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PECC XXVII: The 27th PECC General Meeting

From December 14, 2020 until December 18, 2020
At Online

 2020 PECC GM Cover


The 27th PECC General Meeting

Optimising Human Potential Towards a Future of Shared Prosperity and Sustainability in Times of Covid-19

Zoom Webinar

14 - 17 December 2020





Recording of the 27th PECC GM (Day 1)


Recording of the 27th PECC GM (Day 2)


Recording of Next Generation First Session (Day 1) : Introduction to Track Two


Recording of Next Generation - Presentation of Memorandum




Monday, 14 December 2020
(For Next Generation Participants)

0900 - 1030



"Track Two in a Nutshell" - Introduction to Track Two

Welcome Remarks

  • Don Campbell, Co-Chair, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC); Chair, Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CANCPEC)

  • Hugh Stephens,Vice-Chair, Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CANCPEC)


  • Juita Mohamad, Fellow, Economics, Trade and Regional Integration (ETRI), Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

  • Muhammad Sinatra, Analyst, Foreign Policy and Security Studies (FPSS), Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia


1005 - 1105


Track Two Simulation Discussion


  • James To, Senior Adviser (Research and Engagement), Asia New Zealand Foundation


  • Muhammad Sinatra, Analyst, Foreign Policy and Security Studies (FPSS), Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia

  • Calvin Cheng, Analyst, Economics, Trade and Regional Integration (ETRI), Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia


Tuesday, 15 December 2020
(For GM participants)


0900 - 0910



Opening Remarks

  • Herizal Hazri, Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia; Chair, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (MANCPEC)
    ( pdf download (64 KB) )

  • Don Campbell, Co-Chair, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC); Chair, Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CANCPEC)


0900 - 0930


Keynote Address: Malaysia and trade reforms in uncertain times ( pdf download (153 KB) )

  • YB Dato' Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Minister, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Malaysia


0930 - 1030


Plenary Session 1: Economic repercussions of the Covid-19 Crisis
Over the past couple of years, numerous global hazards have threatened to hamper the growth of international trade and the proliferation of global value chains. These include the rise of trade protectionism, the resultant multi-sided trade tensions and, more recently, the Covid-19 pandemic. With many economies in the region heavily dependent on trade and deeply integrated into global supply chains, these disruptive shocks have large negative impacts on economic activity in the region. Amid this backdrop of recurring systemic risks to global trade, how should APEC member economies respond in the coming decade? What role can APEC play as an institution in mitigating the downsides of these risks and safeguarding international trade and global supply chain activity?


  • Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair, Thailand National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (TNCPEC)



  • Vangelis Vitalis, SOM Chair, APEC 2021

  • Richard Record, Lead Economist, World Bank


1035 - 1135


Plenary Session 2: Initial assessment of the CPTPP and the future of RCEP - How are member economies faring to date especially in times of Covid-19?
After more than two years since the signing of CPTPP, only seven members have successfully ratified the agreement. It entered into force on 30 December 2018 after Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada became the first six economies to ratify the agreement. In January 2019, Viet Nam became the latest ratified member of the CPTPP. What are, if any, initial benefits reaped by these seven economies? How has CPTPP impacted their GDP, exports and employment in different tradable sectors especially during the pandemic pre-pandemic times? With rising trade tensions and the virus still unable to be contained, what can member economies of RCEP learn from the CPTPP agreement?


  • Andrew Kam Jia Yi, Senior Fellow, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)



  • Vo Tri Thanh, National Financial and Monetry Policy Advisory Council; Chair, Vietnam National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (VNCPEC)
    ( pdf download (2.31 MB) )

  • Kiki Verico, Advisor to the Minister of Finance, Industry and International Trade Division, Indonesia
    ( pdf download (1.18 MB) )

  • Jayant Menon, Visiting Senior Fellow, IDEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
    ( pdf download (1022 KB) )

  • Barney Riley, Lead Negotiator - Principal Advisers and Lead Negotiators, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand


1140 - 1240


Plenary Session 3: Accelerating solutions to Climate Change - Can markets transition to a low carbon economy?
With environmental risks such as climate change being recognised as significant threats to the business scene, companies need to respond and revamp their business models to adapt to the changes. Among the key risks posed by climate change are extreme weather events and natural catastrophes that will disrupt business activities as well as resource supplies. Furthermore, "transition risks" in shifting towards a low carbon economy, in the form of price fluctuations (ie. in changes of demand for fossil fuels) and policy changes my impact on business operations. Some businesses have successfully incorporated a new philosophy with innovative business models and gained market share as well as traction in popularity. This session explores how businesses and the market can transition to a low carbon economy by discussing existing and potential solutions.


