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Dr Charles E. Morrison
President, East-West Center, co-chair PECC

Charles E. Morrison has been president of the East-West Center since 1998. He has been associated with the Center since 1980 in various capacities, including heading its former Institute of Economics and Politics. A U.S. Senate aide early in his career, he has also been a research associate at the Japan Center for International Exchange. Morrison has served as the international chair of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council since 2005, and is a member of other national and international bodies that promote trans-Pacific security and economic cooperation. His Ph.D. is from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, where he also once taught on Southeast Asia. He speaks and publishes widely on U.S. Asia policy issues and the countries of the region, and gives special emphasis to regional cooperation, particularly the APEC process.


Mr Jusuf Wanandi
President Director the Jakarta Post, Senior Fellow, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, co-chair PECC

Co-founder and Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees of CSIS Foundation, and Senior Fellow of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta. He is Chairman of the Indonesian National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (INCPEC) and Co-chair of CSCAP Indonesia and concurrently member of the Standing Committee of PECC and member of the Steering Committee of CSCAP (Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific). He is also President Director of the publishing company of The Jakarta Post Daily as well as Chairman of the Board of the Prasetiya Mulya Graduate School of Management, and Chairman of the Foundation of Panca Bhakti University in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. A lawyer by training, Mr. Wanandi was assistant professor of law at the University of Indonesia, and has served in various national and international organizations in the course of his career. He was appointed as Secretary of the Indonesian Supreme Advisory Council; Secretary General of the National Education Council; and as four-term representative in the People’s Consultative Assembly. He was active in the Golkar Party between 1979 until 1988 as a member of the Central Board in various capacities. He has written extensively in national and international magazines and newspapers and has edited a number of books on political and security developments in the Asia Pacific region.



Amb. Yoshiji Nogami 
President, Japan Institute for International Affairs & former Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan 

Amb. Nogami became president of the Japan Institute for International Affairs in February 2009. Previously, he served as an advisor to the Japanese cabinet and an executive advisor to Mizuho Corporate Bank. In September 2004, he was appointed ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James, London, UK. Prior to that, he held numerous senior positions at Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), including serving as the vice-minister of MOFA from 2001 to 2002, deputy minister of MOFA from 1999 to 2001, director-general of MOFA's economic affairs bureau from 1996 to 1997, and deputy director-general of the foreign policy bureau from 1993 to 1994. Amb. Nogami was a senior visiting fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs from 2002 to 2004. He also served as ambassador of Japan's permanent delegation to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris from 1997 to 1999. Amb. Nogami earned a B.A. in American Studies from the University of Tokyo.


Prof. Peter A. Petri 
Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance 

Prof. Petri is the Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance at the Brandeis International Business School (IBS) and a senior fellow of the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. His research focuses on international trade, finance, and investment, with primary applications to the Pacific Rim. Prof. Petri served as Dean of IBS from its founding in 1994 until 2006. He has held appointments as a Fulbright Research Scholar and Visiting Scholar at the OECD, the Brookings Institution, Keio University (Tokyo) and Fudan University (Shanghai). He has consulted for the World Bank, the OECD, the Asian Development Bank, APEC, and agencies of the United Nations, the United States and other countries. He serves on the editorial boards of journals dedicated to Asia-Pacific research and is the Convener of the East-West Center's East-West Dialogue. He is a member of the Board of the U.S. Asia Pacific Council and the PAFTAD International Steering Committee, and a former Chair of the U.S. APEC Study Center Consortium. He received A.B. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from Harvard University.


Dr. Masahiro Kawai 
Dean & CEO, Asia Development Bank Institute (ADBI) 

Dr. Masahiro Kawai is Dean and CEO of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Institute. He was previously special advisor to the ADB President in charge of regional economic cooperation and integration. Prior to his tour, he was an assistant and associate professor in economics at The Johns Hopkins University (1978–1986) and an associate and full professor of economics at the University of Tokyo (1986–2008). He also worked as chief economist for the World Bank's East Asia and the Pacific Region (1998–2001), and as deputy vice minister of finance for international affairs of Japan's Ministry of Finance (2001–2003). Dr. Kawai has published a number of books and more than 100 academic articles on economic and financial globalization, regional economic integration and cooperation in East Asia, and the international monetary system. Some of his publications include: The New World Fiscal Order (Urban Institute, 1996), Exchange Rate Regimes in East Asia (Routledge Curzon, 2004), and Policy Coherence towards East Asia: Development Challenges for OECD Countries (OECD, 2005). He has a Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University.


Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee
Chairman, Seranee Holdings Co., Ltd

Dr. Narongchai Akrasanee, former Minister of Commerce and Senator of Thailand, is Chairman of Steering Committee, Mekong Institute and Chairman of the Board of Directors of MFC Asset Management Plc. Currently, Dr. Narongchai is member of Economic Advisory Committee of the Prime Minister. He is also affiliated with many other institutions. At public institutions, Dr. Narongchai is an Insurance Commissioner and serves as chairman or director or advisor of the Board of Investment; of Office of Knowledge Management and Development; Fiscal Policy Research Institute; Thailand Development Research Institute; Khon Kaen University Council; Mekong Institute; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council; Pacific Trade and Development Conference; and as for private Institutions, he is chairman of Brooker Group Plc., and Vice Chairman of Thai-German Products Plc. Dr.Narongchai received B.Ec. degree with honor from the University of Western Australia, and M.A. and Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins University.


Ms. Corazon S. de la Paz-Bernardo
President, International Social Security Association

Ms. Corazon S. de la Paz-Bernardo is the first non-European and the first woman President of the International Social Security Association in its 83-year history. She was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Social Security System (SSS) of the Philippines from August 2001 until July 2008. She is now Consultant in the Office of the Chairman of the Social Security Commission. She is a board member of several companies in the Philippines, and has held leadership positions in professional bodies and voluntary organizations. She was Chairman and Senior Partner of the Philippine Firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers prior to becoming SSS President. The recipient of several awards, Ms. de la Paz-Bernardo was named by the Philippine Professional Regulation Commission as 2007 Outstanding Professional in the field of Accountancy, and was given the 2006 Communication Excellence in Organizations Award by the International Association of Business Communications (Philippine Chapter).


Prof. Mukul Asher
Professor, National University of Singapore

Prof. Mukul G. Asher obtained Ph. D. degree from Washington State University in U. S. in 1972. He is currently Professor of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He specializies in public finance and pension issues in Asia. He has also researched on India's economic diplomacy, particularly in relation to rest of Asia. He has published widely, authoring, co-authoring, and editing about dozen books, and articles in national and international journals. He has been a consultant to many international organizations, such as the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Social Security Organization, and the World Health Organization. He publishes a regular bi-monthly column on public policy issues in DNA, a Mumbai based newspaper.


Prof. Noriyuki Takayama
Professor, Hitotsubashi University

Dr. Noriyuki Takayama is the JRI Pension Research Chair Professor at the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo. He holds a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He is Director General and CEO of a research Project on Intergenerational Equity (PIE), whose main objective is setting options for fair distribution of well-being among different generations. He is known as a distinguished key player on Japanese pensions. He has published numerous books and articles in international publications including Econometrica and American Economic Review. His publications include Taste of Pie: Searching for Better Pension Provisions in Developed Countries, Pensions in Asia: Incentives, Compliance and Their Role in Retirement, and Closing the Coverage Gap. He is the author of a Japanese book, Saving and Wealth Formation, which was awarded the 1996 Nikkei Prize for the best book on economic issues. 


Prof. Graeme Hugo
Professor, University of Adelaide

Prof. Graeme Hugo is ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, Professor of the Department of Geographical and Environmental Studies and Director of the National Centre for Social Applications of Geographic Information Systems at the University of Adelaide. His research interests are in population issues in Australia and South East Asia, especially migration. He is the author of over three hundred books, articles in scholarly journals and chapters in books, as well as a large number of conference papers and reports. In 2002 he secured an ARC Federation Fellowship over five years for his research project, "The new paradigm of international migration to and from Australia: dimensions, causes and implications". His recent research has focused on migration and development, environment and migration and migration policy. In 2009 he was awarded an ARC Australian Professorial Fellowship over five years for his research project “Circular migration in Asia, the Pacific and Australia: Empirical, theoretical and policy dimensions”.


Prof. Takao Komine
Professor, Hosei University

Prof. Komine is currently Professor at Graduate School of Regional Policy Design, Hosei University, and Senior Research Fellow at Japan Center for Economic Research. He entered Economic Planning Agency of the Japanese government in 1969 and became Director General at research Bureau in 1999. After serving as Director General at National and Regional Planning Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, he assumed his position as Professor at Hosei University in 2003. He is a member of Japan Association for Planning Administration and Transcultural Management Society. He has published numerous books including “Economics of Change of Government”, “Population Onus Society” and “Introduction to the Contemporary Japanese Economy”. He received B.A. in Economics from the University of Tokyo in 1969.


Mr Michel Rocard
Chair, FPTPEC, Former Prime Minister of France

Mr Michel Rocard is a former Prime Minister of France and leader of the Socialist Party. Mr Rocard was educated at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques and of the Centre d'Etudes des Programmes Economiques.  He has served in numerous positions within the French government including Minister of State for Planning and Regional Development and Minister for Agriculture. Mr Rocard has also been a member of the European Parliament where he chaired the Committees on Employment and Social Affairs as well as Culture, Youth, Education, Media and Sports. He currently is Ambassador for the Polar Negotiations.

