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2020 HKCPEC Matthew Lee 1

Professor Matthew Lee has been reappointed as Chairman of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (HKCPEC) for a new term from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022. Professor Lee is Vice-President (Development and External Relations) and Chair Professor of Information Systems and E-Commerce at the City University of Hong Kong. He is a qualified Barrister-at-Law in Hong Kong and England & Wales, a Chartered Engineer (UK Engineering Council), and a professional member of the British Computer Society. Professor Lee is a leading researcher in technology-based innovation adoption and diffusion, knowledge management, electronic commerce, online social networks, and technology addiction.



The new membership list of HKCPEC for the term of 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2022 is as follows:


  • Professor Matthew Lee (Chairman), The City University of Hong Kong
  • Professor Chan Wai-sum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Professor Syaru Shirley Lin, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Professor Emily Nason, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

(Business sector)

  • Dr Buston Chu, Service Cybernetics Consulting Limited
  • Mr Geoffrey Kao, Wah Ming Hong Ltd
  • Mr Kelvin Lau, Standard Chartered Bank
  • Ms Edith Law, Laws Fashion Group
  • Mr Billy Wong, Hong Kong Trade Development Council

(Government officials)

  • Mr Francis Ho (Vice-Chairman), Trade and Industry Department
  • Dr Ruby Zhu, Office of the Government Economist