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MANCPEC-MEETING2-2017The second Malaysia National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (MANCPEC) meeting on APEC Beyond 2020 was held on Friday, 15 September 2017, at Boardroom, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The meeting was attended by 10 MANCPEC members and chaired by Dato’ Steven CM Wong, Deputy Chief Executive, ISIS Malaysia.

The main purpose of the meeting was to deliberate the ongoing PECC Signature Project on APEC Beyond 2020 agenda. The meeting also briefed MANCPEC members on the latest updates regarding the APEC Beyond 2020 questionnaire. To this end, MANCPEC members kindly agreed to disseminate the questionnaire to their respective and relevant contacts. The meeting also discussed the need for better communication among MANCPEC members to ease coordination of MANCPEC and PECC initiatives.

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