Prof. Joachim Bitterlich
Executive Vice President International Affairs for Veolia

Prof. Joachim Bitterlich, Ambassador (ret), is Executive Vice President International Affairs for Veolia Environnement Paris and Chairman Veolia Environnement Germany. He studied at the University of Saarbrücken and the French National School of Administration (ENA). He has held numerous positions within the German Federal government in particular Director General of Foreign Policy, Economic Cooperation and External Security at the Federal Chancellor's office – and Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (1993-98). He has also served as Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany on the North Atlantic Council Brussels (1998-99), to the Kingdom of Spain and the Principality of Andorra (1999-2002).  Prof Bitterlich is a member of the Board of Administration of Veolia Environmental Services and Veolia Transport Paris, of the ENA, Paris/Strasbourg, of MEDEF International, Paris, of the Commission “Europe” of MEDEF; Vice President of the Committee France-China. He is also Professor at the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP Europe) and member of various international associations including DGAP, IISS, Euro 50, Bretton Woods Committee.

Dr. David Hong
President, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research

Dr. David S. Hong is the President of Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, the largest independent think tank in Taiwan. Dr. Hong is also involved with several public and private institutions. At public level, Dr. Hong is currently the Secretary General for the Industrial Development Advisory Council; Member of Advisory Committee for the Council for Economic Planning and Development, and Member of the Commission on National Income Statistics. At NGO level, Dr. Hong is the Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee, Executive Director for the Chinese Taipei APEC Study Center, and the Deputy Executive Director of APEC SME Crisis Management Center. On the academic level, Dr. Hong has authored/co-authored over one hundred journal articles, research projects and books since receiving his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota in 1978. An educator, Dr Hong continues to lecture to date. His current research interest include: industrial development, economic forecasting, energy and environmental economic analysis.


Dr. Liang-Chun Chen
Director, National Science and Technology center for Disaster Reduction

Dr. Liang-Chun Chen is a professor in Graduate Institute of Building and Planning at National Taiwan University, where he have taught graduate courses including city planning, urban design, community architecture, and disaster management since 1986. Dr. Chen received his B.S. in Architecture from Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan (1971), a M.S. (1976) and a Dr. Eng (1986) in Urban Planning from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Chen is also a contributing and active member of several public institutions and NPOs in community empowerment area. In addition, Dr. Chen is the director of the National Science & Technology Center for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) which is the main hazard research center in Taiwan. He is an expert in hazard-management policy and managing system. After the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, Dr Chen has also worked in community-based strategy, recovery and disaster management. Till now, he has conducted many pilot case studies. 


Dr. Don Gunasekera
Senior Economist, The CSIRO Center for Complex Systems Science

Dr Don Gunasekera is currently a Visiting Scientist/Senior Economist at the Centre for Complex Systems Science in CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) in Canberra. Don’s current research interests include food security and distribution gaps, integrated assessment modelling, massive agent based modelling, economic impacts of pandemics and spread of infectious diseases, socio-economic and health impacts of air pollution, prospects for renewable energy use, climate change mitigation and adaptation analysis and economic value of climate and weather information. Until recently Dr Gunasekera was the Chief Economist at the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE). As Chief Economist, Don led ABARE’s applied research effort in fields diverse as trade analysis, climate change, productivity in the farm sector, biosecurity, natural resource management as well as minerals and energy related economic issues. He has a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University and has completed the Senior Managers in Government Program at Harvard University.


Mr. Mikio Ishiwatari
Senior Advisor, JICA

Dr. Mikio Ishiwatari is Senior Advisor in disaster management and water resources management of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). He advises JICA’s policies and operations, and conducts project formulation, administration, and review, in climate change adaptation, disaster management, and water resources management. He worked at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, Japan for nearly 20 years as Director for Hamada River and Road Office, Senior Deputy Director for River Technology and Information, and a specialist in water resources and disaster management. Also, he was seconded to the Asian Development Bank as urban development specialist, Japanese Embassy in Nepal, and Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (currently JICA). He joined JICA five years ago. He received a PhD in International Studies from the Tokyo University in 2010, and his M.S. in Urban Engineering from the Tokyo University in 1988. 


