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PECC International Project 2017-2018: Sustainable Development and Circular Economy - Seminar 1: Natural resources industry - Mining, forestry, oil & gas

From September 20, 2017 until September 23, 2017
Categories: PECC Events
Hits: 8267


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PECC International Project 2017 - 2018


Sustainable Development and Circular Economy


Seminar One: Natural Resource Industries: Mining, Forestry, Oil and Gas


September 20 - 23, 2017

Bozeman, MT, USA





Wednesday, September 20, 2017

 0930 - 1200

Tour of Montana Resources Mine and Berkeley Pit

Natural Resources and Sustainable Mining Practices - Successes and Challenges

Hosted by:

  • Rolin Erikson; President, Montana Resources

  • Mike McGivern; Vice President of Human Resources, Montana Reources

A modern open pit copper and molybdenum mine implementing advanced and environmentally sustainable operations

Managed by Montana Resources, the operation comprises of the Continental mine, crushes, and a concentrator facility where tons of raw ore are processed into high-quality metal concentrates for the global market. Executives of Montana Resources will provide an overview of their modern operations and the management of the Berkeley Pit.

1215 - 1400

Luncheon at Montana tech at the University of Montana

Host welcome:

  • Don Blackketer; Chancellor, Montana Tech

Monitoring, Managing and Cleaning Up Mining Waste Water: Innovation and Business Opportunities ( pdf download (4.54 MB) )

  • Jerry Downey; Materials Science Program and Metallurgical Engineering Department

The Energy, Water, and Agriculture Nexus: The Eastern Montana Experience ( pdf download (4.36 MB) )

  • Elizabeth (Liddi) Meredith; Water specialist, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology

Q&A with audience

1815 - 2030

Progressive Reception/ Dinner

Exploring Downtown Bozeman (Walking Tour)

City Welcome:

  • Hon. Carlson Taylor; Mayor, City of Bozeman

PECC Welcome:

  • Charles E. Morrison; USAPC; Former President, East West Center

Co-Host Mansfield Welcome:

  • Abraham Kim; Executive Director, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

Evening Program: Bozeman's Thriving Industries

Montana Microbrewery Tasting

  • Todd Scott; Founder, Bozeman Brewery

How North Face is Promoting the Circular Economy

  • Conrad Anker; World Famous Alpinist, North Face Climbing Team Captain

Advancements in Forest Products: Cross Laminated Timber

  • Brian Caldwell; Founder, Think Tank Design

  • Stephen Nobel; Managing Member, CLT Works, LLC

Municipal Economic Development Strategies: Faster Growing Community in Montana

  • Brit Fontenot; Director of Economic Development, City of Bozeman

 Thursday, September 21, 2017 

0930 - 0935

Introductions / Logistics

  • Abraham Kim; Executive Director, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

0935 - 0940

Opening Remarks

  • Charles E. Morrison; USAPC; Former President, East-West Center

0940 - 0945

Introduction ( pdf download (852 KB) )


  • Stuart Blundell; Director of Business Development, Harris Geospatial Solutions

0945 - 1000

What is the Circular Economy: Concept and Practice ( pdf download (247 KB) )

  • Saleem H. Ali; Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment, University of Delaware

1000 - 1015

Creating Economic and Environmental Value Through Industrial Symbiosis ( pdf download (1.39 MB) )

  • Suzanne Tilleman; Chair of Marketing and Management; Associate Professor, School of Business Administration, University of Montana

1015 - 1030

Sustainable development and international trade: Natural resource industries

  • Marc Reverdin; Special Adviser/Diplomatic Attaché to Pascal Lamy (former Director General of the WTO)

1030 - 1045

A review of commitments made by European companies on circular economy ( pdf download 1 (2.05 MB) , pdf download 2 (2.74 MB) )

  • Jean Luc Le Bideau; Vice Chair, French Pacific Territories Committee for PECC (FPTPEC)

1045 - 1105

Q&A and Open Discussion

1105 - 1120

Networking Break

1120 - 1125



  • Lee Spangler; Director, Energy Research Institute, Montana State University

1125 - 1140

Water conservation and management at the mining and oil & gas extraction sites ( pdf download (2.13 MB) )

  • Nicolas Renard; Adviser to the Chairman and CEO, Veolia

1140 - 1155

Integrating renewables and natural resource-based energy: North American view ( pdf download (1.60 MB) )

  • John Hines, Vice President of Supply, Northwestern Energy

1155 - 1210

Managing and regulating hydrocarbon energy production - Alberta, Canada

  • Patricia Johnston; Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Alberta Energy Regulator

1210 - 1235

Q&A and Open Discussions

1235 - 1400

Networking Lunch and Group Pictures

Host welcome:

  • John Hines; Vice President of Supply, Northwestern Energy

1400 - 1405



  • Brent Peyton; Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering Department, Montana State University

  • Lisa Kirt; Principal Biogeochemist and President/Owner, Environmin, Inc.

