In this issue:
- Singapore's Trade Minister Lim Hng Kiang outlines the key principles for an FTAAP and calls for renewed commitment to global multilateral trade system
- Where does your milk come from? - Global value chains in dairy industry
- Prospects of marine renewable energy - Is it ready to compete with fossil fuels?
- Improving connectivity in the Asia-Pacific...
PECC Singapore Conference: New Priorities of Regional Economic Integration - Mandate for APEC | Singapore | February 10-11, 2014

The regional and global economies are undergoing a structural transformation, partially a response to the upheaval caused by the Global Financial Crisis but also due to rapidly evolving changes in regional economies. Policy-makers are experimenting with various instruments to manage these changes.
The 2014 PECC Singapore conference consisted of four sessions with opening remarks delivered by Lim Hng Kiang, Minister for Trade and Industry of Singapore. He said that APEC must continue to pursue the next steps towards the realization of FTAAP by first remaining "vigilant in implementing our 2020 Bogor Goals and 2015 commitments." "These are (i) the Supply-Chain Connectivity Initiative, (ii) the Ease of Doing Business Action Plan, and (iii) tariff reduction on Environmental Goods. These are milestones towards realising the FTAAP. China’s 2014 chairmanship will be crucial for achieving our 2015 targets. Faltering on this means we falter in our path towards our FTAAP aspirations."
In regards to various pathways under development, Minister Lim said: "The RCEP and TPP will be current agreements when concluded. The RCEP could potentially transform the region into an integrated market of over 3 billion people, with a combined GDP of more than USD 17 trillion, or about a third of the world’s current annual GDP. The TPP will include 21st century issues, like e-commerce, intellectual property, competition, and regulatory coherence. Both agreements must inform and feed into the FTAAP."
The Conference was co-organized by the Singapore National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (SINCPEC) and the China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC) to provide a venue for stakeholders from different parts of the region to share their views and expertise on various ways in which APEC can play a role in managing these changes.
From Prototype to Market: Development of marine renewable energy policies and regional cooperation | Santiago, Chile | June 24-26, 2014

The second seminar of the energy transition project will gather representatives from the government and business sectors as well as institutions which are involved in the policy development of renewable energy, and particularly those from PECC member economies where marine renewable energies (MRE) are present and those seeking international collaboration to further develop specific MRE industries and relevant policies.
Session 1: Renewable energies for meeting industrial demand and needs of isolated locations
Session 2: Development of MRE and promoting early acceptance of stakeholders
Session 3: Setting appropriate policies to develop renewable energies
Session 4: Enhancing cooperation between stakeholders to promote energy transition
HKCPEC: Youth Program 2013-2014

HKCPEC’s Youth Program 2013-2014 was concluded on March 22, 2014, with nine winning teams presenting their videos on themes related to regional co-operation at the premiere and award presentation ceremony.
HKCPEC co-organised the 2013-14 program with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21). The project adopted a brand new approach this year to promote understanding and interest among the youth community on issues relating to regional economic development and co-operation. The participants worked in teams to produce videos of different styles using lively shooting techniques, covering themes including food crisis, creative industry and global inflation. More...
HKCPEC: Stephen Cheung Re-appointed as Chair

The Hong Kong Government has re-appointed Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, the President and Chair Professor of Public Policy of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, as the Chair of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (HKCPEC).
Ten members consisting of three from academia, six from the business sector and one government official have been appointed to the board. More...
CHILPEC: Annual Meeting | Santiago, Chile | March 27, 2014
Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, Chair of Thai committee for PECC, was the main guest speaker at the annual breakfast meeting of the Chile Pacific Foundation/CHILPEC, attended by about 150 guests. His topic was Thai and Southeast Asian international relations in the context of Asia-Pacific development. Dr. Narongchai also addressed a class of the Chilean Diplomatic Academy.
Mr. Kanit Si, Executive VP of the Bangkok Bank, also addressed the annual meeting of CHILPEC with a presentation on bilateral business opportunities. On the following day, he co-chaired the first meeting of the newly established Thai-Chile Business Committee at Sociedad de Fomento Fabril, Sofofa, the main trade association of Chile. More...
PERUPEC: Ambassador Armando Raúl Patiño Alvístur Appointed as New Chair
Ambassador Armando Raúl Patiño Alvístur has been appointed as the new Chair for PERUPEC. Ambassador Patiño is also appointed as Director of APEC and Specialized Fora with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Peru. He takes over from Mr Luis Romero, Acting Chair of PERUPEC.
Ambassador Patiño has been in the Peruvian foreign service for many years. His past positions include Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Cuba in 2008 and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Singapore. More...
Connectivity and Inclusive Growth in the Asia-Pacific
21 pages
ISBN-13: 978-981-07-8670-0

