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APEC Workshop on Environmental Services

On May 11, 2017
Categories: PECC Events, APEC Events
Hits: 4341


APEC Workshop on Environmental Services


Organized by Japan METI, APEC Policy Support Unit and Pacific Economic Cooperation Council


11 May 2017 | Ha Noi, Vietnam


APEC Senior Officials endorsed the Environmental Services Action Plan (ESAP) in the September 2015 meeting in Cebu, Philippines1. As part of the implementation of the ESAP, this workshop aims to build and enhance understanding of a wide range of services in environmental industries / businesses and identify key industry challenges that can contribute to the development of the APEC Action Plan.


The main feature of the workshop is the discussion of specific industries related to the environment. Each of these sessions consists of an industry expert (to brief on the industry, value creation, major players, trends, challenges from the industry perspective) and a business representative (to brief on its own business model, the services required to deliver their product or service, value generation, and challenges they face in various economies.

1 2015 APEC Ministerial Meeting, Joint Ministerial Statement, Manila, Philippines, 17 November 2015,





Thursday, 11 May 2017

0830 - 0900


0900 - 0910

Welcome Remarks

  • Mitsuhiro Fukuyama
    Director for APEC Office
    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japan


0915 - 1030

Session 1: Key Issues in environmental services trade
The session will provide a background of discussions surrounding the classification of environmental services; examine the synergy between environmental goods and environmental services; and discuss how APEC could help move forward the discourse on environmental services.


  • Gloria O. Pasadilla
    Senior Analyst
    APEC Policy Support Unit (PSU)


Q & A


1030 - 1115

Session 2-1: Water Business
This session will provide a perspective on the water business industry. What are the factors driving innovation and efficiency in the sector? What specific activities are carried out to deliver water-related services? What are the challenges faced by the sector?


  • Eduardo Pedrosa
    Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)


Q & A


1115 - 1130

Coffee Break


1130 - 1300

Session 2 -2:


  • Krasna Bobenrieth
    Chair, Group on Services
    Ministry of External Relations, Chile

Refusal disposal and recycling
This is a critical part of circular economy model that promotes reduce-reuse-recycle approach in the ways we produce and consume on daily basis. How we dispose, treat and manage waste materials have not only environmental but also significant social and business benefits. How big is this industry? What are the prospects for growth and challenges in the sector?


Q & A

Environmental damage remediation services
How do businesses in this sector generate value? What services are associated with remediation services delivery? What factors determine its growth? What are the industry trends and challenges in this sector? Some of the challenges in remediation services emanate from various environmental standards and regulatory mechanisms that exist in different economies/ regions. How big is the impact of standards and regulations to growth in this sector?


Q & A

1300 - 1400



1400 - 1530

Session 3


  • Marie Sherlylyn D. Aquia
    Chair, Committee on Trade and Investments
    Department of Trade and Industry, Philippines

Renewable energy business
What is renewable energy? What factors drive investments in this sector? What regulatory challenges does the sector face in APEC? How is the renewable energy business related to the discussion on environmental services? What specific services are associated with the service delivery in this sector?


Q & A


Energy efficiency business
Energy efficiency-conscious mindset, tools, and behavioral change can help raise productivity and overall competitiveness. Examples include utilization of smart grids that allow for excess energy generated by renewable sources to be fed into the central electricity grid; use of smart and integrated technologies designed for efficient energy usage or for tracking consumption; and others. What are the trends in the sector? Are there regulatory challenges that can stymy its growth? How do businesses operating in this sector generate value and deliver services?


Q & A


1530 - 1545

Coffee Break


1545 - 1645

Session 4: Panel Discussion
Discussion will be on challenges in environmental services, ways to move forward in expanding definition of environmental services and, more generally, in supporting environmental businesses.


  • Gloria O. Pasadilla
    Senior Analyst
    APEC Policy Support Unit (PSU)


  • Andrew Martin
    Chair of WTO Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) negotiations
    Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia

  • Mahesh Patankar
    Managing Director
    MP Ensystems Advisory Pvt Ltd, India
    International Institute for Energy Conservation (Thailand)

  • Juliana Ding
    Managing Principal
    Ramboll Environ, Singapore

  • So Sasaki
    Associate Professor
    Chuo University, Japan

1645 - 1655

Closing remarks

  • Mitsuhiro Fukuyama
    Director for APEC Office
    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Japan