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AUSPECC Virtual Dialogue: FTAAP - Charting A Pathway For Trade in Turbulent Times

From May 20, 2023 until May 20, 2023
At Online
Categories: PECC Events

      2023 AUSPECC FTAAP 


FTAAP - Charting A Pathway For Trade in Turbulent Times

Tuesday 2 May 2023   

1100 - 1300 AEST

 (Direct Link: PECC Signature Project: FTAAP Pathways to Prosperity | APEC Study Centre)

The aim of the dialogue is to advance APEC thinking on the concept of a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) and how it can contribute to inclusive growth, economic integration, stability and cooperation in the region.

The dialogue will discuss the PECC FTAAP Signature Project. It is intended to share perspectives on how the Project can best add value, how PECC can advance work on the issue and why we should revisit the FTAAP concept now given developments in the region. The dialogue will also discuss the selection of specific issues on which PECC could focus initially to advance the FTAAP agenda. 


10:50 – 11:00 Participants join the meeting lobby of virtual platform
11:00 – 11:05 Introductory and welcome remarks
  • Christopher Langman, AusPECC Chair
11:05 – 11:15 Session 1: What do we mean by an FTAAP?
  • Craig Emerson, FTAAP Taskforce Chair
11:25 – 12:05 Session 2: Why a refreshed look at the FTAAP concept?

Moderated by:
  • Gloria Pasadilla, Leadership Design Pte

Session 2.1: The economic benefit of the FTAAP - ‘the size of the prize’ 

  • Michael Plummer, John Hopkins University

Session 2.2: The systemic importance of the FTAAP concept

  • Shiro Armstrong, Australian National University

Session 2.3: Discussion 

12:05 – 12:55 Session 3: How can the FTAAP concept add value on specific issues?

Moderated by:
  • Christopher Langman, AusPECC Chair

Moderated discussion with:

  • AusPECC
  • Other PECC Members

Open discussion 
12:55 – 13:00 Wrap and next steps
  • Craig Emerson, FTAAP Taskforce Chair
  • The Australian APEC Study Centre