Dr. Shuzo Nishioka
Senior Visiting Researcher, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)

Dr. Shuzo Nishioka is currently Senior Visiting Researcher at National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES); Research Advisor at Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES); Secretary General at International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies. He is also Member of Central Council of Environment, and Co-Leader of Innovative Climate Model Project. His research work at NIES for 20 years is on regional and global environmental assessment and environmental policy. Previously, he served as Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology and Keio University, and Executive Director of NIES, and worked with IPCC from 1988 to 2007. In 2004 -2009, he lead a policy related research of Japan Low Carbon Society Project, which helps Japanese long term GHG reduction target setting and designing road map. His recent work focuses on collaboration with Asian countries on Low Carbon Development. He graduated from the University of Tokyo (Control Theory) in 1962.


Dr. Hardiv Harris Situmeang
Advisor, National Development Planning Agency and Indonesian National Council on Climate Change

Dr. Hardiv Harris Situmeang is Currently Chairman of Indonesian National Committee-World Energy Council, Member of Communications and Outreach Committee of WEC, Advisor to the National Development Planning Agency on Climate Change Sectoral Road Map, and Member of External Advisory Board Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Washington University, USA. Previously, he was Director of Planning of Indonesia State Electricity Corporation from 1998 to 1999, and 2001 to 2003, responsible for Corporate Plan, and Analysis & Evaluation of Corporate Performances.He has been Member of Indonesian Delegation for the COP, the SBSTA and the SBI since 2004, AWG-KP since 2007, and AWG-LCA since 2008. He was Panelist at Side Events: COP10, Buenos Aires; COP14, Poznan; COP15, Copenhagen; SBSTA 32 and AWG-LCA 11, Bonn. His main interests are in Mitigation Actions of Energy Sector; Energy Planning; Power System Planning, Operations & Control; and Project Financing, focusing at present on establishment of NAMAs of Energy Sector, and CCS. He received a D.Sc, May 1993 in System Science and Mathematics from School of Engineering and Applied Science, Washington University.


Mr Cheng Siwei 
Honorable Chair, CNCPEC & Former Vice Chairman, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress 

Mr. Cheng currently serves as honorary chairman of the China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation and Chairman of International Finance Forum. He has been president of the Association for Soft Science Studies, China, for more than a decade. Previously, he served as chairman of the Central Committee of China National Democratic Construction Association and vice chairman of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress, China. He holds a honorary doctor of business administration from Hong Kong Polytech University, a M.B.A. from the University of California Los Angeles, and an undergraduate degree from East China Institute of Chemical Technology. 


Dr. Manfred Wilhelmy
Executive Director, Chile Pacific Foundation

Dr. Manfred Wilhelmy graduated in Law from Catholic University of Valparaiso (1968) and was admitted to the bar in 1969. In 1971 and 1973 he was awarded M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Politics (Princeton University), where he specialized in the field of international relations. He is a faculty member of the Institute of International Studies, University of Chile. He has also taught at Princeton University and at SAIS, the Johns Hopkins University. Since 2007 he is director of the Journal Estudios Internacionales. Since 1990 he has worked on East Asian international relations. In 1994 he was appointed Executive Director of the Chile Pacific Foundation, a private organization established to promote Chile’s links with the Pacific Basin economies. He chairs the Chilean Committee on Pacific Economic Cooperation (CHILPEC), and from 2004 through 2006 he was Alternate Member of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). His major publications are in the areas of Chilean foreign policy and international relations in the Latin America region and Asia-Pacific.


Ms. Kumiko Okazaki
Senior Economist, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan

Ms. Kumiko Okazaki is Director and Senior Economist, Deputy Head of Planning and Coordination Group, Economic and Financial Studies Division, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan since Oct. 2007. She joined the Bank of Japan in 1984, and was mainly involved in China related business since early 1990s to 2007 in the International Department and in the Representative Office in Asia and Oceania (stationed in Hong Kong) of the Bank, while seconded to the Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan as a researcher from Mar. 2001 to Mar. 2003, and to the RAND Corporation (USA) as an international visiting fellow from Apr. 2006 to Oct. 2007. She graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Apr.1979-Mar.1984, Chinese Studies Dept.), Beijing Language Institute, China (Sept. 1982- Aug. 1983), Chinese University of Hong Kong (Jan.-Dec. 1993).


Prof Akira Kohsaka 
Professor, Osaka University

Professor Akira Kohsaka (Ph. D., Stanford University) has been affiliated with Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, since 1994. He worked for Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo (1975-88), Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University (1988-94). He was a Council Member of Osaka University for fiscal years 2002-2003, and the Dean of the OSIPP for 2004-2006. His major field includes international economics and development economics. His contribution to academic associations included vice president of East Asian Economic Association (2001-), the editor of Asian Economic Journal (2001-2006), council member of Association of Asian Political Economy (Ajia Seikei Gakkai) and international steering committee member of Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD) (1998-). His consulting job outside academics includes those at Economic Council, Economic Planning Agency (now Cabinet Office) and Industrial Structure Council, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).