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Pascal Lamy 2016Mr. Pascal Lamy has been appointed the new chair of FPTPEC in a letter from the French Prime Minister Mr. Manuel Valls, dated August 30, 2016.

Mr. Lamy was the Director General of World Trade Organization (WTO) during 2005-2013 and the European Commissioner for Trade during 1999-2004 under the European Commission President Mr. Romano Prodi. He is currently the President emeritus of the European Institute Jacques Delors in Paris as well as the Commissioner in charge of preparing the bid for Paris to host the 2025 World Expo.

Mr. Lamy began his career in the French civil service at the General Inspectorate of Finance and at the Treasury.  In 1981 he became advisor of the Minister of Economy and Finance, Jacques Delors, then Deputy Head of Prime Minister’s Pierre Mauroy cabinet in 1983. Between 1982 and 1994, Pascal Lamy was Head of the President of the European Commission’s Cabinet, Jacques Delors, and its sherpa at the G-7. He succeeds Mr. Michel Rocard, the former Prime Minister of France who served as chair of FPTPEC till July 2016.