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photoThe New Zealand Committee of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (NZPECC) held its AGM on October 15 in Auckland, New Zealand. While the AGM is a requirement of the domestic governance structure, the AGM also allows the NZPECC to convene its members from different sectors and share NZPECC's achievements over the year.

This year, the New Zealand Minister for Trade, Hon Tim Groser was the keynote speaker, giving a very well received talk on global value chains. NZPECC also took this opportunity to outline some interesting work possibilities coming up in 2014. The Annual Report of its activities from 2012, distributed at the meeting, is available for download.

[photo l-r: Denis McNamara, Chair of NZPECC and Rob Scollay, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Auckland/ Director of APEC Studies Centre, NZ]