During the APEC meetings in Bali, the PECC and the Boao Forum for Asia convened a half-day seminar to consider “Connectivity and Inclusive Growth in the Asia-Pacific” and to identify policy actions and projects that could be adopted in 2014, when the People’s Republic of China holds the APEC chairmanship.
In four interactive sessions and a closing dinner, business, government, academic and civil society leaders discussed and debated ways to increase institutional, physical and people-to-people connectivity in the Asia-Pacific. One panel was devoted to the challenge of financing infrastructure development, a critical bottleneck to growth in the region. This was especially important in light of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement that China would support the establishment of an Asian infrastructure investment bank, a proposal that attracted much attention in advance of the APEC meetings.
This report outlines the outcomes of the seminar discussions, including key points of action that could be included in a broad plan of action to strengthen regional connectivity during China’s APEC chairmanship. Such a roadmap would be a major contribution to driving inclusive growth in the Asia-Pacific in coming years. More...
- PECC Singapore Conference 2014 | Singapore | February 9-11, 2014
- From Prototype to Market: Development of marine renewable energy policies and regional cooperation | Santiago, Chile | June 24-25, 2014
- HKCPEC: Youth Program 2013-2014
- HKCPEC: Stephen Cheung Re-appointed as Chair
- CHILPEC: Annual Meeting | March 27, 2014
- PERUPEC: Ambassador Armando Raúl Patiño Alvístur Appointed as New Chair
- Connectivity and Inclusive Growth in the Asia-Pacific
APEC Senior Officials Meeting 2 (SOM2), related meetings, and the Ministers Responsible for Trade (MRT) Meeting were held on May 5-18, 2014 in Qingdao, China.
PECC Statement to APEC MRT
PECC Update to APEC SOM2
APEC Senior Finance Officials Meeting (SFOM) and related meetings are held in Fuzhou, China on May 20-22, 2014.
APEC China 2014
PECC Update to APEC Senior Officials, SOM1 | Ningbo, China | February 28, 2014
PECC in the News
Kui Heng Network News
10 April 2014
10 April 2014
Chinanews (
4 April 2014
Enorth Net News
18 March 2014
China-US Focus
7 March 2014
Straits Times
11 February 2014
Lianhe Zaobao
11 February 2014
Channel NewsAsia
10 February 2014
The Jakarta Post
10 February 2014
iPolitics (Canada)
14 January 2014
Gary Hawke, Member of the Board, NZPECC
The Relative Significance of EPAs in Asia-Pacific Kenichi Kawasaki, Adjunct Fellow, Japan Institute of International Affairs (JIIA)
Getting Across the Finishing Line: Canada and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Don Campbell, Co-Chair PECC; Chair CANCPEC Hugh Stephens, Vice Chair CANCPEC
'PECC Guidelines for Good Corporate Governance Practice' (2001, pages 8-16) was published in 'International Standards: Annotated Corporate Social Responsibility Codes' (2014, Carswell, a division of Thomson Reuters Canada Limited).
In the aftermath of 1997-1998 Asian financial crisis, PECC noted the critical importance of structural reforms in the governence of the business sector and that these reforms were necessary in order to strengthen the microeconomic base of the region's economies. PECC's work on corporate governance was initiated by PARNet (Peer Assistance and Review Network) under the leadership of Dr. Jesus P. Estanislao, President and CEO of the Institute of Corporate Directors of the Philippines. Within PARNet, a core group was formed under the chairmanship of Professor Stephen Cheung (current Chair of HKCPEC) who authored the guidelines. The report was released at the 14th PECC General Meeting hosted by Hong Kong in November 2001. More...
To download the full report, please click here.