The 28th PECC General Meeting

We are pleased to announce that the 28th PECC General Meeting will be hosted virtually by the New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council on the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Teams Meeting platform. The General Meeting will be held on the 21st – 22nd July 2021.
The 2-days conference will provide insights, recommendations, and exchanges of views from distinguished speakers in addressing issues pertaining to managing COVID and reviving regional growth, rebuilding support for open trade, emerging issues of the digital economy, and climate change; with intent to support the achievement of Putrajaya Vision, as well as to attain sustainable and inclusive regional economic growth.
Spaces for this conference are limited. Please approach your local PECC Committee if you are interested to attend this conference.
Featured Distinguished speakers and panelists
Hon. Damien O'Connor
New Zealand Minister of Trade and Export Growth
Mr. Pascal Lamy
President of Paris Peace Forum, President Emeritus of the Jacques Delors Institute, President of the World Committee of Tourism Ethics, Former WTO Director General, Chair FPTPEC
Professor Wonki Min
President of SUNY (The State University of New York) Korea, Former Vice Minister at the Korean Ministry of Science and ICT, Former Chair of OECD AI Expert Group and OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy, Former Chair of International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Professor David Victor
Convening lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Co-author for "Making Climate Policy Work", Co-Director, Deep Decarbonization Initiative at the School of Global Policy and Strategy and the School of Engineering, Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global Policy & Strategy, UCSD
Dr. Lu Chuanying
Secretary General, Cyberspace International Governance Research Center; and Research Fellow of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies
Professor Susy Frankel
Chair in Intellectural Property and International Trade, Victoria University, Wellington; Former President of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research of Intellectual Property (ATRIP)
Ms. Shiumei Lin
Vice President, Public Affairs and Sustainability, United Parcel Service (UPS) Asia Pacific Region
Dr. Deborah Elms
Founder and Executive Director, Asian Trade Centre; President of the Asia Business Trade Association (ABTA)
Click here for the program.
PECC Statement for 3rd APEC Structural Ministerial Meeting
 On behalf of PECC Co-Chairs, Mr. Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary-General of PECC attended the 3rd APEC Structural Reform Ministerial Meeting virtually on 16 June 2021. This meeting is pivotal not only because it will set forward APEC’s further work on structural reform for the next 5 years, but also its relative importance to the overall APEC agenda.
PECC highlighted the role of structural reform and identified key action areas and recommendations on labor market and social policy issues, sustainability and climate change, digital transformation, institutional arrangements and capacity building. PECC noted that one of the key risks to growth identified in its annual State of the Region survey over years had been the failure to implement structural reforms they therefore placed a high priority on APEC’s ability to facilitate transformative policies that will help to realize the Putrajaya Vision. Read more...
PECC Statement for APEC SRMM
APEC Trade Ministers act to boost vaccine production
 PECC co-chairs Dr Richard Cantor and Ambassador Zhan Yongxin represented the Council at the APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade meeting. During the meeting, Dr Cantor spoke on behalf of the co-chairs noting that “Last month we met with our PECC executive committee to discuss developments in the region, and there was an unambiguous message from our members that the economic recovery remains fragile with several economies in our region suffering from 2nd or 3rd waves of infections.”
Dr Cantor continued to say that “the region’s most urgent priority is to cooperate on vaccinating as many people as we can, as quickly and as equitably as we can because this will ultimately facilitate the movement of people and the opening of our economies.”
APEC Trade Ministers were resolute in their view that defeating COVID-19 is the top priority for every economy and the role that trade must play as a tool for responding to the pandemic. They recognized the urgent need to accelerate the production and distribution of safe, effective, quality-assured, and affordable COVID-19 vaccines. As such they agreed to the APEC MRT Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chains with a review by November 2021 and every 12 months as well as the APEC MRT Statement on Services to support the Movement of Essential Goods, progress on this work will be reviewed in 2022. Read more...
PECC Statement for APEC MRT
Ambassador Zhan Yongzin appointed as the new Chair.
In January 2021, with the unanimous consent from the council of CNCPEC, Amb. Zhan Yongxin was appointed as the chair of CNCPEC.
Amb. Zhan Yongxin was born in Shanghai in January 1957. He has a bachelor's degree in world economics from Peking University and a master's degree in international economic relations from China Foreign Affairs University.
Amb. Zhan Yongxin served as Second Secretary, Department of International Organizations and Conferences, MFA, Counsellor, Embassy of PRC in Canada, Deputy Director-General, Policy Planning Department, MFA, Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner's Office of MFA in Hong Kong SAR, Director-General, Department of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs, MFA, Ambassador of the PRC to Israel.
CNCPEC thanks Amb. Su Ge for leading the work in conducting research on Asia-Pacific cooperation and promoting the communication between domestic and foreign localities and enterprises in the past three years. CNCPEC looks forward to continuing to make contributions to China's participation in Pacific economic cooperation under the leadership of Chair Zhan Yongxin.
Online Event: Strengthening Trade and Economic Ties in the Indo-Pacific
USPECC hosted its annual policy forum virtually on June 30 and July 1, 2021. The forum focused on the U.S. administration’s trade and economic priorities in the Indo-Pacific; in areas of digital governance and inclusive trade.
Speakers included Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02), Susan Aaronson, Edward Alden, Eric Biel, Devry Boughner Voerwork, Peter Cowhey, Matthew Goodman, Amb. Kurt Tong, and USPECC Chair Richard Cantor.
The one-hour event recordings are available here:
USPECC Member Publications
USPECC members continue to contribute thought leadership, conduct relevant research and provide insights and expert analysis on the Asia-Pacific region. Below is a sampling of recent publications from our members.
- Wendy Cutler and Kurt Tong, “How to advance Biden's plan for inclusion, climate and innovation in the Indo-Pacific”, The Hill, May 6, 2021
- Susan Ariel Aaronson, The Hub has completed the first stage of its Global Data Governance Mapping Project. Check out the project's new webpage for more information on preliminary findings, methodology, and future analyses.
- Thomas J. Bollyky, “The Vaccine Pause Heard Round the World”, Foreign Affairs, April 23, 2021
- Chad P. Bown, “US-China phase one tracker: China’s purchases of US goods”, Peterson Institute for International Economics, April 201, 2021 and new episodes of Trade Talks
- Chad P. Bown (PIIE) and Thomas J. Bollyky (Council on Foreign Relations), “Here's how to get billions of COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world”, PIIE series on Economic Policy for a Pandemic Age: How the World Must Prepare, March 18, 2021.