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Economic Slowdown Takes Toll on Regional Integration
Wednesday, 5 September 2012 (Vladivostok) - The global economic slowdown continues to impact regional economic integration with the composite index showing a decline after having peaked in 2007. This is a reversal of the trend seen since 1990 of the region’s economies steadily showing more integration with each other. This is according to PECC annual report, State of the Region 2012-2013.

Compatibility in Asia-Pacific Trade Deals Key to Big Gains
Wednesday, 5 September 2012 (Vladivostok) - Against the background of a grim outlook in Europe, uncertainty in the US, and a slowdown in China, the Asia-Pacific needs to act on the new growth agenda adopted by APEC leaders in response to the crisis. One growth engine would be to accelerate progress on the region’s plan for creating a free trade area, which could boost global demand by US$2 trillion or 1.9 percent a year, according to a report released today by the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC).

PECC Elects Don Campbell as New Co-Chair

Monday, 30 April 2012 (Singapore) – At the Standing Committee meeting of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council held in Singapore on Friday, Don Campbell, a Distinguished Fellow of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and Senior Strategic Advisor for Davis LLP, has been unanimously elected Co-Chair of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC).  He is also the Chair of Canadian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CANCPEC). He assumes the position from Dr. Charles E. Morrison, President of the East-West Center, who has served last two terms (2005-2012) as PECC Co-Chair. Mr. Jusuf Wanandi, Member of the Board of the Trustees for the Centre for Strategic and International Studies of Indonesia, will serve another term as the other Co-Chair alongside Mr. Don Campbell. 

Regional Cooperation Taking a New Dimension
Thursday, 26 April 2012 (Singapore) – Opinion leaders of the Asia-Pacific region who gathered for the annual Singapore conference of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) think that the region would see continued sluggish growth in the next 12 months. This is largely due to the Euro zone expected to remain in recession for the time-being while domestic consumption also weakens in emerging economies. The speakers mainly representing policy think-tanks and government sectors from around the region voiced concerns with the projection of advanced economies moving beyond 100% debt versus GDP ratio by 2013. The region rebounded quickly in the aftermath of 1997-1998 financial crisis helped by strong export-led growth particularly seen in developing economies but it may not be the case this time.