  • Yose Rizal Damuri, Co-Chair, Indonesian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (INCPEC)



  • Richard Cantor, Chief Credit Officer, Moody's Investor Services; Chair, United States Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (USPECC)

  • Datin Seri Sunita Rajakumar, Founding Member, Climate Governance Initiative Malaysia

  • Eugene Wong Weng Soon, Former Corporate Finance and Investments Managing Director, Securities Commission, Malaysia


Wednesday, 16 December 2020
(For GM participants)

0900 - 1000


Plenary Session 4: Youth and Jobless - Facing Youth unemployment in the Asia Pacific
As governments in the region increasingly acknowledging the adverse effects that elevate youth unemployment, policy issues including graduate employability as well as technical and vocational training (TVET) have come to the forefront. At the same time, trends such as rapid technological change, the rise of gig economy and the spread of Covid-19 threaten to change the landscape of youth and graduate employment. How can economies in the Pacific improve labour outcomes for the youth? How should governments support youth skills development and adequately prepare them for the future of work and non-work challenges so that they remain resilient?


  • Sergio Ley-Lopez, Chairman, Asia- Pacific Business Section; Chair, Mexico National Committee for Pacific Economic Counicl (MXCPEC)



  • Tan Khee Giap, Chair, Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC)
    ( pdf download (832 KB) )

  • Felix Weidenkaff, Employment Specialist, International Labour Organization (ILO)
    ( pdf download (1.61 MB) )

  • Shanti Jagannathan, Principal Education Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)


1005 - 1105


Plenary Session 5: Digital Economy and its infrastructure for an inclusive society
The prospects of digital economy have several considerations. One is the race for its enhancement, where economies aim to secure resources, invest in infrastructure and participate in discourse on rules and regulations. Another is the status quo of business that cannot be sustained due to new innovations tested and pushed into the marketplace, which inevitably shape how we interact with one another. Discussions on harnessing the possibilities of digital economies include those that harmonise digital value chains, develop digital single markets and promote inclusive growth among the population. What are the key issues and challenges to growing digital economy in the direction of shared prosperity? Would the digital economy create a new North-South divide or can it help to bridge the gap in the long-run? How should governments tackle the issue of inclusive growth and what are the cost implications for these efforts?


  • Heungchong Kim, President, Korea Insitute for International Economy Policy (KIEP); Chair, Korea National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (KOPEC)



  • Elina Noor, Deputy Director, Asia Society Policy Institute

  • Peter Cowhey, Dean and Qualcomm Professor of Communication and Technology Policy, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego

  • Lu Guangtong, Engineer, Cyber Emergency Response Team, China Industrial Control System; China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC)

  • Naoko Iwasaki, Institute of e-Government, Waseda University


1110 - 1210


Plenary Session 6: SMEs in driving Innovation in the New Digital Age
Over the past few decades, Malaysia has transitioned from agricultural-based to industry-based economy. Almost 99 percent of the Malaysian economy consists of SMEs, where they provide 66 percent of the economy's employment, although contribution to the economy's GDP is merely 38.3 percent. It is evident that leveraging on SME's growth is essential for Malaysia and its trade partners, so that they become innovation-led nations that ensure sustainable economic growth and shared prosperity can be achieved. Despite investments and other initiatives to uplift SMEs and innovation in the economy, the outcome is yet to be satisfactory in most economies in the region. This is especially in the New Digital Age where the speed and agility of companies are essential for survival, boosting the capability of SMEs to drive innovation is critical. What are the current challenges and anticipating future challenges for SMEs? What are the new technologies that could be leveraged on for sustainable growth? How do successful SMEs of the future look like, considering the impact of new technologies, growing customer demands and increased market competitiveness?


  • Sharaad Kuttan, Host "Let's Talk with Sharaad", Astro Awani



  • Muhundhan Kamarapullai, Director, Business Digital Adoption, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

  • Sharifah Najwa Syed Abu Bakar, Chief Officer, Knowledge Management and Strategy Division, SME Corporation Malaysia

  • Manzur Rahman, Director of Marketing, Customer Experience and Innovation, Axiata Digital Capital Sdn. Bhd (ASPIRASI)


1215 - 1225


Closing Remarks:

  • Herizal Hazri, Chief Executive, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia; Chair, Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (MANCPEC)

  • Su Ge, Co-Chair, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC); Chair, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC)


Thursday, 17 December 2020
(For Next Generation participants and PECC members)

0900 - 1100



Next Generation Wrap-up Session
(For Next Generation participants)

0900 - 0930


Trust Protective Commitee Meeting
(For Trust Protective Committee members only)

0945 - 1045


Finance Committee Meeting
(For Finance Committee members only)

1105 - 1205


Session with Next Generation participants and PECC members: Presentation of Memorandum by the Youth

1205 - 1330


Standing Committee Meeting
(For PECC members only)