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11 November 2010 (Yokohama)
10 November 2010 (Yokohama) - When the Leaders of the Asia Pacific region gather in Yokohama just a day after the G-20 Summit in Seoul, they face a delicate balancing act of continuing their ongoing agenda and responding to the urgent challenges facing the world.
10 November 2010 (Yokohama) - The Asia Pacific region has become more integrated, reaching a new high since 2000, according to annual composite index released by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC).
22 October 2010 (Tokyo) - The 19th PECC General Meeting was held in Tokyo on 21-22 October involving over 300 participants from 22 economies, against the backdrop of increased tension over currency values. Participants said that this issue needed to be managed appropriately in order to increase business confidence in the economic environment and to maintain focus on the core G-20 and APEC agendas.
6 June 2010 (Sapporo)
4 March 2010 (Tokyo) – Experts gathered in Tokyo for a two-day (4-5 March 2010) workshop to discuss measures to strengthen social resilience in the Asia-Pacific region. The meeting was convened by the Japan Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation and the opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Koichi Takemasa, the State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Japan.