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23 October 2002 (Singapore) - Strong consumer confidence in the safety of the food supply is crucial to build and maintain an efficie nt food system in Asia Pacific whose leaders are gathering in Mexico this week. In a report issued today by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), a supporter of the APEC process, food industry economists call for governments and the private sector to work together to maintain comprehensive databases on food-borne illnesses, support research to prevent contamination, harmonize science -based standards and practices to limit illnesses, and sponsor consumer education to ensure safe handling of food.
21 October 2002 (Canberra, Australia) - Weighted average output in the Asia Pacific economies grew by 1.2 per cent in 2001.  The PEO Forecasters are expecting growth to accelerate to 2.8 per cent in 2002 and then to 3.8 per cent in 2003.  This is moderate growth for the region as a whole, possibly marking the beginnings of a new era of moderate growth.  Growth is expected to be well below the decade before the financial crisis for East Asia and well below the 1990s for the United States.
28 May 2002 (Canberra, Australia) - Weighted average output in the Asia Pacific economies grew by 1.2% in 2001. The PEO Forecasters are expecting growth to accelerate to 2.7% in 2002 and then to 3.8% in 2003. Growth rates are way below the range of recent experience.