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Dr. Gerardo Traslosheros succeeds Ambassador Sergio Ley as the Chair of the Mexico National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. Dr. Traslosheros is also the Coordinator of the Global Governance Program at the UDLAP Jenkins Graduate School (UJGS) in Mexico City, and Member of the Mexican Council of Foreign Relations (COMEXI). He is also a newspaper columnist, an analyst on global affairs, and a professor on international economics. 

He has previously served as Ambassador of Mexico to New Zealand (2016-2018), the Consul General of Mexico in Sao Paulo (2011-2016), and Minister-Counsellor for the Ministry of the Economy at the Mexican Embassy to the OECD (2005-2007). He was the Coordinator of the OECD-Ministry of the Economy project for the Strengthening of Competitiveness in Mexico (2007-2009) and negotiations of the Mexico-Japan Economic Partnership-FTA Agreement (2003-2005). He was also a member of the Mexican NAFTA negotiating team.

He served as the APEC SOM Chair when Mexico hosted APEC in 2002. He has also been Director General at the Ministry of Trade and Industry (SECOFI and then the Ministry of the Economy) for Asia and Multilateral Trade Affairs (1995-2005). 

He has a Ph.D. Economics from Rutgers University, a Master’s in Economics at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics at Winthrop College and undergraduate studies in Economics at ITAM in Mexico City. 

He was a full-time professor and researcher at Tecnologico de Monterrey, México City Campus.