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Stephen CheungThe Hong Kong Government has re-appointed Professor Stephen Cheung Yan-leung, the President and Chair Professor of Public Policy of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, as the Chair of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (HKCPEC).

Ten members consisting of three members from academia, six members from the business sector and one government official have also been appointed as follows:

- Professor Matthew Lee, City University of Hong Kong
- Professor Lim Chin-leng, the University of Hong Kong
- Dr Simon Shen, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

(Business sector)
- Mr Guy Chambers, Damin International Holdings Ltd
- Ms Karen Chan, German Pool Group Co Ltd
- Ms Chow Yuen-mei, Sea Horse (HK) Ltd
- Mr Nicholas Kwan, Hong Kong Trade and Development Council
- Mr Martin Lee, Henderson Land Development Company Ltd
- Ms Pamela Mar, Fung Group

(Government official)
- Mr Raistlin Lau, Deputy Director-General of Trade and Industry (Vice Chair of HKCPEC)