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Mr Eduardo Pedrosa, PECC Secretary General joined a panel discussion on "Growth in a Challenging and Diverse Landscape: Asia and the Pacific" at the Singapore APEC Study Centre hosted by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. The event was held following the APEC Senior Officials and Ministers Responsible for Trade Meetings held in in Boracay, Philippines.

The panelists were: 

  • Dr. Alan Bollard, Executive Director, APEC Secretariat
  • Mr. Eduardo Pedrosa, Secretary General, PECC International Secretariat
  • Dr. Denis Hew, Director of APEC Policy Support Unit, APEC Secretariat

Mr Pedrosa spoke on the findings of the State of Trade in the Region report which was released in Boracay. The panel addressed the following issues:

- Key outcomes from the Boracay APEC meetings?

- Challenges for the APEC economies towards enhancing regional economic integration and the FTAAP?

- Trade policy concerns of regional opinion-leaders as detailed in the PECC State of Trade in the Region 2015?

- How will the APEC economies perform in the light of increased global uncertainties in 2015 and 2016? What are some of the underlying risks for Asia-Pacific economies?