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30 June 1999 (Auckland, New Zealand) – PECC Chair Mr Roberto R Romulo stresses the importance of greater clarity and improvements to APEC’s individual action plans, if they are to serve as tools for business planning, in an official observers’ Statement to APEC Trade Ministers in Auckland today.
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29 June 1999 (Auckland, New Zealand) – The worst of the Asian crisis appears to be over but the recovery process will be difficult and fraught with risks of increased protectionism and the potential slowdown of reforms.
16 April 1999 (Canberra, Australia) - The Standing Committee said they attached the highest importance to accession into the WTO of all PECC economies which are now in the process of acceding, namely, Russia, Chinese Taipei, Vietnam, and most especially China.  At this time, when many economies in Asia are undergoing deep and wide-ranging structural reforms, it is imperative that they get fully integrated into the rules-based trading system, charged with promoting and maintaining free and open trade and investments, under the auspices of the WTO.
14 April 1999 (Canberra, Australia) - A wide range of issues related to information technology (IT) development in the Asia Pacific region was discussed at a PECC seminar this morning. Among these: APEC and the Information Economy; Bridging the Technology Divide; Interconnection Policies; Role of Telecommunications Policies in Promoting Growth; and E-commerce Training for Small and Medium Enterprises.