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Hugh_StephensCANCPEC (Canada National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation) has appointed Hugh Stephens as the new Vice-Chair of CANCPEC. Mr. Stephens has more than 35 years of government and business experience in the Asia-Pacific region. Before returning to Canada in December 2009, he served as Senior Vice President, Public Policy (Asia Pacific) for Time Warner, based at the company’s regional headquarters in Hong Kong. He continues to serve as an advisor to the company. Prior to joining Time Warner in January 2001, Mr. Stephens spent 28 years with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) of Canada, including five diplomatic missions to Asia. His final assignment was as Assistant Deputy Minister for Policy and Communications at DFAIT. Mr. Stephens has served on the Executive Committee of the Boards of the US National Center for APEC and the US-Korea Business Council. He is currently on the Board of the Victoria chapter of the Canadian International Council and is a member of the Canadian Intellectual Property Council of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.