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2012_Sept_PEO_StructurePEO (Pacific Economic Outlook) Structure project group is addressing the topic of "monetary policy regime" this year and held their first meeting in March and the second meeting on September 21st-22nd in Osaka.

With the continued global economic downturns, we are witnessing small and large scale shocks on banking sectors and securities markets of both developed and emerging market economies.  The aim of the project is to examine the degree of resilience of the regional financial architecture to the crisis.

Coordinated by Dr. Akira Kohsaka, Professor of International Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, the PEO Structure project group meetings are hosted by the Japan Committee for PEO which is housed and staffed by the Asia Pacific Institute of Research (APIR).

Download the program agenda (pdf, 38KB)
Download the list of participants (pdf, 23KB)
Download the progress report (pdf, 36KB)

For more information, please contact:

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