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PPDS-Boracay-4-300x200PECC co-organized a Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) on Services with the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) of the Philippines in Boracay, Philippines on May 17th, just ahead of the annual APEC ministerial meeting for trade. The purpose of this dialogue was to deepen understanding of officials on the challenges faced by service providers in the region and contribute to the issues to be included in an APEC Services Cooperation Framework, a major initiative of the Philippines this year as the APEC chair.

The approach taken in this series of Public-Private Dialogues is to understand how companies operate their value chains in the region – some of this involves analytical work as well as hearing directly from service providers.

PPD on Services that took place in Clark, Philippines in February 2015 on the margins of the First Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM1) of APEC, covered information technology and business process management (IT-BPM), creative industries, and reserach and development services. This meeting was its follow-up PPD and focused on services relevant to the manufacturing, agriculture and environment-related sectors.

Program agenda and presentations for download
