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Tang CampbellAt the last Standing Committee Meeting held in Manila, Philippines on September 10th 2015, Ambassador Tang Guoqiang of the China Committee for PECC (CNCPEC) was elected the new Co-chair of PECC to serve for three years alongside Ambassador Don Campbell of Canada committee for PECC (CANCPEC) who was re-elected for another term of three years.

Amb. Tang Guoqiang has been Chair of CNCPEC starting May 2012. Amb. Tang served on many of China’s diplomatic posts, including Ambassador of PRC accredited to the Czech Republic and to Norway. He was also Head of the Chinese mission to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna. He also served as Deputy Commissioner at the Commissioner’s Office of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong. Amb. Tang is a native of Shanghai and has entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1974.

Mr. Jusuf Wanandi has stepped down as Co-chair after two terms.