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15 November 1998 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - The Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), the only non-governmental organisation with official observer status in APEC, has urged APEC Leaders and Ministers to recognise the value of ongoing peer review of macroeconomic performance, in particular, the finance sectors of APEC economies.
14 November 1998 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - Until recently APEC has operated in prosperous economic times and relative political stability.  These times have given APEC members the benefit of being able to agree upon bold long-term goals without having to determine clearly their capacity to achieve them.
14 November 1998 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - For much of the past decade, the Asia Pacific was the largest growth market in the world for agricultural and food products. This decade of prosperity ended with the “Asian Meltdown” from mid 1997.
14 November 1998 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) - A report released today by the US Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (US-PECC) at the Kuala Lumpur meetings of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum projected enormous benefits to the Chinese economy from liberalizing air cargo regimes.
11 November 1998 (Singapore) - The world economy is teetering on the brink of a generalized recession.  The economic situation in 1998 for the region has deteriorated badly and is downright dismal.
15 September 1998 (Kuantan, Malaysia) - In a meeting on 6-8 September, PECC built on its policy statement to APEC Trade Ministers in June, which called for a coherent response to the Asian economic crisis, to be led by APEC. 
9 September 1998 (Singapore) – Economic experts from the Asia-Pacific called on leaders of APEC to adopt immediate measures to bolster investor confidence and restore capital flows in the crisis-plagued economies in Asia.  These experts, from the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), noted that there could be no economic recovery in Asia until these two issues are decisively addressed.
8 September 1998 (Taipei, Chinese Taipei) - Economic experts from the Asia-Pacific region attending a Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) conference on the regional crisis discussed the merits of capital controls, which was made topical by recent actions taken by Malaysia.
5 June 1998 (Singapore) - PECC Statement was delivered by PECC Chair Mr Roberto Romulo to the APEC Telecommunications and Information Industry Ministers at their meeting today, which laid out the principles that guide its work, and its comprehensive commitments to action to contribute to the APEC Tel process.