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The Pacific Economic Outlook Structure Group held its second meeting on the theme macrofinancial linkages and financial deepening on 11-12 September in Osaka, Japan.

The Asian economic crisis in 1997-98 called for a more robust regional financial architecture to support trade and investment in the Pacific region. In fact, emerging market economies in the region have tried hard to restructure their domestic financial markets as well as pursuing for regional financial cooperation. Under the general trend of global and regional financial market integration, advanced economies have also restructured their financial linkages to emerging markets across regions. 
The project addressed the following questions:
1. The current crisis has seriously affected financial linkages as well as macroeconomic developments in the region. Will this change the structure of the macrofinancial linkages? If they do, how and if they don’t, why?
2. Will the crisis affect domestic financial deepening in the emerging market economies in the region, and, if it does, how?
3. How will be the regional financial cooperation in the region affected and what can be done to strengthen it? 
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Japan Committee for Pacific Economic Outlook (PEO)
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