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The 25th PECC General Meeting will be organized in collaboration with the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) as the inaugural CSIS Global Dialogue. PECC and CSIS will be the co-organizers for the event.

The overarching theme will be: Global Disorder: The Need for New Regional Architecture and Business Model? The conference will take place over 2 days consisting of plenary panel discussions on specific topics related to the overall theme.

The global economic system is under challenge. Events across the world indicate a growing dissatisfaction with the global system. This in turn poses challenges to the regional system whereby the global multilateral system as its key pillar.

At the same time, we are being confronted with challenges that require collective action – technology is transforming the way we produce, trade, work, do business and live, while sustainable development has become the overarching theme for many countries that has to do with dealing with environmental and climate change challenges as well as issues of social inclusiveness and equity. Those challenges include:

  1. Lack of confidence and support for global and regional governance structures; US attitude towards multilateralism and retreat to bilateral deals and unilateral actions; and issues within Europe on European integration and leadership. Responses
  2. Disruptions due to technological transformations including AI and digital technology
  3. Sustainable development, climate change and inclusion.
  4. Asia-Pacific: Leadership challenges

The conference will bring together a diverse range of experts, thinkers and practitioners from academia, government and business to shed light on these issues and come up with recommendations regarding the response needed by regional economies and regional institutions.

The objective of this conference is to provide a platform to discuss the key challenges confronting regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. It will allow thought-leaders and stakeholders to exchange views on what those challenges are as well as present potential solutions to them.


(Click here for the program)