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Multistakeholder Dialogue APEC Post-2020 Meeting

On May 14, 2019
Categories: APEC Events

Multistakeholder Dialogue on APEC Towards 2020 and Beyond

Organized by APEC Chile 2019
with the support of the Center of International Studies, Catholic University (CEIUC) and the
Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC)


PECC General Meeting XXVI is held in conjunction with the Multistakeholder Dialogue on APEC 2020 and Beyond on 14 May 2019. It is organized by APEC Chile 2019, with the support of the Center of International Studies of the Catholic University of Chile, and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). It aims to highlight the vision that Latin America has of the Asia Pacific regional integration.

At their meeting in Lima in 2016, APEC Leaders commended Peru’s initiative to start a series of high level dialogues on APEC Towards 2020 and Beyond and instructed officials to continue this on a yearly basis until 2020. The first two MSD looked at the broad set of issues likely to confront APEC in considering a vision post-2020. The third MSD examined more deeply core elements of two key themes, which have emerged fairly consistently from discussions to date on the post-2020 vision: addressing the unfinished business of the Bogor Goals; and addressing the future drivers of growth in the AsiaPacific region. This year’s MSD will put people-centered development at the core of the dialogue, fostering a discussion on inclusive and sustainable growth in a digital era.

The objective of this Dialogue is to provide a platform to:

  • discuss the emerging issues that will need to be addressed by APEC;
  • provide a high-level feedback mechanism for post-2020 vision for APEC; and
  • highlight the vision that Latin America has regarding Asia Pacific regional integration.



14 May 2019

09:00-09:20 Welcome Remarks
  • Mr Mathias Francke, APEC SOM Chair 2019
  • Ambassador Allan Wagner, APEC AVG Chair
  • Ambassador Don Campbell, Co-Chair, PECC
  • Mr. Jorge Carey, Counsellor, Center for International Studies, PUC and Vice President of the Hong Kong-Latin America Business Association 


09:20-09:50 Keynote Address – Asia Pacific from Latin America’s Vantage Point


  • H.E. Eduardo Frei, Ambassador on Special Mission to Asia-Pacific


09:50-10:00 Break and Family Photo

10:00-11:15 Session I: The Evolving Trade System and the Role of APEC
Since APEC’s foundation one of its core objectives has been to develop and strengthen the open multilateral trading system in the interest of Asia-Pacific and all other economies. At
the same time, failure of the system to develop new rules to keep up with changing commercial realities has seen a proliferation of regional and plurilateral trade deals, including the Pacific Alliance. APEC, the Pacific Alliance and other regional organizations have a role to play in order to support a well-functioning trade system.

Moderator and Scene-Setter

  • Mr. Rodrigo Yáñez, Director General, General Directorate of Foreign Economic Affairs, Chile


  • Dr. Craik VanGrasstek, John F. Kennedy School, Harvard University.
  • Dr. Sheng Bin, Dean, School of Economics, Nankai University
  • Mr. Juan Navarro, Royal Roads University


11:15-12:30 Session II: Towards an Asia-Pacific Digital Society: Challenges and Priorities
This year APEC has adopted the Digital Society as a priority. It is clear that rapid technological change will be a defining characteristic for all APEC members in the post2020 era. We are working in a contested policy space, witnessing the tension between preventing the use of the internet for some purposes while maintaining the fundamentals of an internet built as an open resource. How can APEC members work together to ensure that digital technology and the Fourth Industrial Revolution lead to more people-centric growth? What are the approaches being taken globally and in different regional processes? What is the comparative advantage of APEC in addressing these issues?

Moderator and Scene-Setter:

  • Ms. Sandra Guazzotti, General Manager, Oracle Chile, and Pais Digital Executive Commitee


  • Dr. Julio Pertuzé, Head of economy of the Future Office. Ministry of Economy
  • Ms. María Paz Canales, Derechos Digitales (Digital Rights)
  • Mr. Luke Goh, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore


12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:00 Session III: Towards a People-Centered APEC
While adopting free and open trade as the means to achieve its goal of accelerated, balanced and equitable economic growth, APEC leaders in Bogor also emphasized the need to intensify development cooperation to develop human and natural resources of the region and improve the economic and social well-being of people. Today that emphasis is on improving opportunities for groups such as women as well as micro and small and medium enterprises. What is APEC’s comparative advantage in addressing these issues?

Moderator and Scene-Setter:

  • Mr. Carlos Vergara, Director, El Mercurio de Valparaíso


  • Ms. Carolina Valdivia, Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Chile
  • Mr. Pedro Villagra, Argentina’s G20 Sherpa
  • Ms. Beth Guo, Secretary General at APEC Women Connect


15:00–15:15 Break

15:15-16:30 Interactive Session – What do you expect of APEC?
This session will be ‘town hall’ format to allow interaction with the members of the audience. The discussions will be moderated by Dr Jorge Sahd. The chair will use his discretion to ask panelists to respond to questions and issues raised via social media in addition to those from the audience.


  • Mr. Jorge Sahd, APEC Vision Group, Chile


  • Tan Sri Dr Rebecca Sta Maria, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat
  • Senator Ricardo Lagos Weber
  • Senator Francisco Chahuan
  • Amb. Don Campbell, Co-Chair, PECC