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On January 21, 2011, CNCPEC held its annual meeting in Beijing. About 100 people including government officials, members of CNCPEC and representatives of the subcommittees and local committees attended the meeting. 

CNCPEC-Cheng-GuopingMr. Cheng Guoping, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs addressed the meeting. He highly commended the role of PECC and recognized that an important objective of PECC is to participate in and impact the cooperative process of APEC. He further indicated that in the past 30 years since its establishment, PECC has taken full advantage as a tripartite organization to conduct research on economic and trade issues and put forward numerous practical and viable policy proposals. PECC has also made great contribution to the regional cooperation in Asia and Pacific by way of promoting cooperation between government and non-government organizations, and accelerating regional integration, especially by fostering the establishment of APEC in 1989. With practical work achieved over many years, PECC has become an important non-governmental international organization in Asia and the Pacific. 

Amb. Mei Ping made a stock take of activities in 2010. He briefed the attendees about the activities of PECC in 2010: China-PICs Eco-Tech Cooperation Forum held in April, business delegations to Fiji, Samoa and Tonga in September - both organized by CNCPEC - and Yangzhou World Canal Cities Forum co-organized by CNCPEC and the Yangzhou municipal government.

He also announced the establishment of the CNCPEC subcommittee for foreign eco-tech cooperation becoming the seventh subcommittee. In the meantime, the Business Forum of CNCPEC has moved to Shanghai, the business center of China. In addition to the local committees in Liaoning, Tianjin, Shanxi, Hunan, Guangzhou, Sichuan, we now have one more local committee in Shanghai. 

CNCPEC will carry on the projects co-hosted with local governments, including the PECC Trade and Investment Fair to be held in Tianjin in the first half of the year.