroductionDr. Soogil Young, Senior Fellow, Korea Development Institute


General Prospects for the GATT

Discussant:  Amb. Michael B. Smith, Deputy US Trade Representative



Discussant:  Mr. Graeme Thomson, Principal Advisor, Department of Trade, Australia


Manufacturing Issues

Discussant:  Dr. Woo-Sik Kee, President, Lucky Gold Star Group Institute


1230 - 1250



1250 - 1400

Luncheon Host: Province of Ontario

Chair:  Dr. Thanat Khoman, Chairman, Asian Institute of Technology

Words of Welcome:  Paul Jure, Director, Pacific Rim Industry and Trade Expansion, Ontario Ministry of Industry, Trade and Technology

Introduction of Speaker:  Mr. Jusuf Wanandi, Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies

Speaker:  Professor Dr. Subroto, Minister of Mines and Energy, Indonesia

Thank Speaker:  Rt. Hon. Brian E. Talboys, Chairman, NZ National Committee for PEC


1415 - 1515

Third Session – Direct Invesment

Chair:  Mr. John C. Fair, PBEC, New Zealand

Rapporteur:  Mr. Mark Earle, Jr. , International Director General, PBEC

Introduction:  Dr. Walter E. Hoadley, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institute


  • Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Senior Vice President, Industrial Finance Corp. of Thailand
  • Edward Safarian, Department of Economics, University of Toronto

1515 - 1530

Tea Break


1530 - 1700

Fourth Session - Trade and Direct Investment

Chair:  Mr. Jusuf Wanandi, Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies

Rapporteur:  Dr. Hadi Soesastro. Head, Department of Economic Affairs, Centre for Strategic and International Studies

Introduction:  Mr. David Slater, Chairman (ret’d), Economic Council of Canada


  • Prof. M. Sahathavan,   Associate Professor, University of Malaya
  • Amb. Tomohiko Kobayashi, Special Advisor (Economic) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

1715 - 1800

Standing Committee Meeting



Reception and Dinner

Hosts: Province of Alberta and Province of  British Columbia

Words of Welcome :

Province of Alberta

  • Mr. George de Rappard, Chief Deputy Minister, Alberta Department of Economic Development and Trade

Province of British Columbia

  • Gary Smallenberg, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of International Trade, Science and Investment

Tuesday, November 18


0800 - 0830

Briefing for Media


0830 - 1015

Fifth Session - Fisheries

Chair:  Mr. Jose P. Leviste, Jr. , Pacific Futures development Centre

Rapporteur:  Mr. Donovan Miller

Introduction:  Prof. Gordon R. Munro, Coordinator, PECC Task Force on Fisheries Development and Cooperation; Department of Economics, University of British Columbia


  • Mr. Les Clark, Deputy Director, South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency
  • Dr. Hasjim Djalal, Head, Agency for Research and Development, Department of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia.


Livestock and Freedgrains

Chair:  Dr. Peter Drysdale, Chairman, National Pacific Cooperation Committee Australia; Director, Australia-Japan Research Centre, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University

Rapporteur:  Mr. Graeme Thomson, Principal Advisor, Department of Trade, Australia

Introduction:  Prof. Allan Rae, Director, Centre for Agricultural Policy Studies, Massey University, New Zealand.


  • Dr. Shin-Haeng Huh, Senior Fellow, Korea Rural Economic Institute
  • Dr. Colin Carter, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Manitoba, Canada

1015 - 1030

Coffee Break


1030 - 1200

Sixth Session – Minerals and Energy

Chair:  Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Director General, Institute of Strategic and International Studies

Rapporteur:  Dr. M. Shanmagaligam, Special Assistant to the President of Petronas

Introduction:  Mr. Ben Smith, Minerals and Energy Task Force Coordinator, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University

Discussant:  Mr. Ron Dalby, Manalta Coal, Calgary, Alberta


1215 - 1245

Reception Host:  Province of Ontario


1245 - 1400

Luncheon Host:  Province of Quebec

Words of Welcome:  Ron. Pierre Coulombe, Ministry of International Trade and Technology, Government of Quebec

Introduce Speaker: 
Mr. Dick Fairbanks

Speaker:  Mr. O.M. (Rusty) Roetman, Vice-President, Contracts Boeing Commercial Co., U.S.A.

Thank Speaker:  Dr. Noordin Sopiee, Director General, Institute of Strategic and Internatonal Studies


1415 - 1515


Seventh Session - New Initiatives and Future Outlook

Chair:  Rt. Hon. Brian Talboys, Chairman, NZ National Committee for PEC

Rapporteur:  Mr. E.A. Woodfield, Deputy Secretary, Department of Trade and Industry, New Zealand

IntroductionH.E. Ted English, Chairman, PECC Coordination Group; Department of Economics, Carleton University


New Initiatives


1515 - 1530

Tea Break


1530 - 1630

Future Outlook


1630 - 1715


Eighth Session - Pacific Statement

Chair:  Dr. Saburo Okita, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (JANCPEC)

Rapporteur:  Mr. Bruce Reid, Managing Director, Oceangas Australia Pty. Ltd.; Chairman, PBEC Australia

Introduction:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee

 Discussant:  Thanat Khoman, Chairman, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand


1730 - 1830

Standing Committee Meeting


1830 - 1930

Reception Host: Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation




Dinner Host: Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation

Chair:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee


Wednesday, November 19


0800 – 0830

Briefing for Media


0900 – 1200


Ninth Session

Chair:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee

Summary Statement:  Dr. Saburo Okita, Chairman, Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (JANCPEC)

Closing Remarks:  Mr. Eric A. Trigg, Chairman, Canadian National Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation; Chairman, PECC Standing Committee


1215 – 1245

Reception Host: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada


1245 – 1400


Luncheon Host: Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Words of Welcome:  Mr. Ray Anderson, President (APF)



Standing Committee Meeting