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On 16 August 2010, SINCPEC hosted a conference on "Towards Balanced and Sustainable Growth Strategies for Post-Crisis Asia: A Shifting Paradigm and Challenges", co-organized by PECC and the ADB Institute.
The conference featured three panel discussions on:
  • Raising Quality of Life and Inclusive Growth for Asians:  Enhancing Social Safety Net, Comprehensive  Healthcare Coverage, Affordable Public Housing and Quality Education
  • Financial Deepening and Integration In Asia: Financial Supervision and Banking Regulation, Financing SMEs, Regional Exchange Rate Regimes and Realignment
  • Towards Balanced and Sustainable Growth in Post-Crisis Asia: Enhancing Environment Friendliness, Forging Regional Cooperation and Architecture and Growth Strategies Reappraisal

The keynote address was delivered by Ambassador Yoshiji Nogami on "Shaping and Setting the APEC Agenda 2010", and ADB Institute Dean Dr Masahiro Kawai made the luncheon speech on "Rebalancing for Sustainable Growth: Asia’s Post-Crisis Challenge and Policy Recommendations". The one-day conference concluded with the book launch of "Rebalancing for Sustainable Growth: Asia's Post-crisis Challenge", edited by Dr Kawai and ADB chief economist Dr Jong-Wha Lee. 

Program agenda with presentation slides and papers available for download

[left to right] Ambassador Yoshiji Nogami, Chair of JANCPEC, and Professor Tan Khee Giap, Chair of SINCPEC