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2019 USPECC Chair Richard CantorDr. Richard Cantor succeeds Ambassador Stapleton Roy as the chair of the USPECC committee. Dr. Cantor serves as the Chief Credit Officer for Moody’s Corporation and Moody’s Investors Service. In this role, Dr. Cantor manages the Credit Strategy and Standards Group, which is responsible for the credit rating agency’s global credit strategy and thematic research, the quality and consistency of its ratings across regions and sectors, and the procedures, methodologies, models, and tools used in the determination of ratings. Prior to joining Moody’s Corporation, Dr. Cantor held various positions at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. He was also an adjunct professor for business schools at New York University and Colombia University and taught Economics at UCLA and The Ohio State University.

In 2015, Dr. Cantor was appointed by the U.S. State Department to serve a three-year term in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council (ABAC), during which he chaired ABAC’s Financial and Economic Working Group.

The Secretariat of the US committee will be the National Center for APEC based in Seattle, the Executive Director of USPECC will be Mr Alex Parle.