1405 - 1420

Responsible and sustainable mining, a review of international and local initiatives ( pdf download (4.35 MB) )

  • Jean Claude Guillaneau; Director Georesources, Bureau des Ressources Géologiques et Miniès, France

1420 - 1435

Environmental impact of mining operations ( pdf download (686 KB) )

  • Alain Liger; Ingénieur and Général des Mines, former member of the French Mining Commission for the Ministry of Economy and Finance, France

1435 - 1450

Energy, Mining and the Circular economy in New Caledonia ( pdf download (4.05 MB) )

  • Victor Alonso; Director of Bureau of Industry, Ministry of Energy, New Caledonia

1450 - 1505

A Case Study from Chinese Taipei ( pdf download (1.74 MB) )

  • Chen-Sheng Ho; Director of the International Affairs Dept, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research

1505 - 1530

Q&A and Open Discussion

1530 - 1545

Networking Break

1545 - 1550



  • Tom DeLuca; Dean of Franke College of Forestry, University of Montana

1550 - 1605

Forestry Management, regulations and standards in the US and the world: Comparative overview

  • Bob Harrington; Former Administrator, Forestry Division, Deparment of Natural Resources and Conversation, State of Montana

1605 - 1620

European Union's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan: Innovation, Cooperaton, and Outlook for the Asia-Pacific Region ( pdf download (720 KB) )

  • Giuliana Torta; Counsellor (Environment, Climate, Maritime) Delegation of the European Union to the United States of America

1620 - 1635

Innovations in Forestry: Biofuels / CLT ( pdf download (2.12 MB) )

  • Michael Wolcott; Regents Professor; Director, Institute for Sustainable Design (ISD), Washington State University

1635 - 1650

Value-Added Bio products from Agriculture Residues ( pdf download (1.08 MB) )

  • Cecily Ryan; Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department, Montana State University

1650 - 1710

Q&A and Open Discussion

1710 - 1730

Closing Remarks

1830 - 2030

VIP Reception / Dinner

  • Abraham Kim; Executive Director, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

 Friday, September 22, 2017 

0845 - 0900

Welcome / Introductions

  • Abraham Kim; Executive Director, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

  • Charles E. Morrison; USAPC; Former President, East-West Center

0900 - 0905

Introduction ( pdf download (681 KB) )


  • Bill Whitsitt; Executive in Residence, University of Montana; Former Executive Vice President of Public Affairs, Devon Energy Corporation

0905 - 0920

Technological and Regulatory Innovation in Oil and Gas

  • C. Michael Smith, Executive Director, Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission

0920 - 0935

Integrated gas combined cycle power plants in Japan: Sustainability goals and economic development ( pdf download (653 KB) )

  • Kenji Ushimaru, President, Infra Innovations Inc.; Senior Adviser, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

0935 - 0950

Research, challenges and opportunities to reduce carbon emissions in O&G: Carbon sequestration, EOR, algae growth and other innovations ( pdf download (3.12 MB) )

  • Lee Spangler; Director, Energy Research Institute, Montana State University

0950 - 1015

Q&A and Open Discussion

1015 - 1030

Networking Break

1030 - 1035

Introduction ( pdf download (2.67 MB) )


  • Alex Philip; Senior Research Fellow, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center

1035 - 1050

Innovations in Sensors, Drones and Energy Management

  • Tim Sheehy, CEO, Ascent Vision and Bridger Aerospace

1050 - 1105

Big Data, GIS and Energy ( pdf download (5.36 MB) )

  • SJ Camarata; Director, ESRI

1105 - 1120

Bioscience Innovation in cleaning water in major urban development ( pdf download (3.16 MB) )

  • Jordan Lind; CEO, Clearas

1120 - 1200

Q&A and Open Discussion

1200 - 1345

Networking Lunch

1345 - 1350



  • John Etgen; Vice President, Project Wet

1350 - 1405

Innovation in mining: Best practices for mining operations ( pdf download (764 KB) )

  • Alain Liger; Ingénieur and Général des Mines, former member of the French Mining Commission for the Ministry of Economy and Finance, France

1405 - 1420

Management of the impact of mining on safety and the environment ( pdf download (2.39 MB) )

  • Christophe Didier; Scientific Director, Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERES)

1420 - 1435

People and Social Responsibility

  • Saleem H. Ali, Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Energy and the Environment, University of Delaware

1435 - 1505

Q&A and Open Discussion

1505 - 1520

Networking Break

1520 - 1630

Panel Conversation - Leadership Reflection


  • Charles E. Morrison; USAPC; Former President, East-West Center

Kickoff Panelist:

  • Jim Geringer; Former Governor of Wyonming; Policy Director, ESRI

1630 - 1645

Closing Remarks

1845 - 2030

Closing Dinner

MSU welcome:

  • Tracy Ellig; Executive Director of University Communications, Montana State University

Keynote Speaker:

  • Hon. Jon Tester; U.S. Senator, Montana

Next steps and wrap-up

  • Charles E. Morrison; USAPC; Former President, East-West Center

  • Jean Luc Le Bideau; Vice Chair, French Pacific Territories Committee for PECC (FPTPEC)

 Saturday, September 23, 2017

0930 - 1630

Yellowstone Overview: Forest Management & Economic Development (Site Visit)

Special Guest & Tour Guide:

  • Comm'r. Jeff Krauss; Former Mayor and Commissioner, City of Bozeman