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HKCPEC Photo 2HKCPEC’s Youth Program 2013-2014 was concluded on March 22, 2014, with nine winning teams presenting their videos on themes related to regional co-operation at the premiere and award presentation ceremony.

HKCPEC co-organised the 2013-14 program with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21). The project adopted a brand new approach this year to promote understanding and interest among the youth community on issues relating to regional economic development and co-operation. The participants worked in teams to produce videos of different styles using lively shooting techniques, covering themes including food crisis, creative industry and global inflation.

[Photo 1: A photo with the winning teams: Professor Cheung (second row, sixth from right); the Vice Chairman of the HKCPEC, Mr. Raistlin Lau (second row, seventh from right); and the Director of M21, Mr. James Mok (second row, fifth from right)]

The HKCPEC Youth Program is a major strategy adopted by HKCPEC for next generation engagement. It aims at advancing the understanding among the youth community of Hong Kong’s role and contribution to trade, economic and regional co-operation; enhancing their awareness and knowledge of co-operation in economic and trade matters in the Asia-Pacific region; and increasing their knowledge, developing their analytical skills and encouraging their strategic thinking on Hong Kong’s role and development in the region.

HKCPEC has jointly organised projects with local youth organizations under its Youth Program since 2005. 

The videos produced by the winning teams are available at M21 website ( for public viewing.

HKCPEC Photo 1

 [Photo 2: HKCPEC and M21 jointly held the premiere and award presentation ceremony of the HKCPEC Youth Program on March 22, 2014.  Picture shows the Chairman of the HKCPEC, Professor Stephen Cheung, delivering the opening remarks.]