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PECC III: Third PECC General Meeting

From November 21, 1983 until November 23, 1983
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 1802

The Third PECC General Meeting

November 21 - 23, 1983
Bali, Indonesia


Monday, November 21


0900 - 1000

Opening Session
(+ Keynote Speech)


1030 - 1200


Papers on:

  1. World Economic Development and the Implications for the Pacific Region
  2. The International Trading System and Its Implications for the Pacific Region

1400 - 1500

Report by Standing Committee


1530 - 1700

Discussion on Trade in Agriculture


Tuesday, November 22



0830 -1000

Discussion on Trade in Minerals and Energy


1030 - 1200

Discussion on Trade in Manufactures


1400 - 1600

Discussion on Direct Investment and Technology Transfer


Wednesday, November 23


0830 - 1000

Institutional Issues and Future Directions for PEC


1030 – 1200

Summing Up and Closing Session