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2020 CNCPEC Connectivity Virtual Symposium PhotoOn 7th August 2020, China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (CNCPEC) held a virtual symposium on Promoting Connectivity in Asia Pacific towards a Future of Shared Prosperity and Sustainability. The symposium was envisioned to facilitate the development of a seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated Asia Pacific, and provide intellectual inputs and policy recommendations to the ongoing midterm review of (2015-2025), which was adopted by APEC economic leaders in Beijing in 2014.

Experts from the various PECC member committees and beyond, as well as the PECC International Secretariat attended the symposium.

Under the theme of “Promoting Connectivity in Asia Pacific Towards a Future of Shared Prosperity and Sustainability”, participants discussed and provided deep insights pertaining to the progress, the challenges, and the future direction of connectivity; primarily on Physical connectivity, Institutional connectivity and People-to-people connectivity.

Click here for the:

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Symposium Agenda